/*! * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ import {connect} from 'react-redux'; import i18n from 'nfvo-utils/i18n/i18n.js'; import VersionControllerUtils from 'nfvo-components/panel/versionController/VersionControllerUtils.js'; import OnboardingActionHelper from 'sdc-app/onboarding/OnboardingActionHelper.js'; import SoftwareProductActionHelper from 'sdc-app/onboarding/softwareProduct/SoftwareProductActionHelper.js'; import LandingPageView from './SoftwareProductLandingPageView.jsx'; import {actionTypes as modalActionTypes} from 'nfvo-components/modal/GlobalModalConstants.js'; export const mapStateToProps = ({softwareProduct, licenseModel: {licenseAgreement}}) => { let {softwareProductEditor: {data:currentSoftwareProduct = {}}, softwareProductComponents, softwareProductCategories = []} = softwareProduct; let {licensingData = {}} = currentSoftwareProduct; let {licenseAgreementList} = licenseAgreement; let {componentsList} = softwareProductComponents; let licenseAgreementName = licenseAgreementList.find(la => la.id === licensingData.licenseAgreement); if (licenseAgreementName) { licenseAgreementName = licenseAgreementName.name; } else if (licenseAgreementList.length === 0) { // otherwise the state of traingle svgicon will be updated post unmounting licenseAgreementName = null; } let categoryName = '', subCategoryName = '', fullCategoryDisplayName = ''; const category = softwareProductCategories.find(ca => ca.uniqueId === currentSoftwareProduct.category); if (category) { categoryName = category.name; const subcategories = category.subcategories || []; const subcat = subcategories.find(sc => sc.uniqueId === currentSoftwareProduct.subCategory); subCategoryName = subcat && subcat.name ? subcat.name : ''; } fullCategoryDisplayName = `${subCategoryName} (${categoryName})`; const isReadOnlyMode = VersionControllerUtils.isReadOnly(currentSoftwareProduct); return { currentSoftwareProduct: { ...currentSoftwareProduct, licenseAgreementName, fullCategoryDisplayName }, isReadOnlyMode, componentsList }; }; const mapActionsToProps = (dispatch, {version}) => { return { onDetailsSelect: ({id: softwareProductId, vendorId: licenseModelId, version}) => OnboardingActionHelper.navigateToSoftwareProductDetails(dispatch, { softwareProductId, licenseModelId, version }), onAttachmentsSelect: ({id: softwareProductId}) => OnboardingActionHelper.navigateToSoftwareProductAttachments(dispatch, {softwareProductId, version}), onUpload: (softwareProductId, formData) => SoftwareProductActionHelper.uploadFile(dispatch, { softwareProductId, formData, failedNotificationTitle: i18n('Upload validation failed'), version }), onUploadConfirmation: (softwareProductId, formData) => dispatch({ type: modalActionTypes.GLOBAL_MODAL_WARNING, data:{ msg: i18n('Upload will erase existing data. Do you want to continue?'), confirmationButtonText: i18n('Continue'), title: i18n('Warning'), onConfirmed: ()=>SoftwareProductActionHelper.uploadFile(dispatch, { softwareProductId, formData, failedNotificationTitle: i18n('Upload validation failed'), version }), onDeclined: () => dispatch({ type: modalActionTypes.GLOBAL_MODAL_CLOSE }) } }), onInvalidFileSizeUpload: () => dispatch({ type: modalActionTypes.GLOBAL_MODAL_ERROR, data: { title: i18n('Upload Failed'), confirmationButtonText: i18n('Continue'), msg: i18n('no zip file was uploaded or zip file doesn\'t exist') } }), onComponentSelect: ({id: softwareProductId, componentId}) => { OnboardingActionHelper.navigateToSoftwareProductComponentGeneralAndUpdateLeftPanel(dispatch, {softwareProductId, componentId, version }); }, /** for the next version */ onAddComponent: () => SoftwareProductActionHelper.addComponent(dispatch) }; }; export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapActionsToProps, null, {withRef: true})(LandingPageView);