/** * Copyright (c) 2019 Vodafone Group * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { Factory } from 'rosie'; export const VSPTestResultKeysFactory = new Factory().attrs({ testResultKeys: { requestId: "1", endPoints: ["vtp"] } }) export const VSPTestResultsFailureFactory = new Factory().attrs({ vspTestResults: [ { scenario: 'certification', description: 'Other Certifications', testCaseName: 'certification.certificationtests.certquery', testSuiteName: 'certificationtests', executionId: 'ebaa5f21-ed68-4098-97a9-775ac8800f09-1550575025614', parameters: { vspId: 'uuidval', vspVersion: 'ver', other: 'values' }, results: { UnknownObject: { someKeyanotherobject2: 'someValue', someKey1: 'someValue', someKey2: 'someValue', someKey3: 'someValue', someKey4: 'someValue', someKey5: 'someValue', someKey21: 'someValue11', someKey111: 'someValue11', someKey222: 'someValue' }, StringResult: 'String Value of Result', EmptyObject: {}, EmptyArray: [] }, status: 'COMPLETED', startTime: '2019-02-19T11:17:05.670', endTime: '2019-02-19T11:17:05.683' }, { scenario: 'compliance', testCaseName: 'compliance.compliancetests.sriov', description: 'Allow_SR-IOV', testSuiteName: 'compliancetests', executionId: 'ebaa5f21-ed68-4098-97a9-775ac8800f09-1550575025614', parameters: { vspId: 'uuidval', vspVersion: 'ver', other: 'values' }, results: { errors: [ { attribute: '', reason: 'Record Not Found', advice: 'User must query with (vspId, vspVersion) values for a certifications record that is present in the Repository', code: 40 }, { attribute: '', reason: 'Record Not Found', advice: 'User must query with (vspId, vspVersion) values for a certifications record that is present in the Repository', code: 40 } ] }, status: 'FAILED', startTime: '2019-02-19T11:17:05.670', endTime: '2019-02-19T11:17:05.683' }, { scenario: 'compliance', testCaseName: ' compliance.compliancetests.computeflavours', description: 'Allow SR-IOV ', testSuiteName: 'compliancetests', executionId: 'ebaa5f21-ed68-4098-97a9-775ac8800f09-1550575025614', parameters: { vspId: 'uuidval', vspVersion: 'ver', other: 'values' }, results: {}, status: 'COMPLETED', startTime: '2019-02-19T11:17:05.670', endTime: '2019-02-19T11:17:05.683' }, { code: '500', message: 'VTP Test(s) could not be completed', httpStatus: 500 } ] }); export const VSPTestResultsSuccessFactory = new Factory().attrs({ vspTestResults: [ { "scenario": "onap-dublin", "testCaseName": "vsp-package", "testSuiteName": "sdc.onboarding", "executionId": "onap-dublin", "parameters": { "vsp-id": "0cf7923588df4877989d8c01243e1e69", "host-password": "demo123456!", "vsp-version": "b19f1f74b5874127bb7778a84eadd99b", "host-url": "", "host-username": "cs0008" }, "results": [ {} ], "status": "completed", "startTime": "2019-09-24T08:35:09.000", "endTime": "2019-09-24T08:35:10.000" }, { "scenario": "onap-dublin", "testCaseName": "customer-create", "testSuiteName": "aai", "executionId": "onap-dublin", "parameters": { "host-password": "AAI", "subscriber-name": "ovp-uygCLjl9", "customer-name": "ovp-uygCLjl9", "host-url": "", "host-username": "AAI" }, "results": [ {} ], "status": "in-progress", "startTime": "2019-09-24T08:34:33.000", "endTime": "2019-09-24T08:34:33.000" }, { "scenario": "onap-dublin", "testCaseName": "vnf-tosca-provision", "testSuiteName": "vnf-validation", "executionId": "uygCLjl9-1569314036837", "parameters": { "mode": "validate", "vsp": "/tmp/data/vtp-tmp-files/1569313993969.csar", "vnfm-driver": "gvnfmdriver", "config-json": "/opt/oclip/conf/vnf-tosca-provision.json", "vnf-vendor-name": "VM", "ns-csar": "/tmp/data/vtp-tmp-files/1569314002901.csar", "onap-objects": "{}", "timeout": "600000", "vnf-name": "SWITCH", "vnf-csar": "/tmp/data/vtp-tmp-files/1569313997224.csar" }, "results": { "error": "1::0x6001::Command vnf-tosca-provision failed to execute, " }, "status": "failed", "startTime": "2019-09-24T08:33:56.000", "endTime": "2019-09-24T08:35:13.000" }, { "scenario": "onap-dublin", "testCaseName": "vlm-submit", "testSuiteName": "sdc.onboarding", "executionId": "onap-dublin", "parameters": { "vlm-version": "115d4d29994a41a38c2ed2bf75c93f5d", "vlm-id": "7fbb14e88d9e45c48021e96f35970419", "host-password": "demo123456!", "host-url": "", "host-username": "cs0008" }, "results": [ {} ], "status": "completed", "startTime": "2019-09-24T08:34:13.000", "endTime": "2019-09-24T08:34:13.000" }, { "scenario": "onap-dublin", "testCaseName": "vsp-validate", "testSuiteName": "sdc.onboarding", "executionId": "onap-dublin", "parameters": { "vsp-id": "0cf7923588df4877989d8c01243e1e69", "host-password": "demo123456!", "vsp-version": "b19f1f74b5874127bb7778a84eadd99b", "host-url": "", "host-username": "cs0008" }, "results": { "errors": {}, "status": "Success" }, "status": "completed", "startTime": "2019-09-24T08:34:58.000", "endTime": "2019-09-24T08:34:59.000" }, { "scenario": "onap-dublin", "testCaseName": "vlm-feature-group-create", "testSuiteName": "sdc.onboarding", "executionId": "onap-dublin", "parameters": { "vlm-entitle-pool-id": "fa33494286004b4ebec6703da43f92a5", "vlm-id": "7fbb14e88d9e45c48021e96f35970419", "vlm-version": "115d4d29994a41a38c2ed2bf75c93f5d", "part-number": "1000VM00", "host-password": "demo123456!", "vlm-key-group-id": "ea95efa4ccb149d49640166972a4e8f8", "name": "VM-uygCLjl9 Feature group", "host-url": "", "host-username": "cs0008" }, "results": { "id": "4dc4f39e28ea488b946aedb0f74c436a" }, "status": "completed", "startTime": "2019-09-24T08:34:08.000", "endTime": "2019-09-24T08:34:08.000" } , { "scenario": "onap-dublin", "testCaseName": "subscription-list", "testSuiteName": "aai", "executionId": "onap-dublin", "parameters": { "host-password": "AAI", "customer-name": "ovp-uygCLjl9", "host-url": "", "host-username": "AAI" }, "results": [ { "resource-version": "1569314083390", "service-type": "tosca_vnf_validation-uygCLjl9" } ], "status": "completed", "startTime": "2019-09-24T08:34:45.000", "endTime": "2019-09-24T08:34:46.000" } ] });