// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`Storyshots ListEditor regular 1`] = `
List Editor
Lorum Ipsum
Lorum Ipsum
Lorum Ipsum
Lorum Ipsum
`; exports[`Storyshots ListEditor two columns 1`] = `
List Editor
Lorum Ipsum
Lorum Ipsum
Lorum Ipsum
Lorum Ipsum
`; exports[`Storyshots ListEditor with add 1`] = `
List Editor
+ Add
Lorum Ipsum
Lorum Ipsum
Lorum Ipsum
Lorum Ipsum
`; exports[`Storyshots ListEditor with delete 1`] = `
List Editor
+ Add
Lorum Ipsum
Lorum Ipsum
Lorum Ipsum
Lorum Ipsum
`; exports[`Storyshots ListEditor with edit 1`] = `
List Editor
+ Add
Lorum Ipsum
Lorum Ipsum
Lorum Ipsum
Lorum Ipsum
`; exports[`Storyshots ListEditor with edit and delete 1`] = `
List Editor
+ Add
Lorum Ipsum
Lorum Ipsum
Lorum Ipsum
Lorum Ipsum
`; exports[`Storyshots SVGIcon icon 1`] = `
`; exports[`Storyshots SVGIcon icon with label 1`] = `
`; exports[`Storyshots SVGIcon locked clickable 1`] = `