/*! * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ import IntlObj from 'intl'; import IntlMessageFormatObj from 'intl-messageformat'; import IntlRelativeFormatObj from 'intl-relativeformat'; import createFormatCacheObj from 'intl-format-cache'; import i18nJson from 'i18nJson'; /* Intl libs are using out dated transpailer from ecmascript6. * TODO: As soon as they fix it, remove this assignments!!! * */ var Intl = window.Intl || IntlObj.default, IntlMessageFormat = IntlMessageFormatObj.default, IntlRelativeFormat = IntlRelativeFormatObj.default, createFormatCache = createFormatCacheObj; /*extract locale*/ var _locale = window.localStorage && localStorage.getItem('user_locale'); if (!_locale) { if (window.navigator) { _locale = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage; //For now removing the dashes from the language. let indexOfDash = _locale.indexOf('-'); if (-1 !== indexOfDash) { _locale = _locale.substr(0, indexOfDash); } } if (!_locale) { _locale = 'en'; } } var _localeUpper = _locale.toUpperCase(); var i18n = { _locale: _locale, _localeUpper: _localeUpper, _i18nData: i18nJson || {}, number(num) { return createFormatCache(Intl.NumberFormat)(this._locale).format(num); }, date(date, options, relativeDates) { if (undefined === relativeDates || relativeDates) { return this.dateRelative(date, options); } else { return this.dateNormal(date, options); } }, dateNormal(date, options) { return createFormatCache(Intl.DateTimeFormat)( this._locale, options ).format(date); }, dateRelative(date, options) { return createFormatCache(IntlRelativeFormat)( this._locale, options ).format(date); }, message(messageId, options) { let messageTxt = null; if (i18nJson && i18nJson[messageId]) { messageTxt = i18nJson[messageId]; } else { messageTxt = String(messageId); } return createFormatCache(IntlMessageFormat)( messageTxt, this._locale ).format(options); }, getLocale() { return this._locale; }, getLocaleUpper() { return this._localeUpper; }, setLocale(locale) { localStorage.setItem('user_locale', locale); window.location.reload(); } }; function i18nWrapper() { return i18nWrapper.message.apply(i18nWrapper, arguments); } /*replace with some kind of extend method*/ var prop, propKey; for (propKey in i18n) { prop = i18n[propKey]; if (typeof prop === 'function') { prop = prop.bind(i18nWrapper); } i18nWrapper[propKey] = prop; } export default i18nWrapper;