/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * SDC * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ 'use strict'; var path = require('path'); var gulp = require('gulp'); var gulpHelpers = require('gulp-helpers'); var taskMaker = gulpHelpers.taskMaker(gulp); var _ = gulpHelpers.framework('_'); var runSequence = gulpHelpers.framework('run-sequence'); var i18nTask = require('./tools/gulp/tasks/i18n'); var prodTask = require('./tools/gulp/tasks/prod'); var gulpCssUsage = require('gulp-css-usage').default; var webpack = require('webpack'); var WebpackDevServer = require('webpack-dev-server'); var localDevConfig = {}; try { localDevConfig = require('./devConfig'); } catch (e) { } var devConfig = Object.assign({}, require('./devConfig.defaults'), localDevConfig); var webpackConfig = require('./webpack.config'); function defineTasks(mode) { let appName = 'onboarding'; let dist = 'dist/' + mode + '/'; let path = { locales: 'i18n/', jssource: 'src/**/*.js', jsxsource: 'src/**/*.jsx', html: '**/*.html', output: dist, assets: './resources/**/*.{css,png,svg,eot,ttf,woff,woff2,otf}', json: './src/**/*.json', index: './src/index.html', heat: './src/heat.html', watch: ['./src/**'], scss: './resources/scss/**/*.scss', css: dist + '/css', war: [dist + 'index.html', dist + 'punch-outs_en.js', dist + '**/*.{css,png,svg,eot,ttf,woff,woff2,otf}', dist + '**/*(config.json|locale.json)', 'tools/gulp/deployment/**', 'webapp-onboarding/**'], heatWar: [dist + 'heat.html', dist + 'heat-validation_en.js', dist + '**/*.{css,png,svg,eot,ttf,woff,woff2,otf}', dist + '**/*(config.json|locale.json)', 'webapp-heat-validation/**'], wardest: 'dist/' }; taskMaker.defineTask('clean', {taskName: 'clean', src: path.output}); taskMaker.defineTask('copy', {taskName: 'copy-assets', src: path.assets, dest: path.output}); taskMaker.defineTask('copy', { taskName: 'copy-json', src: path.json, dest: path.output, changed: {extension: '.json'} }); taskMaker.defineTask('copy', { taskName: 'copy-index.html', src: path.index, dest: path.output, rename: 'index.html' }); taskMaker.defineTask('copy', { taskName: 'copy-heat.html', src: path.heat, dest: path.output, rename: 'heat.html' }); taskMaker.defineTask('sass', { taskName: 'sass', src: path.scss, dest: path.css, config: {outputStyle: 'compressed'} }); taskMaker.defineTask('compress', { taskName: 'compress-war', src: path.war, filename: appName + '.war', dest: path.wardest }); taskMaker.defineTask('compress', { taskName: 'compress-heat-war', src: path.heatWar, filename: 'heat-validation.war', dest: path.wardest }); taskMaker.defineTask('watch', { taskName: 'watch-stuff', src: [path.assets, path.json, path.index, path.heat], tasks: ['copy-stuff'] }); taskMaker.defineTask('watch', {taskName: 'watch-sass', src: path.scss, tasks: ['sass']}); gulp.task('copy-stuff', callback => { return runSequence(['copy-assets', 'copy-json', 'copy-index.html', 'copy-heat.html'], callback); }); gulp.task('i18n', () => { return i18nTask({ outputPath: path.output, localesPath: path.locales, lang: 'en' }).catch(err => { console.log('i18n Task : Error! ', err); throw err; }); }); gulp.task('dependencies', () => { //TODO: }); } gulp.task('dev', callback => { defineTasks('dev'); return runSequence('clean', ['i18n', 'copy-stuff'], 'webpack-dev-server', ['watch-stuff'], callback); }); // Production build gulp.task('build', callback => { defineTasks('prod'); return runSequence('clean', ['copy-stuff', 'i18n'], 'prod', ['compress-war', 'compress-heat-war'], callback); }); gulp.task('default', ['dev']); gulp.task('prod', () => { // configure webpack for production let webpackProductionConfig = Object.create(webpackConfig); for (let name in webpackProductionConfig.entry) { webpackProductionConfig.entry[name] = webpackProductionConfig.entry[name].filter(path => !path.startsWith('webpack')); } webpackProductionConfig.cache = true; webpackProductionConfig.output = { path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist/prod'), publicPath: '/onboarding/', filename: '[name].js' }; webpackProductionConfig.resolveLoader = { root: [path.resolve('.')], alias: { 'config-json-loader': 'tools/webpack/config-json-loader/index.js' } }; // remove source maps webpackProductionConfig.devtool = undefined; webpackProductionConfig.module.preLoaders = webpackProductionConfig.module.preLoaders.filter(preLoader => preLoader.loader != 'source-map-loader'); webpackProductionConfig.module.loaders.forEach(loader => { if (loader.loaders && loader.loaders[0] === 'style') { loader.loaders = loader.loaders.map(loaderName => loaderName.replace('?sourceMap', '')); } }); webpackProductionConfig.module.loaders.push({test: /config.json$/, loaders: ['config-json-loader']}); webpackProductionConfig.eslint = { configFile: './.eslintrc', failOnError: true }; webpackProductionConfig.babel = {//TODO: remove this when UglifyJS will support user or // Webpack 2.0 presets: ['es2015', 'stage-0', 'react'] } webpackProductionConfig.plugins = [ new webpack.DefinePlugin({ 'process.env': { // This has effect on the react lib size 'NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify('production') }, DEBUG: false, DEV: false }), new webpack.optimize.DedupePlugin(), new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin() ]; // run production build return prodTask({ webpackProductionConfig, outDir: 'dist/prod' }) .then(() => { }) .catch(err => { if (err && err.stack) { console.error(err, err.stack); } throw new Error('Webpack build FAILED'); }); }); gulp.task('webpack-dev-server', () => { // modify some webpack config options for development let myConfig = Object.create(webpackConfig); myConfig.devServer.setup = server => { let fixture = require('./fixture/fixture'); let proxy = require('http-proxy-middleware'); let proxyConfigDefaults = { changeOrigin: true, secure: false, onProxyRes: (proxyRes, req, res) => { let setCookie = proxyRes.headers['set-cookie']; if (setCookie) { setCookie[0] = setCookie[0].replace(/\bSecure\b(; )?/, ''); } } }; let middlewares = [ (req, res, next) => { let match = req.url.match(/^(.*)_en.js$/); let newUrl = match && match[1] + '.js'; if (newUrl) { console.log(`REWRITING URL: ${req.url} -> ${newUrl}`); req.url = newUrl; } next(); }, fixture({ enabled: devConfig.useFixture }) ]; // standalon back-end (proxyTarget) has higher priority, so it should be first if (devConfig.proxyTarget) { middlewares.push( proxy(['/api', '/onboarding-api', '/sdc1/feProxy/onboarding-api'], Object.assign({}, proxyConfigDefaults, { target: devConfig.proxyTarget, pathRewrite: { '/sdc1/feProxy/onboarding-api': '/onboarding-api' } })) ) } // Ecorp environment (proxyATTTarget) has lower priority, so it should be second if (devConfig.proxyATTTarget) { middlewares.push( proxy(['/sdc1', '/onboarding-api'], Object.assign({}, proxyConfigDefaults, { target: devConfig.proxyATTTarget, pathRewrite: { // Workaround for some weird proxy issue '/sdc1/feProxy/onboarding-api': '/sdc1/feProxy/onboarding-api', '/onboarding-api': '/sdc1/feProxy/onboarding-api' } })) ) } server.use(middlewares); }; // Start a webpack-dev-server let server = new WebpackDevServer(webpack(myConfig), myConfig.devServer); server.listen(myConfig.devServer.port, '', err => { if (err) { throw new Error('webpack-dev-server' + err); } }); }); gulp.task('gulp-css-usage', callback => { return gulp.src('src/**/*.jsx').pipe(gulpCssUsage({css: 'dist/dev/css/style.css', babylon: ['objectRestSpread']})); }); gulp.task('css-usage', callback => { defineTasks('dev'); runSequence('sass', 'gulp-css-usage'); });