/*! * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ import {connect} from 'react-redux'; import LicenseModelActionHelper from 'sdc-app/onboarding/licenseModel/LicenseModelActionHelper.js'; import VersionControllerUtils from 'nfvo-components/panel/versionController/VersionControllerUtils.js'; import LicenseModelOverviewView from './LicenseModelOverviewView.jsx'; import {overviewEditorHeaders, selectedButton} from './LicenseModelOverviewConstants.js'; import licenseModelOverviewActionHelper from './licenseModelOverviewActionHelper.js'; export const mapStateToProps = ({licenseModel: {licenseModelEditor, entitlementPool, licenseAgreement, featureGroup, licenseKeyGroup, licenseModelOverview}}) => { let modalHeader, licensingDataList; let isDisplayModal = false; const reduceLicenseKeyGroups = (accum, licenseKeyGroupId) => { let curLicenseKeyGroup = licenseKeyGroup.licenseKeyGroupsList.find(item => {return item.id === licenseKeyGroupId;}); if (curLicenseKeyGroup) { accum.push({ ...curLicenseKeyGroup, itemType: overviewEditorHeaders.LICENSE_KEY_GROUP }); } return accum; }; const reduceEntitlementPools = (accum, entitlementPoolId) => { let curEntitlementPool = entitlementPool.entitlementPoolsList.find(item => {return item.id === entitlementPoolId;}); if (curEntitlementPool) { accum.push ({ ...curEntitlementPool, itemType: overviewEditorHeaders.ENTITLEMENT_POOL }); } return accum; }; const reduceFeatureGroups = (accum, featureGroupId) => { let curFeatureGroup = featureGroup.featureGroupsList.find(item => {return item.id === featureGroupId;}); if (curFeatureGroup) { let {entitlementPoolsIds = [], licenseKeyGroupsIds = []} = curFeatureGroup; accum.push({ ...curFeatureGroup, itemType: overviewEditorHeaders.FEATURE_GROUP, children: [ ...entitlementPoolsIds.length ? entitlementPoolsIds.reduce(reduceEntitlementPools, []) : [], ...licenseKeyGroupsIds.length ? licenseKeyGroupsIds.reduce(reduceLicenseKeyGroups, []) : [] ] }); } return accum; }; const checkEP = (accum, elem) => { if (!elem.referencingFeatureGroups || !elem.referencingFeatureGroups.length) { accum.push({ ...elem, itemType: overviewEditorHeaders.ENTITLEMENT_POOL }); } return accum; }; const checkLG = (accum, elem) => { if (!elem.referencingFeatureGroups || !elem.referencingFeatureGroups.length) { accum.push({ ...elem, itemType: overviewEditorHeaders.LICENSE_KEY_GROUP }); } return accum; }; const checkFG = (accum, elem) => { if (!elem.referencingLicenseAgreements || !elem.referencingLicenseAgreements.length) { let {entitlementPoolsIds = [], licenseKeyGroupsIds = []} = elem; accum.push({ ...elem, itemType: overviewEditorHeaders.FEATURE_GROUP, children: [ ...entitlementPoolsIds.length ? entitlementPoolsIds.reduce(reduceEntitlementPools, []) : [], ...licenseKeyGroupsIds.length ? licenseKeyGroupsIds.reduce(reduceLicenseKeyGroups, []) : [] ] }); } return accum; }; const mapLicenseAgreementData = licenseAgreement => { let {featureGroupsIds = []} = licenseAgreement; return { ...licenseAgreement, itemType: overviewEditorHeaders.LICENSE_AGREEMENT, children: featureGroupsIds.length ? featureGroupsIds.reduce(reduceFeatureGroups, []) : [] }; }; if (entitlementPool.entitlementPoolEditor && entitlementPool.entitlementPoolEditor.data) { modalHeader = overviewEditorHeaders.ENTITLEMENT_POOL; isDisplayModal = true; }else if (licenseAgreement.licenseAgreementEditor && licenseAgreement.licenseAgreementEditor.data) { modalHeader = overviewEditorHeaders.LICENSE_AGREEMENT; isDisplayModal = true; }else if (featureGroup.featureGroupEditor && featureGroup.featureGroupEditor.data) { modalHeader = overviewEditorHeaders.FEATURE_GROUP; isDisplayModal = true; }else if (licenseKeyGroup.licenseKeyGroupsEditor && licenseKeyGroup.licenseKeyGroupsEditor.data) { modalHeader = overviewEditorHeaders.LICENSE_KEY_GROUP; isDisplayModal = true; } let orphanDataList = [ ...featureGroup.featureGroupsList.reduce(checkFG, []), ...entitlementPool.entitlementPoolsList.reduce(checkEP, []), ...licenseKeyGroup.licenseKeyGroupsList.reduce(checkLG, []) ]; licensingDataList = licenseAgreement.licenseAgreementList && licenseAgreement.licenseAgreementList.length ? licenseAgreement.licenseAgreementList.map(mapLicenseAgreementData) : []; let selectedTab = licenseModelOverview.selectedTab; // on first entry, we will decide what tab to open depending on data. if there are no connections, we will open the orphans if (selectedTab === null) { selectedTab = (licensingDataList.length) ? selectedButton.VLM_LIST_VIEW : selectedButton.NOT_IN_USE; } return { isReadOnlyMode: VersionControllerUtils.isReadOnly(licenseModelEditor.data), isDisplayModal, modalHeader, licenseModelId: licenseModelEditor.data.id, version: licenseModelEditor.data.version, licensingDataList, orphanDataList, selectedTab }; }; const mapActionsToProps = (dispatch, {licenseModelId}) => { return { onCallVCAction: action => { LicenseModelActionHelper.performVCAction(dispatch, {licenseModelId, action}); }, onTabSelect: (buttonTab) => licenseModelOverviewActionHelper.selectVLMListView(dispatch,{buttonTab}) }; }; export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapActionsToProps)(LicenseModelOverviewView);