#!/usr/bin/python ############################################################################## # # action_library_client.py # # A command-line client for the SDC Action Library. # # # Usage: # # Usage: action_library_client.py [--help] [--url ] [--in ] # [--out ] [--config ] # [--log ] [--uuid ] # [--curl] [--dryrun] [--verbose] [--version] # [--list | --create | --update= | --delete | # --checkout | --undocheckout | --checkin | --submit] # # Optional arguments: # --help Show this help message and exit # --url REST endpoint URL # --in Path to JSON input file (else STDIN) # --out Path to JSON output file (else STDOUT or logfile) # --config Path to configuration file # --log Path to logfile (else STDOUT) # --uuid Action UUID, (=='actionInvariantUUID') # --curl Use curl transport impl # --dryrun Describe what will happen, execute nothing # --verbose Verbose diagnostic output # --version Print script version and exit # --list List actions # --create Create new action (requires --in) # --update Update existing action (requires --uuid, --in) # --delete Delete existing action (requires --uuid) # --checkout Create minor version candidate (requires --uuid) # --undocheckout Discard minor version candidate (requires --uuid) # --checkin Create minor version from candidate (requires --uuid) # --submit Create next major version (requires --uuid) # # For example: # # ./action_library_client.py --url --list # # Output: # - Return values: # - 0 - OK # - 1 - GENERAL_ERROR # - 2 - ARGUMENTS_ERROR # - 3 - HTTP_FORBIDDEN_ERROR # - 4 - HTTP_BAD_REQUEST_ERROR # - 5 - HTTP_GENERAL_ERROR # - 6 - PROCESS_ERROR # - JSON - to stdout: # - Delimited by "----------" # - Delimiter overrideable with ALC_JSON_DELIMITER setting. # # Configuration/env settings: # - ALC_HTTP_USER - HTTP BASIC username # - ALC_HTTP_PASS - HTTP BASIC password # - ALC_HTTP_INSECURE - allow untrusted SSL (server) connections. # - ALC_TIMEOUT_SECONDS - invocation (e.g. HTTP) timeout in seconds. # - ALC_JSON_DELIMITER - JSON delimiter in ouput. # - ALC_ECOMP_INSTANCE_ID - X-ECOMP-InstanceID header # # Configuration by 0600-mode INI file (section "action_library_client") is preferred. # # See: # - REST API Swagger docs # https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/ - style guide # ../doc/SDC_Action_Lib_API_AID_1610_13.pdf - REST API dev guide # # Version history: # - 1.0.0 November 28th 2016, LP, initial impl. # - 1.0.1 November 29th 2016, LP, constants, documentation, add --version. # - 1.0.2 November 29th 2016, LP, logging to files, stream-handling. # - 1.0.3 November 30th 2016, LP, optionally read config from env or config file. # - 1.1.0 December 3rd 2016, LP, backport from Python 3.4.2 to 2.6.6(!). # ############################################################################## import sys import os import logging import base64 import tempfile import uuid import json import ssl import urllib2 import subprocess import ConfigParser from abc import abstractmethod ############################################################################### class Constants(object): """Common constants, for want of a better language feature...""" # Values. VERSION = "1.1.0" APPLICATION = "action_library_client" ACTIONS_URI = "onboarding-api/workflow/v1.0/actions" ECOMP_INSTANCE_ID = "sdc_alc" TIMEOUT_SECONDS_DEFAULT = 30 JSON_DELIMITER_DEFAULT = "----------" LOG_FORMAT = "%(name)s\t%(levelname)s\t%(asctime)s\t%(message)s" # Env variable names. ENV_HTTP_USER = "ALC_HTTP_USER" ENV_HTTP_PASS = "ALC_HTTP_PASS" ENV_HTTP_INSECURE = "ALC_HTTP_INSECURE" ENV_HTTP_CAFILE = "ALC_HTTP_CAFILE" ENV_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = "ALC_TIMEOUT_SECONDS" ENV_JSON_DELIMITER = "ALC_JSON_DELIMITER" ENV_ECOMP_INSTANCE_ID = "ALC_ECOMP_INSTANCE_ID" ############################################################################### class ResponseCodes(object): """Responses returned by IRESTClient impls.""" OK = 0 GENERAL_ERROR = 1 ARGUMENTS_ERROR = 2 HTTP_NOT_FOUND_ERROR = 3 HTTP_FORBIDDEN_ERROR = 4 HTTP_BAD_REQUEST_ERROR = 5 HTTP_GENERAL_ERROR = 6 PROCESS_GENERAL_ERROR = 9 ############################################################################### class FinalizeStatus(object): """Finalization operations.""" Checkout = "Checkout" UndoCheckout = "Undo_Checkout" CheckIn = "Checkin" Submit = "Submit" ############################################################################### class ArgsDict(dict): """A dict which makes attributes accessible as properties.""" def __getattr__(self, attr): return self[attr] def __setattr__(self, attr, value): self[attr] = value ############################################################################### class ArgumentParser(object): """A minimal reimpl of the argparse library, core in later Python releases""" ACTIONS = ["list", "create", "update", "delete", "checkout", "undocheckout", "checkin", "submit"] PARMS = ["url", "in", "out", "config", "log", "uuid"] OTHER = ["curl", "dryrun", "verbose", "version", "help"] def parse_args(self, clargs): """Parse command-line args, returning a dict that exposes everything as properties.""" args = ArgsDict() args.action = None for arg in self.ACTIONS + self.PARMS + self.OTHER: args[arg] = None skip = False try: for i, clarg in enumerate(clargs): if skip: skip = False continue if not clarg.startswith("--"): raise Exception("Invalid argument: {0}".format(clarg)) arg = str(clarg[2:]) if arg in self.ACTIONS: if args.action: raise Exception("Duplicate actions: --{0}, {1}".format(args.action, clarg)) args.action = arg elif arg in self.PARMS: try: args[arg] = clargs[i + 1] skip = True except IndexError: raise Exception("Option {0} requires an argument".format(clarg)) elif arg in self.OTHER: args[arg] = True else: raise Exception("Invalid argument: {0}".format(clarg)) # Check action args. if args.action: if not args.url: raise Exception("--url required for every action") if not args.uuid: if args.action not in ["create", "list"]: raise Exception("--uuid required for every action EXCEPT --list/--create") # Read from file or stdin, and replace the problematic "in" # property with "infile". if args.action in ["create", "update"]: if args["in"]: args.infile = open(args["in"], mode="r") else: args.infile = sys.stdin except Exception as e: print(e) ArgumentParser.usage() sys.exit(ResponseCodes.ARGUMENTS_ERROR) return args @staticmethod def usage(): """Print usage message.""" print("" + "Usage: action_library_client.py [--help] [--url ] [--in ]\n" + " [--out ] [--config ]\n" + " [--log ] [--uuid ]\n" + " [--curl] [--dryrun] [--verbose] [--version]\n" + " [--list | --create | --update= | --delete |\n" + " --checkout | --undocheckout | --checkin | --submit]\n" + "\n" + "Optional arguments:\n" + " --help Show this help message and exit\n" + " --url REST endpoint URL\n" + " --in Path to JSON input file (else STDIN)\n" + " --out Path to JSON output file (else STDOUT or logfile)\n" + " --config Path to configuration file\n" + " --log Path to logfile (else STDOUT)\n" + " --uuid Action UUID, (=='actionInvariantUUID')\n" + " --curl Use curl transport impl\n" + " --dryrun Describe what will happen, execute nothing\n" + " --verbose Verbose diagnostic output\n" + " --version Print script version and exit\n" + " --list List actions\n" + " --create Create new action (requires --in)\n" + " --update Update existing action (requires --uuid, --in)\n" + " --delete Delete existing action (requires --uuid)\n" + " --checkout Create minor version candidate (requires --uuid)\n" + " --undocheckout Discard minor version candidate (requires --uuid)\n" + " --checkin Create minor version from candidate (requires --uuid)\n" + " --submit Create next major version (requires --uuid)") ############################################################################### class Settings(object): """Settings read from (optional) configfile, or environment.""" def __init__(self, args): """Construct for command-line args.""" self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() if args.config: self.config.read(args.config) def get(self, name, default_value=None): """Get setting from configfile or environment""" try: return self.config.get(Constants.APPLICATION, name) except (KeyError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError): try: return os.environ[name] except KeyError: return default_value ############################################################################### # Python3: metaclass=ABCMeta class IRESTClient(object): """Base class for local, proxy and dryrun impls.""" def __init__(self, args): self.args = args self.logger = Runner.get_logger() self.settings = Settings(args) @abstractmethod def list(self): """Abstract list operation.""" pass @abstractmethod def create(self): """Abstract list operation.""" pass @abstractmethod def update(self): """Abstract list operation.""" pass @abstractmethod def delete(self): """Abstract list operation.""" pass @abstractmethod def version(self, status): """Abstract list operation.""" pass @staticmethod def new_uuid(): """Generate UUID.""" return str(uuid.uuid4()) def get_timeout_seconds(self): """Get request timeout in seconds.""" return self.settings.get(Constants.ENV_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, Constants.TIMEOUT_SECONDS_DEFAULT) def get_http_insecure(self): """Get whether SSL certificate checks are (inadvisably) disabled.""" return True if self.settings.get(Constants.ENV_HTTP_INSECURE) else False def get_http_cafile(self): """Get optional CA file for SSL server cert validation""" if not self.get_http_insecure(): return self.settings.get(Constants.ENV_HTTP_CAFILE) def get_basic_credentials(self): """Generate Authorization: header.""" usr = self.settings.get(Constants.ENV_HTTP_USER) pwd = self.settings.get(Constants.ENV_HTTP_PASS) if usr and pwd: return base64.b64encode(bytes("{0}:{1}".format(usr, pwd))).decode("ascii") else: raise Exception("REST service credentials not found") def make_service_url(self): """Generate service URL based on command-line arguments.""" url = self.args.url if "/onboarding-api/" not in url: separator = "" if url.endswith("/") else "/" url = "{0}{1}{2}".format(url, separator, str(Constants.ACTIONS_URI)) if self.args.uuid: separator = "" if url.endswith("/") else "/" url = "{0}{1}{2}".format(url, separator, self.args.uuid) return url def log_json_response(self, method, json_dict): """Log JSON response regardless of transport.""" json_str = json.dumps(json_dict, indent=4) delimiter = self.settings.get(Constants.ENV_JSON_DELIMITER, Constants.JSON_DELIMITER_DEFAULT) self.logger.info("HTTP {0} JSON response:\n{1}\n{2}\n{3}\n".format(method, delimiter, json_str, delimiter)) if self.args.out: with open(self.args.out, "w") as tmp: tmp.write(json_str) tmp.flush() elif self.args.log: # Directly to stdout if logging is sent to a file. print(json_str) def log_action(self, action, status=None): """Debug action before invocation.""" url = self.make_service_url() name = status if status else self.__get_name() self.logger.debug("{0}::{1}({2})".format(name, action, url)) @staticmethod def _get_result_from_http_response(code): """Get script returncode from HTTP error.""" if code == 400: return ResponseCodes.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST_ERROR elif code == 403: return ResponseCodes.HTTP_FORBIDDEN_ERROR elif code == 404: return ResponseCodes.HTTP_NOT_FOUND_ERROR return ResponseCodes.HTTP_GENERAL_ERROR def __get_name(self): """Get classname for diags""" return type(self).__name__ ############################################################################### class NativeRESTClient(IRESTClient): """In-process IRESTClient impl.""" def list(self): """In-process list impl.""" self.log_action("list") return self.__exec(method="GET", expect_json=True) def create(self): """In-process create impl.""" self.log_action("create") json_bytes = bytes(self.args.infile.read()) return self.__exec(method="POST", json_bytes=json_bytes, expect_json=True) def update(self): """In-process update impl.""" self.log_action("update") json_bytes = bytes(self.args.infile.read()) return self.__exec(method="PUT", json_bytes=json_bytes, expect_json=True) def delete(self): """In-process delete impl.""" self.log_action("delete") return self.__exec(method="DELETE") def version(self, status): """In-process version impl.""" self.log_action("version", status) json_bytes = bytes(json.dumps({"status": status})) return self.__exec(method="POST", json_bytes=json_bytes, expect_json=True) def __exec(self, method, json_bytes=None, expect_json=None): """Build command, execute it, validate and return response.""" try: url = self.make_service_url() timeout = float(self.get_timeout_seconds()) cafile = self.get_http_cafile() headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Basic {0}".format(self.get_basic_credentials()), "X-ECOMP-InstanceID": Constants.ECOMP_INSTANCE_ID, "X-ECOMP-RequestID": IRESTClient.new_uuid() } handler = urllib2.HTTPHandler if hasattr(ssl, 'create_default_context'): ctx = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=cafile) if self.get_http_insecure(): ctx.check_hostname = False ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE handler = urllib2.HTTPSHandler(context=ctx) if url.lower().startswith("https") else urllib2.HTTPHandler self.logger.debug("URL {0} {1}: {2}".format(url, method, json_bytes)) opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler) request = urllib2.Request(url, data=json_bytes, headers=headers) request.get_method = lambda: method f = None try: f = opener.open(request, timeout=timeout) return self.__handle_response(f, method, expect_json) finally: if f: f.close() except urllib2.HTTPError as err: self.logger.exception(err) return IRESTClient._get_result_from_http_response(err.getcode()) except urllib2.URLError as err: self.logger.exception(err) return ResponseCodes.HTTP_GENERAL_ERROR def __handle_response(self, f, method, expect_json): """Devolve response handling because of the """ self.logger.debug("HTTP {0} status {1}, reason:\n{2}".format(method, f.getcode(), f.info())) if expect_json: # JSON responses get "returned", but actually it's the logging that # most callers will be looking for. json_body = json.loads(f.read().decode("utf-8")) self.log_json_response(method, json_body) return json_body # Not JSON, but the operation succeeded, so return True. return ResponseCodes.OK ############################################################################### class CURLRESTClient(IRESTClient): """Remote/curl IRESTClient impl.""" def list(self): """curl list impl""" self.log_action("list") return self._exec(method="GET", expect_json=True) def create(self): """curl create impl""" self.log_action("create") data_args = ["--data", "@{0}".format(self.args.infile.name)] return self._exec(method="POST", extra_args=data_args, expect_json=True) def update(self): """curl update impl""" self.log_action("update") data_args = ["--data", "@{0}".format(self.args.infile.name)] return self._exec(method="PUT", extra_args=data_args, expect_json=True) def delete(self): """curl delete impl""" self.log_action("delete") return self._exec(method="DELETE", expect_json=False) def version(self, status): """curl version impl""" self.log_action("version", status) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=False) as tmp: tmp.write(json.dumps({"status": status})) tmp.flush() data_args = ["--data", "@{0}".format(tmp.name)] return self._exec(method="POST", extra_args=data_args, expect_json=True) def make_curl_cmd(self, method, url, extra_args): """Build curl command without executing.""" cmd = ["curl", "-i", "-s", "-X", method] if self.get_http_insecure(): cmd.append("-k") cmd.extend(["--connect-timeout", str(self.get_timeout_seconds())]) cmd.extend(["--header", "Accept: application/json"]) cmd.extend(["--header", "Content-Type: application/json"]) cmd.extend(["--header", "Authorization: Basic {0}".format(self.get_basic_credentials())]) cmd.extend(["--header", "X-ECOMP-InstanceID: {0}".format(Constants.ECOMP_INSTANCE_ID)]) cmd.extend(["--header", "X-ECOMP-RequestID: {0}".format(IRESTClient.new_uuid())]) if extra_args: for extra_arg in extra_args: cmd.append(extra_arg) cmd.append("{0}".format(url)) return cmd @staticmethod def debug_curl_cmd(cmd): """Debug curl command, for diags and dryrun.""" buf = "" for token in cmd: if token is "curl" or token.startswith("-"): buf = "{0}{1} ".format(buf, token) else: buf = "{0}\"{1}\" ".format(buf, token) return buf def _exec(self, method, extra_args=None, expect_json=None): """Execute action. Build command, invoke curl, validate and return response. Overridden by DryRunRESTClient. """ url = self.make_service_url() cmd = self.make_curl_cmd(method, url, extra_args) self.logger.info("Executing: {0}".format(CURLRESTClient.debug_curl_cmd(cmd))) try: output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode() if not expect_json: return ResponseCodes.OK try: separator = output.index("\r\n\r\n{") self.logger.debug("HTTP preamble:\n{0}".format(output[:separator])) json_body = json.loads(output[(separator+4):]) self.log_json_response(method, json_body) return json_body except ValueError: self.logger.warning("Couldn't find HTTP separator in curl output:\n{}".format(output)) code = CURLRESTClient.__get_http_code(output) return IRESTClient._get_result_from_http_response(code) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: self.logger.exception(err) return ResponseCodes.PROCESS_GENERAL_ERROR @staticmethod def __get_http_code(output): """Attempt to guess HTTP result from (error) output.""" for line in output.splitlines(): if line.startswith("HTTP"): tokens = line.split() if len(tokens) > 2: try: return int(tokens[1]) except ValueError: pass return ResponseCodes.HTTP_GENERAL_ERROR ############################################################################### class DryRunRESTClient(CURLRESTClient): """Neutered IRESTClient impl; only logs.""" def _exec(self, method, extra_args=None, expect_json=None): """Override.""" url = self.make_service_url() cmd = self.make_curl_cmd(method, url, extra_args) self.logger.info("[DryRun] {0}".format(CURLRESTClient.debug_curl_cmd(cmd))) ############################################################################### class Runner(object): """A bunch of static housekeeping supporting the launcher.""" @staticmethod def get_logger(): """Get logger instance.""" return logging.getLogger(Constants.APPLICATION) @staticmethod def get_rest_client(args): """Get the configured REST client impl, local, remote or dryrun.""" if args.dryrun: return DryRunRESTClient(args) elif args.curl: return CURLRESTClient(args) else: return NativeRESTClient(args) @staticmethod def execute(args): """Execute the requested action.""" client = Runner.get_rest_client(args) if args.version: print(Constants.VERSION) elif args.help: ArgumentParser.usage() elif args.action == "list": return client.list() elif args.action == "create": return client.create() elif args.action == "update": return client.update() elif args.action == "delete": return client.delete() elif args.action == "checkout": return client.version(FinalizeStatus.Checkout) elif args.action == "checkin": return client.version(FinalizeStatus.CheckIn) elif args.action == "undocheckout": return client.version(FinalizeStatus.UndoCheckout) elif args.action == "submit": return client.version(FinalizeStatus.Submit) else: logger = Runner.get_logger() logger.info("No action specified. Try --help.") @staticmethod def parse_args(raw): """Parse command-line args, returning dict.""" return ArgumentParser().parse_args(raw) ############################################################################### def execute(raw): """Delegate which executes minus error-handling, exposed for unit-testing.""" # Intercept Python 2.X. if not (sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.version_info[1] >= 6): raise EnvironmentError("Python 2.6/2.7 required") # Parse command-line args. args = Runner.parse_args(raw) # Redirect logging to a file (freeing up STDIN) if directed. logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, filename=args.log, format=Constants.LOG_FORMAT) # Set loglevel. logger = Runner.get_logger() if args.verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.debug("Parsed arguments: {0}".format(args)) # Execute request. return Runner.execute(args) ############################################################################### def main(raw): """Execute for command-line arguments.""" logger = Runner.get_logger() try: result = execute(raw) result_code = result if isinstance(result, int) else ResponseCodes.OK logger.debug("Execution complete. Returning result {0} ({1})".format(result, result_code)) sys.exit(result_code) except Exception as err: logger.exception(err) sys.exit(ResponseCodes.GENERAL_ERROR) ############################################################################### if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])