/* * Copyright © 2018 European Support Limited * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http: //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import uuid from 'uuid-js'; import md5 from 'md5'; import axios from 'axios'; import store from 'sdc-app/AppStore.js'; import { actionTypes as LoaderConstants } from 'nfvo-components/loader/LoaderConstants.js'; import Configuration from 'sdc-app/config/Configuration.js'; import errorResponseHandler from './ErrorResponseHandler.js'; //methods const GET = 'GET'; const POST = 'POST'; const PUT = 'PUT'; const DELETE = 'DELETE'; const BINARY = 'binary'; const AUTHORIZATION_HEADER = 'X-AUTH-TOKEN'; const STORAGE_AUTH_KEY = 'sdc-auth-token'; const REQUEST_ID_HEADER = 'X-ECOMP-RequestID'; const CONTENT_MD5_HEADER = 'Content-MD5'; export function applySecurity(options, data) { let headers = options.headers || (options.headers = {}); if (options.isAnonymous) { return; } let authToken = localStorage.getItem(STORAGE_AUTH_KEY); if (authToken) { headers[AUTHORIZATION_HEADER] = authToken; } let catalogApiHeaders = Configuration.get('CatalogApiHeaders'), catalogUidHeader = catalogApiHeaders && catalogApiHeaders.userId; if (catalogUidHeader) { headers[catalogUidHeader.name] = catalogUidHeader.value; } headers[REQUEST_ID_HEADER] = uuid.create().toString(); if (options.md5) { let headers = options.headers; headers[CONTENT_MD5_HEADER] = window.btoa( md5(JSON.stringify(data)).toLowerCase() ); } } function handleSuccess(responseHeaders, requestHeaders) { let authToken = responseHeaders[AUTHORIZATION_HEADER]; let prevToken = requestHeaders && requestHeaders[AUTHORIZATION_HEADER]; if (authToken && authToken !== prevToken) { if (authToken === 'null') { localStorage.removeItem(STORAGE_AUTH_KEY); } else { localStorage.setItem(STORAGE_AUTH_KEY, authToken); } } } class RestAPIUtil { handleRequest(url, type, options = {}, data = {}) { applySecurity(options, data); const config = { method: type, url: url, headers: options.headers, data: data }; if (options.validateStatus) { config.validateStatus = options.validateStatus; } if (options.onUploadProgress) { config.onUploadProgress = options.onUploadProgress; } if (!options.noLoading) { store.dispatch({ type: LoaderConstants.SEND_REQUEST, url: url }); } if (options.dataType === BINARY) { config.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; return axios(config) .then(result => { if (!options.noLoading) { store.dispatch({ type: LoaderConstants.RECEIVE_RESPONSE, url: result.config.url }); } return { blob: new Blob([result.data]), headers: result.headers }; }) .catch(error => { if (!options.noLoading) { store.dispatch({ type: LoaderConstants.RECEIVE_RESPONSE, url: error.config.url }); } errorResponseHandler(error.response); }); } return axios(config) .then(result => { store.dispatch({ type: LoaderConstants.RECEIVE_RESPONSE, url: result.config.url }); handleSuccess(result.headers, result.config.headers); return result.data; }) .catch(error => { store.dispatch({ type: LoaderConstants.RECEIVE_RESPONSE, url: error.config.url }); errorResponseHandler(error.response); return Promise.reject({ responseJSON: error.response.data }); }); } fetch(url, options) { return this.handleRequest(url, GET, options); } get(url, options) { return this.fetch(url, options); } post(url, data, options) { return this.handleRequest(url, POST, options, data); } put(url, data, options) { return this.handleRequest(url, PUT, options, data); } destroy(url, options) { return this.handleRequest(url, DELETE, options); } } const instance = new RestAPIUtil(); export default instance;