/*! * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ import { actionTypes, enums } from './OnboardingConstants.js'; import { actionTypes as permissionActionTypes } from './permissions/PermissionsConstants.js'; import { actionTypes as licenseModelCreateActionTypes } from './licenseModel/creation/LicenseModelCreationConstants.js'; import { actionTypes as softwareProductCreateActionTypes } from './softwareProduct/creation/SoftwareProductCreationConstants.js'; import { actionTypes as versionCreateActionTypes } from './versionsPage/creation/VersionsPageCreationConstants.js'; import { SyncStates } from 'sdc-app/common/merge/MergeEditorConstants.js'; import { catalogItemStatuses } from './onboard/onboardingCatalog/OnboardingCatalogConstants.js'; import Configuration from 'sdc-app/config/Configuration.js'; const checkReadOnly = ({ isCollaborator = true, inMerge = false, isCertified = false, isArchived = false }) => !isCollaborator || inMerge || isCertified || isArchived; const currentScreen = ( state = { forceBreadCrumbsUpdate: false, screen: enums.SCREEN.ONBOARDING_CATALOG, itemPermission: {}, props: {} }, action ) => { switch (action.type) { case actionTypes.SET_CURRENT_SCREEN: { let itemPermission = { ...state.itemPermission }; let { currentScreen } = action; itemPermission.isArchived = currentScreen.props.status === catalogItemStatuses.ARCHIVED; if (currentScreen.props.version) { let { status } = currentScreen.props.version; itemPermission.isCertified = itemPermission.isCertified && status === catalogItemStatuses.CERTIFIED; } let isReadOnlyMode = checkReadOnly(itemPermission); let props = { ...currentScreen.props, isReadOnlyMode }; return { ...state, ...currentScreen, itemPermission, props }; } case actionTypes.UPDATE_CURRENT_SCREEN_PROPS: return { ...state, props: { ...state.props, ...action.props, isReadOnlyMode: checkReadOnly(state.itemPermission) } }; case actionTypes.SET_CURRENT_SCREEN_VERSION: return { ...state, props: { ...state.props, version: action.version, isReadOnlyMode: checkReadOnly({ ...state.itemPermission, itemStatus: state.props.status }) } }; case licenseModelCreateActionTypes.LICENSE_MODEL_CREATED: case softwareProductCreateActionTypes.SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_CREATED: case versionCreateActionTypes.VERSION_CREATED: return { ...state, itemPermission: { isCollaborator: true, inMerge: false, isCertified: false }, props: { ...state.props, isReadOnlyMode: false } }; case permissionActionTypes.ITEM_USERS_LOADED: { let userId = Configuration.get('UserID'); let isCollaborator = false; if (userId === action.owner.userId) { isCollaborator = true; } else { isCollaborator = action.contributors.reduce( (foundUser, contributor) => foundUser || contributor.userId === userId, false ); } let itemPermission = { ...state.itemPermission, isCollaborator }; let isReadOnlyMode = checkReadOnly(itemPermission); let props = { ...state.props, isReadOnlyMode }; return { ...state, itemPermission, props }; } case actionTypes.UPDATE_ITEM_STATUS: { const { itemState: { synchronizationState, dirty }, itemStatus, updatedVersion, archivedStatus } = action; const inMerge = synchronizationState === SyncStates.MERGE; const isOutOfSync = synchronizationState === SyncStates.OUT_OF_SYNC; const isUpToDate = synchronizationState === SyncStates.UP_TO_DATE; const isCertified = itemStatus === catalogItemStatuses.CERTIFIED; const isArchived = archivedStatus === catalogItemStatuses.ARCHIVED; const itemPermission = { ...state.itemPermission, inMerge, isDirty: dirty, isOutOfSync, isUpToDate, isCertified, isArchived }; const isReadOnlyMode = checkReadOnly(itemPermission); const props = { ...state.props, isReadOnlyMode, version: { ...state.props.version, ...updatedVersion } }; return { ...state, itemPermission, props }; } default: return state; } }; export default currentScreen;