/** * Copyright (c) 2019 Vodafone Group * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import i18n from 'nfvo-utils/i18n/i18n.js'; import Button from 'sdc-ui/lib/react/Button.js'; import { Tab, Tabs } from 'sdc-ui/lib/react'; import { tabsMapping } from './SoftwareProductValidationConstants.js'; import VspValidationInputs from './inputs/VspValidationInputs.js'; import VspValidationSetup from './setup/VspValidationSetup.js'; class SoftwareProductValidation extends Component { static propTypes = { onErrorThrown: PropTypes.func, softwareProductValidation: PropTypes.object, onTestSubmit: PropTypes.func, setVspTestsMap: PropTypes.func, setActiveTab: PropTypes.func, setComplianceChecked: PropTypes.func, setCertificationChecked: PropTypes.func }; constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { complianceCheckList: null, certificationCheckList: null, flatTestsMap: {}, generalInfo: {}, activeTab: tabsMapping.SETUP, goToValidationInput: false }; } setMapAndGeneralData(element, testScenario) { let flatTestMap = this.state.flatTestsMap; let generalInputData = this.state.generalInfo; flatTestMap[element.testCaseName] = { title: element.description, parameters: element.inputs, endpoint: element.endpoint, testCaseName: element.testCaseName, testSuiteName: element.testSuiteName, scenario: testScenario }; generalInputData[element.testCaseName] = {}; element.inputs.forEach(key => { generalInputData[element.testCaseName][key.name] = { isValid: true, errorText: '' }; }); this.setState({ flatTestsMap: flatTestMap, generalInfo: generalInputData }); } buildChildElements(setItem, testScenario) { let parentElement = {}; parentElement.value = setItem.name; parentElement.label = setItem.description; parentElement.children = []; if (setItem.children !== undefined) { setItem.children.forEach(element => { let childElement = this.buildChildElements( element, testScenario ); if (childElement.children.length !== 0) { parentElement.children.push(childElement); } }); } if (setItem.tests !== undefined) { setItem.tests.forEach(element => { parentElement.children.push({ value: element.testCaseName, label: element.description }); this.setMapAndGeneralData(element, testScenario); }); } return parentElement; } buildCheckboxParentNode(parentNode, data) { parentNode.value = data.description; parentNode.label = 'All'; parentNode.children = []; let scenario = data.name; data.children.forEach(element => { let childElement = this.buildChildElements(element, scenario); if (childElement.children.length !== 0) { parentNode.children.push(childElement); } }); if (data.tests !== undefined) { data.tests.forEach(element => { parentNode.children.push({ value: element.testCaseName, label: element.description }); this.setMapAndGeneralData(element, scenario); }); } return parentNode; } prepareDataForCheckboxes(res) { let complianceData = {}; let certificationData = {}; let complianceList = []; let certificationList = []; let { setVspTestsMap } = this.props; if (Object.keys(res).length !== 0 && res.children) { res.children.forEach(element => { if (element.name === 'certification') { certificationData = element; } else if (element.name === 'compliance') { complianceData = element; } }); let complianceParentNode = {}; if ( Object.keys(complianceData).length !== 0 && complianceData.children !== undefined ) { complianceParentNode = this.buildCheckboxParentNode( complianceParentNode, complianceData ); if (complianceParentNode.children.length !== 0) { complianceList.push(complianceParentNode); } } let certificationParentNode = {}; if ( Object.keys(certificationData).length !== 0 && certificationData.children !== undefined ) { certificationParentNode = this.buildCheckboxParentNode( certificationParentNode, certificationData ); if (certificationParentNode.children.length !== 0) { certificationList.push(certificationParentNode); } } } this.setState({ certificationCheckList: certificationList, complianceCheckList: complianceList }); setVspTestsMap(this.state.flatTestsMap); } resetState() { this.setState({ complianceCheckList: [], certificationCheckList: [], flatTestsMap: {}, activeTab: tabsMapping.SETUP, goToValidationInput: false }); } componentWillMount() {} shouldComponentUpdate() { return true; } componentDidMount() { let { softwareProductValidation } = this.props; if (softwareProductValidation.vspChecks !== undefined) { this.prepareDataForCheckboxes(softwareProductValidation.vspChecks); } } componentWillUnmount() { this.resetState(); } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if ( nextProps.softwareProductValidation.vspChecks !== this.props.softwareProductValidation.vspChecks ) { let { softwareProductValidation, setActiveTab } = nextProps; if (softwareProductValidation.vspChecks !== undefined) { this.prepareDataForCheckboxes( softwareProductValidation.vspChecks ); } this.setState({ activeTab: tabsMapping.SETUP, goToValidationInput: false }); setActiveTab({ activeTab: tabsMapping.SETUP }); } } prepareDataForValidationInputsSection() { let { softwareProductId, version, onTestSubmit, onErrorThrown, setTestsRequest, setGeneralInfo } = this.props; return { softwareProductId, version, onTestSubmit, onErrorThrown, setTestsRequest, setGeneralInfo }; } prepareDataForCheckboxTreeSection() { let { softwareProductValidation, setComplianceChecked, setCertificationChecked } = this.props; let complianceCheckList = this.state.complianceCheckList; let certificationCheckList = this.state.certificationCheckList; return { softwareProductValidation, setComplianceChecked, setCertificationChecked, complianceCheckList, certificationCheckList }; } handleTabPress(key) { let { setActiveTab } = this.props; switch (key) { case tabsMapping.SETUP: this.setState({ activeTab: tabsMapping.SETUP }); setActiveTab({ activeTab: tabsMapping.SETUP }); return; case tabsMapping.INPUTS: default: setActiveTab({ activeTab: tabsMapping.INPUTS }); this.setState({ goToValidationInput: true, activeTab: tabsMapping.INPUTS }); return; } } fetchDefaultValue(value) { let { softwareProductId, version } = this.props; let versionName = parseFloat(version.name).toFixed(1), versionNumber = versionName > 1 ? (versionName - 1).toFixed(1) : versionName, versionUUID = version.id; value = value === '$vspid' ? softwareProductId : value === '$vspPreviousVersion' ? versionNumber : value; value = value === '$vspVersionUUID' ? versionUUID : value || ''; return value; } formTestsRequest(item, testsRequest) { let { vspTestsMap } = this.props.softwareProductValidation; testsRequest[item] = { parameters: {}, scenario: vspTestsMap[item]['scenario'], testCaseName: vspTestsMap[item]['testCaseName'], testSuiteName: vspTestsMap[item]['testSuiteName'], endpoint: vspTestsMap[item]['endpoint'] }; vspTestsMap[item].parameters.forEach(parameter => { testsRequest[item].parameters[ parameter.name ] = this.fetchDefaultValue(parameter.defaultValue); }); return testsRequest; } onGoToInputs() { let { setActiveTab, softwareProductValidation, setTestsRequest } = this.props; setActiveTab({ activeTab: tabsMapping.INPUTS }); let testsRequest = {}; if (softwareProductValidation.complianceChecked) { softwareProductValidation.complianceChecked.forEach(item => { testsRequest = this.formTestsRequest(item, testsRequest); }); } if (softwareProductValidation.certificationChecked) { softwareProductValidation.certificationChecked.forEach(item => { testsRequest = this.formTestsRequest(item, testsRequest); }); } setTestsRequest(testsRequest, this.state.generalInfo); this.setState({ goToValidationInput: true, activeTab: tabsMapping.INPUTS }); } onGoToSetup() { let { setActiveTab } = this.props; setActiveTab({ activeTab: tabsMapping.SETUP }); this.setState({ goToValidationInput: false, activeTab: tabsMapping.SETUP }); } render() { let { softwareProductValidation } = this.props; let isNextDisabled = (softwareProductValidation.certificationChecked === undefined || softwareProductValidation.certificationChecked.length === 0) && (softwareProductValidation.complianceChecked === undefined || softwareProductValidation.complianceChecked.length === 0); return (