/* * Copyright © 2016-2018 European Support Limited * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import RestAPIUtil from 'nfvo-utils/RestAPIUtil.js'; import i18n from 'nfvo-utils/i18n/i18n.js'; import ValidationHelper from 'sdc-app/common/helpers/ValidationHelper.js'; import Configuration from 'sdc-app/config/Configuration.js'; import { modalContentMapper } from 'sdc-app/common/modal/ModalContentMapper.js'; import { actionTypes as modalActionTypes } from 'nfvo-components/modal/GlobalModalConstants.js'; import { IMAGE_QUESTIONNAIRE } from './SoftwareProductComponentsImageConstants.js'; import { actionTypes } from './SoftwareProductComponentsImageConstants.js'; function baseUrl(softwareProductId, version, componentId) { const versionId = version.id; const restPrefix = Configuration.get('restPrefix'); return `${restPrefix}/v1.0/vendor-software-products/${softwareProductId}/versions/${versionId}/components/${componentId}/images`; } function fetchImagesList({ softwareProductId, componentId, version }) { return RestAPIUtil.fetch( `${baseUrl(softwareProductId, version, componentId)}` ); } function fetchImage({ softwareProductId, componentId, imageId, version }) { return RestAPIUtil.fetch( `${baseUrl(softwareProductId, version, componentId)}/${imageId}` ); } function destroyImage({ softwareProductId, componentId, version, imageId }) { return RestAPIUtil.destroy( `${baseUrl(softwareProductId, version, componentId)}/${imageId}` ); } function createImage({ softwareProductId, componentId, version, data }) { return RestAPIUtil.post(baseUrl(softwareProductId, version, componentId), { fileName: data.fileName }); } function fetchImageQuestionnaire({ softwareProductId, componentId, imageId, version }) { return RestAPIUtil.fetch( `${baseUrl( softwareProductId, version, componentId )}/${imageId}/questionnaire` ); } function saveImage({ softwareProductId, version, componentId, image: { id, fileName } }) { return RestAPIUtil.put( `${baseUrl(softwareProductId, version, componentId)}/${id}`, { fileName } ); } function saveImageQuestionnaire({ softwareProductId, componentId, version, imageId, qdata }) { return RestAPIUtil.put( `${baseUrl( softwareProductId, version, componentId )}/${imageId}/questionnaire`, qdata ); } const SoftwareProductComponentImagesActionHelper = { fetchImagesList(dispatch, { softwareProductId, componentId, version }) { dispatch({ type: actionTypes.IMAGES_LIST_UPDATE, response: [] }); return fetchImagesList({ softwareProductId, componentId, version }).then(response => { dispatch({ type: actionTypes.IMAGES_LIST_UPDATE, response: response.results, componentId: componentId }); }); }, deleteImage( dispatch, { softwareProductId, componentId, version, imageId } ) { return destroyImage({ softwareProductId, componentId, version, imageId }).then(() => { return SoftwareProductComponentImagesActionHelper.fetchImagesList( dispatch, { softwareProductId, componentId, version } ); }); }, loadImageData({ softwareProductId, componentId, imageId, version }) { return fetchImage({ softwareProductId, componentId, imageId, version }); }, openEditImageEditor( dispatch, { image, softwareProductId, componentId, version, isReadOnlyMode } ) { return SoftwareProductComponentImagesActionHelper.loadImageData({ softwareProductId, componentId, imageId: image.id, version }).then(({ data }) => { SoftwareProductComponentImagesActionHelper.loadImageQuestionnaire( dispatch, { softwareProductId, componentId, imageId: image.id, version } ).then(() => { SoftwareProductComponentImagesActionHelper.openImageEditor( dispatch, { softwareProductId, componentId, version, isReadOnlyMode, image, data } ); }); }); }, openImageEditor( dispatch, { image = {}, data = {}, softwareProductId, componentId, version, isReadOnlyMode } ) { let { id } = image; let title = id ? i18n('Edit Image') : i18n('Create New Image'); let className = id ? 'image-modal-edit' : 'image-modal-new'; dispatch({ type: actionTypes.ImageEditor.OPEN, image: { ...data, id } }); dispatch({ type: modalActionTypes.GLOBAL_MODAL_SHOW, data: { modalComponentName: modalContentMapper.SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_COMPONENT_IMAGE_EDITOR, title: title, bodyClassName: className, modalComponentProps: { softwareProductId, componentId, version, isReadOnlyMode } } }); }, closeImageEditor(dispatch) { dispatch({ type: modalActionTypes.GLOBAL_MODAL_CLOSE }); dispatch({ type: actionTypes.ImageEditor.CLOSE }); }, loadImageQuestionnaire( dispatch, { softwareProductId, componentId, imageId, version } ) { return fetchImageQuestionnaire({ softwareProductId, componentId, imageId, version }).then(response => { ValidationHelper.qDataLoaded(dispatch, { qName: IMAGE_QUESTIONNAIRE, response: { qdata: response.data ? JSON.parse(response.data) : {}, qschema: JSON.parse(response.schema) } }); }); }, saveImageDataAndQuestionnaire( dispatch, { softwareProductId, componentId, version, data, qdata } ) { SoftwareProductComponentImagesActionHelper.closeImageEditor(dispatch); if (data !== null && data.id) { // editor in edit mode return Promise.all([ saveImageQuestionnaire({ softwareProductId, version, componentId, imageId: data.id, qdata }), saveImage({ softwareProductId, version, componentId, image: data }).then(() => { return SoftwareProductComponentImagesActionHelper.fetchImagesList( dispatch, { softwareProductId, componentId, version } ); }) ]); } else { // editor in create mode createImage({ softwareProductId, componentId, version, data }).then( () => { return SoftwareProductComponentImagesActionHelper.fetchImagesList( dispatch, { softwareProductId, componentId, version } ); } ); } } }; export default SoftwareProductComponentImagesActionHelper;