/*! * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ import React, { Component } from 'react'; import Button from 'sdc-ui/lib/react/Button.js'; import Tooltip from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Tooltip.js'; import OverlayTrigger from 'react-bootstrap/lib/OverlayTrigger.js'; import FormControl from 'react-bootstrap/lib/FormControl.js'; import i18n from 'nfvo-utils/i18n/i18n.js'; import SelectInput from 'nfvo-components/input/SelectInput.jsx'; import SVGIcon from 'sdc-ui/lib/react/SVGIcon.js'; import { fileTypes } from './HeatSetupConstants.js'; import { tabsMapping } from '../SoftwareProductAttachmentsConstants.js'; import { sortable } from 'react-sortable'; class ListItem extends Component { render() { return
  • {this.props.children}
  • ; } } const SortableListItem = sortable(ListItem); class SortableModuleFileList extends Component { state = { draggingIndex: null, data: this.props.modules }; componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { this.setState({ data: nextProps.modules }); } render() { let { unassigned, onModuleRename, onModuleDelete, onModuleAdd, onBaseAdd, onModuleFileTypeChange, isBaseExist, isReadOnlyMode } = this.props; const childProps = module => ({ module, onModuleRename, onModuleDelete, onModuleFileTypeChange: (value, type) => onModuleFileTypeChange({ module, value, type }), files: unassigned }); let listItems = this.state.data.map(function(item, i) { return ( this.setState(data)} items={this.state.data} draggingIndex={this.state.draggingIndex} sortId={i} outline="list"> ); }, this); return (
    0 ? 'modules-list-wrapper-divider' : '' }`}>
    {!isBaseExist && (
    {listItems.length > 0 && }
    ); } } const tooltip = name => {name}; const UnassignedFileList = props => { return (
    {i18n('UNASSIGNED FILES')}
    ); }; const EmptyListContent = props => { let { heatDataExist } = props; let displayText = heatDataExist ? 'All Files Are Assigned' : ''; return (
    ); }; const UnassignedFile = props => (
  • {props.name}
  • ); const AddOrDeleteVolumeFiles = ({ add = true, onAdd, onDelete, isReadOnlyMode }) => { const displayText = add ? 'Add Volume Files' : 'Delete Volume Files'; const action = add ? onAdd : onDelete; return ( ); }; const SelectWithFileType = ({ type, selected, files, onChange }) => { let filteredFiledAccordingToType = files.filter( file => file.label.search(type.regex) > -1 ); if (selected) { filteredFiledAccordingToType = filteredFiledAccordingToType.concat({ label: selected, value: selected }); } return ( value !== selected && onChange(value, type.label) } disabled={filteredFiledAccordingToType.length === 0} placeholder={ filteredFiledAccordingToType.length === 0 ? '' : undefined } clearable={true} options={filteredFiledAccordingToType} /> ); }; class NameEditInput extends Component { componentDidMount() { this.input.focus(); } render() { return ( (this.input = input)} /> ); } } class ModuleFile extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { isInNameEdit: false, displayVolumes: Boolean(props.module.vol || props.module.volEnv) }; } handleSubmit(event, name) { if (event.keyCode === 13) { this.handleModuleRename(event, name); } } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { this.setState({ displayVolumes: Boolean( nextProps.module.vol || nextProps.module.volEnv ) }); } handleModuleRename(event, name) { this.setState({ isInNameEdit: false }); this.props.onModuleRename(name, event.target.value); } deleteVolumeFiles() { const { onModuleFileTypeChange } = this.props; onModuleFileTypeChange(null, fileTypes.VOL.label); onModuleFileTypeChange(null, fileTypes.VOL_ENV.label); this.setState({ displayVolumes: false }); } renderNameAccordingToEditState() { const { module: { name } } = this.props; if (this.state.isInNameEdit) { return ( this.handleModuleRename(evt, name)} onKeyDown={evt => this.handleSubmit(evt, name)} /> ); } return {name}; } render() { const { module: { name, isBase, yaml, env, vol, volEnv }, onModuleDelete, files, onModuleFileTypeChange, isReadOnlyMode } = this.props; const { displayVolumes } = this.state; const moduleType = isBase ? 'BASE' : 'MODULE'; return (
    {`${moduleType}: `}
    {this.renderNameAccordingToEditState()} {!this.state.isInNameEdit && ( this.setState({ isInNameEdit: true }) } data-test-id={ isBase ? 'base-name' : 'module-name' } /> )}
    onModuleDelete(name)} data-test-id="module-delete" />
    {displayVolumes && ( )} {displayVolumes && ( )} this.setState({ displayVolumes: true })} onDelete={() => this.deleteVolumeFiles()} add={!displayVolumes} />
    ); } } class ArtifactOrNestedFileList extends Component { render() { let { type, title, selected, options, onSelectChanged, onAddAllUnassigned, isReadOnlyMode, headerClassName } = this.props; return (
    {type === 'artifact' && ( )} {`${title}`} {type === 'artifact' && ( )}
    {type === 'nested' ? (
      {selected.map(nested => (
    • {nested}
    • ))}
    ) : ( {})} value={selected} clearable={false} placeholder={i18n('Add Artifact')} multi /> )}
    ); } } const buildLabelValueObject = str => typeof str === 'string' ? { value: str, label: str } : str; class SoftwareProductHeatSetupView extends Component { processAndValidateHeat(heatData, heatDataCache) { let { onProcessAndValidate, changeAttachmentsTab, version } = this.props; onProcessAndValidate({ heatData, heatDataCache, version }).then(() => changeAttachmentsTab(tabsMapping.VALIDATION) ); } render() { let { modules, isReadOnlyMode, heatDataExist, unassigned, artifacts, nested, onArtifactListChange, onAddAllUnassigned } = this.props; const formattedUnassigned = unassigned.map(buildLabelValueObject); const formattedArtifacts = artifacts.map(buildLabelValueObject); return (
    0 ? 'with-list-items' : '' } onAddAllUnassigned={onAddAllUnassigned} />
    {formattedUnassigned.length > 0 ? (
      {formattedUnassigned.map(file => ( ))}
    ) : ( )}
    ); } } export default SoftwareProductHeatSetupView;