/* * Copyright © 2016-2018 European Support Limited * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import RestAPIUtil from 'nfvo-utils/RestAPIUtil.js'; import Configuration from 'sdc-app/config/Configuration.js'; import { permissionTypes } from 'sdc-app/onboarding/permissions/PermissionsConstants.js'; import { actionsEnum as VersionControllerActionsEnum } from 'nfvo-components/panel/versionController/VersionControllerConstants.js'; import { actionTypes as onboardingActionTypes } from 'sdc-app/onboarding/OnboardingConstants.js'; import { restToggle } from 'sdc-app/features/featureToggleUtils.js'; import { featureToggleNames } from 'sdc-app/features/FeaturesConstants.js'; import objectPropsToUrlString from 'nfvo-utils/objectPropsToUrlString.js'; export const archiveActions = { ARCHIVE: 'ARCHIVE', RESTORE: 'RESTORE' }; function baseUrl() { const restPrefix = Configuration.get('restPrefix'); return `${restPrefix}/v1.0/items`; } const ItemsHelper = { performVCAction({ itemId, version, action, comment }) { const { id: versionId } = version; const data = { action, ...(action === VersionControllerActionsEnum.COMMIT && { commitRequest: { message: comment } }) }; return RestAPIUtil.put( `${baseUrl()}/${itemId}/versions/${versionId}/actions`, data ); }, fetchVersions({ itemId }) { return RestAPIUtil.fetch(`${baseUrl()}/${itemId}/versions`); }, fetchVersion({ itemId, versionId }) { return RestAPIUtil.fetch( `${baseUrl()}/${itemId}/versions/${versionId}` ); }, fetchActivityLog({ itemId, versionId }) { return RestAPIUtil.fetch( `${baseUrl()}/${itemId}/versions/${versionId}/activity-logs` ); }, fetchUsers({ itemId }) { return RestAPIUtil.fetch(`${baseUrl()}/${itemId}/permissions`); }, updateContributors({ itemId, removedUsersIds, addedUsersIds }) { return RestAPIUtil.put( `${baseUrl()}/${itemId}/permissions/${permissionTypes.CONTRIBUTOR}`, { removedUsersIds, addedUsersIds } ); }, changeOwner({ itemId, ownerId }) { return RestAPIUtil.put( `${baseUrl()}/${itemId}/permissions/${permissionTypes.OWNER}`, { removedUsersIds: [], addedUsersIds: [ownerId] } ); }, async checkItemStatus(dispatch, { itemId, versionId }) { const response = await ItemsHelper.fetchVersion({ itemId, versionId }); let state = (response && response.state) || {}; const { baseId, description, id, name, status } = response; const item = await ItemsHelper.fetchItem(itemId); dispatch({ type: onboardingActionTypes.UPDATE_ITEM_STATUS, itemState: state, itemStatus: response.status, archivedStatus: item.status, updatedVersion: { baseId, description, id, name, status } }); return Promise.resolve({ ...response, archivedStatus: item.status }); }, fetchItem(itemId) { return restToggle({ restFunction: () => RestAPIUtil.fetch(`${baseUrl()}/${itemId}`), featureName: featureToggleNames.ARCHIVE_ITEM, mockResult: {} }); }, archiveItem(itemId) { return RestAPIUtil.put(`${baseUrl()}/${itemId}/actions`, { action: archiveActions.ARCHIVE }); }, restoreItem(itemId) { return RestAPIUtil.put(`${baseUrl()}/${itemId}/actions`, { action: archiveActions.RESTORE }); }, fetchItems(filterData) { const str = objectPropsToUrlString(filterData); return restToggle({ restFunction: () => RestAPIUtil.fetch(`${baseUrl()}?${str}`), featureName: featureToggleNames.FILTER, mockResult: { results: [] } }); } }; export default ItemsHelper;