/*! * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ import React from 'react'; import i18n from 'nfvo-utils/i18n/i18n.js'; import union from 'lodash/union.js'; import Button from 'sdc-ui/lib/react/Button.js'; // import Checkbox from 'sdc-ui/lib/react/Checkbox.js'; import Input from 'nfvo-components/input/validation/Input.jsx'; import GridSection from 'nfvo-components/grid/GridSection.jsx'; import GridItem from 'nfvo-components/grid/GridItem.jsx'; import SVGIcon from 'sdc-ui/lib/react/SVGIcon.js'; import Radio from 'sdc-ui/lib/react/Radio.js'; import equal from 'deep-equal'; import {ResolutionTypes} from './MergeEditorConstants.js'; class ConflictCategory extends React.Component { state = { resolution: ResolutionTypes.YOURS }; getTitle(conflictType, conflictName) { if (typeof conflictName === 'undefined' || conflictType === conflictName) { return i18n(conflictType); } else { return `${i18n(conflictType)}: ${conflictName}`; } } render() { let {collapseExpand, conflict: {id: conflictId, type, name}, isCollapsed, item: {id: itemId, version}, onResolveConflict} = this.props; let {resolution} = this.state; const iconClass = isCollapsed ? 'merge-chevron' : 'merge-chevron right'; return ( <div key={'conflictCategory_' + conflictId} > <GridSection className='conflict-section'> <GridItem > <div className='collapsible-section' onClick={collapseExpand}> <SVGIcon name={isCollapsed ? 'chevronDown' : 'chevronUp'} iconClassName={iconClass} /> <div className='conflict-title'>{this.getTitle(type, name)}</div> </div> </GridItem> <GridItem className='yours'> <Radio name={'radio_' + conflictId} checked={resolution === ResolutionTypes.YOURS} value='yours' onChange={() => this.setState({resolution: ResolutionTypes.YOURS})} data-test-id={'radio_' + conflictId + '_yours'} /> </GridItem> <GridItem className='theirs'> <Radio name={'radio_' + conflictId} checked={resolution === ResolutionTypes.THEIRS} value='theirs' onChange={() => this.setState({resolution: ResolutionTypes.THEIRS})} data-test-id={'radio_' + conflictId + '_theirs'} /></GridItem> <GridItem className='resolve'> <Button className='conflict-resolve-btn' btnType='outline' color='gray' onClick={() => onResolveConflict({conflictId, resolution, itemId, version})}> {i18n('Resolve')} </Button> </GridItem> </GridSection> <div> {isCollapsed && this.props.children} </div> </div> ); } }; class TextCompare extends React.Component { render() { // let rand = Math.random() * (3000 - 1) + 1; let {yours, theirs, field, type, isObjName, conflictsOnly} = this.props; let typeYours = typeof yours; let typeTheirs = typeof theirs; let parsedType = `${type}/${field}`.replace(/\/[0-9]+/g,'/index'); let level = type.split('/').length; if (typeYours === 'boolean' || typeTheirs === 'boolean') { yours = yours ? i18n('Yes') : i18n('No'); theirs = theirs ? i18n('Yes') : i18n('No'); } /*if ((typeYours !== 'string' && typeYours !== 'undefined') || (typeTheirs !== 'string' && typeTheirs !== 'undefined')) { return (<div className='merge-editor-text-field field-error'>{field} cannot be parsed for display</div>); }*/ let isDiff = yours !== theirs; if (!isObjName && ((!isDiff && conflictsOnly) || (yours === '' && theirs === '') || (typeYours === 'undefined' && typeTheirs === 'undefined') ) ) { return null; } return ( <GridSection className={isDiff ? 'merge-editor-text-field diff' : 'merge-editor-text-field'}> <GridItem className='field-col grid-col-title' stretch> <div className={`field ${isDiff ? 'diff' : ''} field-name level-${level} ${isObjName ? 'field-object-name' : ''}`}> {i18n(parsedType)} </div> </GridItem> <GridItem className='field-col grid-col-yours' stretch> <div className={`field field-yours ${!yours ? 'empty-field' : ''}`} >{yours || (isObjName ? '' : '━━')}</div> </GridItem> <GridItem className='field-col grid-col-theirs' stretch> <div className={`field field-theirs ${!theirs ? 'empty-field' : ''}`}>{theirs || (isObjName ? '' : '━━')}</div> </GridItem> <GridItem stretch/> </GridSection> ); } }; class MergeEditorView extends React.Component { state = { collapsingSections: {}, conflictsOnly: false }; render() { let {conflicts, item, conflictFiles, onResolveConflict, currentScreen, resolution} = this.props; return ( <div className='merge-editor'> {conflictFiles && this.renderConflictTableTitles()} <div className='merge-editor-body'> {conflictFiles && conflictFiles.sort((a, b) => a.type > b.type).map(file => ( <ConflictCategory key={'conflict_' + file.id} conflict={file} item={item} isCollapsed={this.state.collapsingSections[file.id]} collapseExpand={()=>{this.updateCollapseState(file.id);}} onResolveConflict={cDetails => onResolveConflict({...cDetails, currentScreen})}> {(conflicts && conflicts[file.id]) && this.getUnion(conflicts[file.id].yours, conflicts[file.id].theirs).map(field => { return this.renderField(field, file, conflicts[file.id].yours[field], conflicts[file.id].theirs[field], resolution); })} </ConflictCategory>))} </div> </div>); } renderConflictTableTitles() { return (<GridSection className='conflict-titles-section'> <GridItem> {i18n('Page')} </GridItem> <GridItem className='yours'> {i18n('Local (Me)')} </GridItem> <GridItem className='theirs'> {i18n('Last Committed')} </GridItem> <GridItem className='resolve'> <Input label={i18n('Show Conflicts Only')} type='checkbox' value={this.state.conflictsOnly} onChange={e => this.setState({conflictsOnly: e}) } /> </GridItem> </GridSection>); } // <Checkbox // label={i18n('Show Conflicts Only')} // value={this.state.conflictsOnly} // checked={this.state.conflictsOnly} // onChange={checked => this.setState({conflictsOnly: checked})} /> renderObjects(yours, theirs, fileType, field, id, resolution) { if (equal(yours, theirs)) { return; } let {conflictsOnly} = this.state; return ( <div key={`obj_${fileType}/${field}_${id}`}> <TextCompare field={field} type={fileType} conflictsOnly={conflictsOnly} yours='' theirs='' isObjName resolution={resolution} /> <div className='field-objects'> <div> {this.getUnion(yours, theirs).map(key => this.renderField( key, {type: `${fileType}/${field}`, id}, yours && yours[key], theirs && theirs[key] ) )} </div> </div> </div> ); } renderList(yours = [], theirs = [], type, field, id, resolution) { let theirsList = theirs.join(', '); let yoursList = yours.join(', '); let {conflictsOnly} = this.state; return (<TextCompare key={'text_' + id + '_' + field} field={field} type={type} yours={yoursList} theirs={theirsList} conflictsOnly={conflictsOnly} resolution={resolution} />); } renderField(field, file, yours, theirs, resolution) { if (yours) { if (Array.isArray(yours)) { return this.renderList(yours, theirs, file.type, field, file.id, resolution); } else if (typeof yours === 'object') { return this.renderObjects(yours, theirs, file.type, field, file.id, resolution); } } else if (theirs) { if (Array.isArray(theirs)) { return this.renderList(yours, theirs, file.type, field, file.id, resolution); } else if (typeof theirs === 'object') { return this.renderObjects(yours, theirs, file.type, field, file.id, resolution); } } let {conflictsOnly} = this.state; return (<TextCompare key={'text_' + file.id + '_' + field} resolution={resolution} field={field} type={file.type} yours={yours} theirs={theirs} conflictsOnly={conflictsOnly} />); } getUnion(yours = {},theirs = {}) { let yoursKeys = Object.keys(yours); let theirsKeys = Object.keys(theirs); let myUn = union(yoursKeys, theirsKeys); return myUn;//.sort((a, b) => a > b); } updateCollapseState(conflictId) { const {fetchConflict, item: {id: itemId, version}, /*conflicts*/} = this.props; let isCollapsed = this.state.collapsingSections[conflictId]; // if (!isCollapsed && !(conflicts && conflictId in conflicts)) { if (!isCollapsed) { fetchConflict({cid: conflictId, itemId, version}); } this.setState({ collapsingSections: { ...this.state.collapsingSections, [conflictId]: !isCollapsed } }); } } export default MergeEditorView;