#cloud-config write_files: - path: /tmp/ocg-bashrc content: | export JAVA_HOME=$java_home export FUSIONWORKS_HOME=/home/$ocg_user/ocg10/fwhome export FUSIONWORKS_PROD=/home/$ocg_user/ocg10/fwprod export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$FUSIONWORKS_PROD/bin:$FUSIONWORKS_HOME:$FUSIONWORKS_PROD:$HOME:. export OVLMCM_BASEURL=https://$ovlm_hostname:28010 export OVLMFE_BASEURL=https://$ovlm_hostname:28050 export OVLMDM_BASEURL=https://$ovlm_hostname:28130 export OVLMFA_BASEURL=https://$ovlm_hostname:28800 export baseurl=https://localhost:28050 export OVLM_INTEGRATION_HOME=/home/$ocg_user/ovlm-integration-module export OVLMFE_VERIFY_SERVER_CERTIFICATE=yes export OVLMFE_CA_BUNDLE_PATH=~/weaver_install/ovlm-install/certs/ca_bundle export OVLMCM_VERIFY_SERVER_CERTIFICATE=yes export OVLMCM_CA_BUNDLE_PATH=~/weaver_install/ovlm-install/certs/ca_bundle export OVLMDM_VERIFY_SERVER_CERTIFICATE=yes export OVLMDM_CA_BUNDLE_PATH=~/weaver_install/ovlm-install/certs/ca_bundle export OVLMFA_VERIFY_SERVER_CERTIFICATE=yes export OVLMFA_CA_BUNDLE_PATH=~/weaver_install/ovlm-install/certs/ca_bundle - path: /tmp/keycloak-bashrc content: | export JBOSS_HOME=/home/$ocg_user/keycloak export JAVA_HOME=$java_home export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin - path: /tmp/keycloak-setup.sh permissions: '0755' content: | cp -f /tmp/keycloak.conf /home/$ocg_user/keycloak/etc/keycloak.conf cp -f /tmp/keycloak.properties /home/$ocg_user/keycloak/etc/keycloak.properties sed -i -e 's//& /' /home/$ocg_user/keycloak/etc/standalone/standalone.xml sed -i -e 's/$ovlm_hostname/' /home/$ocg_user/keycloak/etc/standalone/standalone.xml sed -i -e 's/8080/8090/' /home/$ocg_user/keycloak/etc/standalone/standalone.xml sed -i -e 's/8443/9443/' /home/$ocg_user/keycloak/etc/standalone/standalone.xml sed -i -e "s//&\ \ \ \ \ <\/ssl>\ <\/server-identities>\ <\/security-realm>/" /home/$ocg_user/keycloak/etc/standalone/standalone.xml - path: /tmp/keycloak.conf content: | KEYCLOAK_MODE=standalone KEYCLOAK_BIND= JAVA_HOME=$java_home KEYCLOAK_JAVA_OPTS="\ -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true \ -Djava.awt.headless=true \ -Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MetaspaceSize=96M -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m" KEYCLOAK_SERVER_OPTS="--properties=/home/$ocg_user/keycloak/etc/keycloak.properties" JBOSS_LOG_DIR=/home/$ocg_user/keycloak/log/standalone JBOSS_CONFIG_DIR=/home/$ocg_user/keycloak/etc/standalone JBOSS_HOME=/home/$ocg_user/keycloak - path: /tmp/keycloak.properties content: | jboss.http.port=8090 jboss.https.port=9443 jboss.management.http.port=9990 jboss.management.https.port=9993 jboss.server.data.dir=/home/$ocg_user/keycloak/var/standalone - path: $ocg_install_properties content: | InstallationId=ocg-master TimeZone=America/New_York # Directories where the binaries and configuration will be stored # If the specified directories exist then their content will be deleted. FusionWorksHomeDirectory=/home/$ocg_user/ocg10/fwhome FusionWorksProductDirectory=/home/$ocg_user/ocg10/fwprod ConfigPort=25000 ConfigHost=$ocg_hostname EventPort=25010 EventHost=$ocg_hostname SNMPAgentPort=25020 MediationServerDatabasePort=25030 JBOSSHost=$ocg_hostname JBOSSHttpPort=25041 JBOSSHttpsPort=25042 JBOSSRemotePort=25043 JBOSSPortBase=25050 JAVA_HOME=$java_home # addons FW install.properties.template install.properties.template.1 install.properties.template.2 install.properties.template.dup.props install.properties.template.sorted install.properties.template.sorted.uniq java share xml # Do not change these values DatabaseUserName=OCG DatabasePassword=OCG # Enable SSL (https) access to the OAM and Policy Manager web applications. # Choices are: OFF, ON EnableWebSsl= # Security option choices are: ON, OFF SecurityOption= - path: $ovlm_install_properties content: | protocol: https https_configuration: server: keystore_path: key_store.jks keystore_password: password key_password: password client: verify_server_certificate: true truststore_path: trust_store.jks service_owner: user: ovlm user_group: ovlm ssh_user: ovlmrsync log_rotation: interval: monthly max_file_size: 5000000 installer: ssh_bin: /usr/bin/ssh rsync_bin: /usr/bin/rsync ssh_options: '' installation_directories: path_bin: /opt/weaver_home/bin/ path_cfg: /opt/weaver_home/etc/ path_run: /opt/weaver_home/run/ snmp: manager: $ovlm_hostname community: public deployment_manager: hosts: - $ovlm_hostname properties: server: port: 28130 spring: datasource: username: dm password: dm logging: file: /opt/weaver_home/ovlm-dm.log workflow_engine: hosts: - $ovlm_hostname properties: server: port: 8099 logging: path: /opt/weaver_home/WF/ vnfm_gui: hosts: - $ovlm_hostname properties: server: port: 28200 logging: file: /opt/weaver_home/ovlm-vnfm.log frontend: hosts: - $ovlm_hostname properties: server: port: 28050 logging: file: /opt/weaver_home/ovlm-fe.log configuration_manager: hosts: - $ovlm_hostname properties: server: port: 28010 rsync_port: 28000 repository-root: /opt/weaver_home/repository-root logging: file: /opt/weaver_home/ovlm-cm.log resource_manager: hosts: - $ovlm_hostname properties: server: port: 28020 logging: file: /opt/weaver_home/ovlm-rm.log resource_agent: properties: server: port: 28030 sudo_privileges_required: true sudo_privileges: - /bin/postgresql-setup - /bin/rpm - /usr/bin/yum - /bin/bash - /bin/sudo * - /usr/bin/sudo * - /usr/bin/systemctl status * - /usr/bin/systemctl start * - /usr/bin/systemctl stop * - /usr/bin/systemctl restart * - /usr/bin/systemctl is-active * - /usr/bin/systemctl daemon-reload - /sbin/useradd - /sbin/userdel - /sbin/usermod - /bin/mkdir - /bin/rm - /bin/rsync - /usr/bin/rsync - /bin/chown - /bin/chmod resource_agent: metadata: stage: timeout: 100 parameters: rsync: timeout: 100 bin: rsync repository-root: /opt/weaver_home/repository-root logging: path: /opt/weaver_home/RA/ instance_inventory_manager: hosts: - $ovlm_hostname properties: server: port: 28120 logging: file: /opt/weaver_home/ovlm-iim.log auth_server: hosts: - $ovlm_hostname admin: username: admin password: Openet01 url: https://$ovlm_hostname:9443/auth properties: server: port: 9443 failover_agent: hosts: - $ovlm_hostname properties: server: port: 28800 mode: init_mode: active remote_host: $ovlm_mgr002_hostname remote_port: 28800 post_failover: rsync: interval: 360 bin: /usr/bin/rsync timeout: 100 location_list: - destination: /tmp/ovlm_dm_failover_dbsync/ source: /tmp/ovlm_dm_failover_dbsync/ pre: /opt/weaver_home/bin/dm/failover/backup_dm_db.sh complete: /opt/weaver_home/bin/dm/failover/restore_dm_db.sh - destination: /opt/weaver_home/bin/dm/repository-root/ source: /opt/weaver_home/bin/dm/repository-root/ - destination: /opt/weaver_home/repository-root/ source: /opt/weaver_home/repository-root/ - destination: /opt/weaver_home/bin/iim/repository-root/ source: /opt/weaver_home/bin/iim/repository-root/ - destination: /opt/weaver_home/etc/fe/meta/flow_mappings.yml source: /opt/weaver_home/etc/fe/meta/flow_mappings.yml - destination: /tmp/ovlm_keycloak_backup.zip source: /tmp/ovlm_keycloak_backup.zip pre: sudo bash /home/fworks/keycloak/scripts/backup-db.sh /tmp/ovlm_keycloak_backup.zip complete: sudo bash /home/fworks/keycloak/scripts/restore-db.sh /tmp/ovlm_keycloak_backup.zip post: - destination: /home/fworks/ocg10/fwhome/ source: /home/fworks/ocg10/fwhome/ - destination: /home/fworks/ocg10/fwprod/ source: /home/fworks/ocg10/fwprod/ - destination: /home/fworks/ovlm-integration-module/ source: /home/fworks/ovlm-integration-module/ sudo_privileges_required: true sudo_privileges: - /bin/bash - /bin/sudo * - /usr/bin/sudo * - /usr/bin/rsync - /usr/bin/systemctl status * - /usr/bin/systemctl start * - /usr/bin/systemctl stop * - /usr/bin/systemctl restart * - /usr/bin/systemctl is-active * - /usr/bin/systemctl daemon-reload logging: file: /opt/weaver_home/ovlm-fa.log runcmd: - echo "alias l='ls -lrt'" >> /etc/bashrc # Allow for host resolution - With proper DNS in place, this is not needed - echo "$ocg_hostip $ocg_hostname" >> /etc/hosts ############## # OCG install ############## - echo "Installing ocg as user $ocg_user" # Set up the ocg_user environment - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cat /tmp/ocg-bashrc >> ~/.bashrc' $ocg_user - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cat /tmp/ocg-bashrc >> ~/.profile' $ocg_user - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd && java -jar $ocg_install_jar -install $ocg_install_properties' $ocg_user - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd && StartNameServ && StartMediationServer && StartJBossAppServer' $ocg_user ############## # WIM install ############## #- echo "Installing WIM as user $ocg_user" - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd && cp $wim_install_file .' $ocg_user - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd && ./ovlm-integration-module.sh' $ocg_user ############## # OVLM install ############## - echo "Installing ovlm as user $ocg_user" # Need to set up password-less ssh for ocg_user so that ovlm-deploy will succeed - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -t rsa -N "" ' $ocg_user - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys' $ocg_user # Allow sudo on non-tty login for ovlm-install user - echo "Defaults:$ocg_user !requiretty" >> /etc/sudoers # Create directory and Expand the install media - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd && mkdir weaver_install' $ocg_user - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd ~/weaver_install && cp $ovlm_install_dir/ovlm-core-install-enterprise.tar .' $ocg_user - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd ~/weaver_install && cp $ovlm_install_dir/ovlm-thirdparty-dependencies.tar .' $ocg_user - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd ~/weaver_install && tar xvf $ovlm_install_dir/ovlm-core-install-enterprise.tar' $ocg_user - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd ~/weaver_install && cp $ovlm_install_dir/ovlm-client.sh .' $ocg_user - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd ~/weaver_install && tar xvf $ovlm_install_dir/ovlm-thirdparty-dependencies.tar' $ocg_user # Create certs - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd ~/weaver_install/ovlm-install && mkdir -p certs' $ocg_user - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd ~/weaver_install/ovlm-install/certs && echo "subjectAltName=DNS:$ovlm_hostname,DNS:$ovlm_mgr002_hostname" > extFile' $ocg_user - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd ~/weaver_install/ovlm-install/certs && openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048' $ocg_user - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd ~/weaver_install/ovlm-install/certs && openssl req -new -out server.csr -key server.key -subj "/C=IE/L=Dublin/O=DigiCert/CN=*.novalocal"' $ocg_user - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd ~/weaver_install/ovlm-install/certs && openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt -extfile extFile' $ocg_user - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd ~/weaver_install/ovlm-install/certs && cp server.crt ca_bundle' $ocg_user - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd ~/weaver_install/ovlm-install/certs && openssl pkcs12 -export -name weaver -in server.crt -inkey server.key -out server.p12 -passout pass:password' $ocg_user - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd ~/weaver_install/ovlm-install/certs && $java_home/bin/keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore keycloak.jks -srckeystore server.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -alias weaver -srcstorepass password -noprompt -deststorepass password -deststoretype JKS -destalias weaver' $ocg_user # Configure and Install keycloak #- cd ~/ovlm-install && rpm -ivh rpms/$keycloak_rpm_name - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cat /tmp/keycloak-bashrc >> ~/.profile' $ocg_user - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cat /tmp/keycloak-bashrc >> ~/.bashrc' $ocg_user - export KEYCLOAK_USER=$ocg_user;export KEYCLOAK_USER_GROUP=$ocg_user; sudo -E rpm -ivh --relocate /opt/keycloak=/home/$ocg_user/keycloak --relocate /etc/keycloak=/home/$ocg_user/keycloak/etc --relocate /var/log/keycloak=/home/$ocg_user/keycloak/log --relocate /var/run/keycloak=/home/$ocg_user/keycloak/run --relocate /var/opt/keycloak=/home/$ocg_user/keycloak/var /home/$ocg_user/weaver_install/ovlm-install/rpms/keycloak-pkg-x86_64.rpm # setup keycloak - su -s /bin/bash -l -c '/tmp/keycloak-setup.sh' $ocg_user # copy keystore file - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cp /home/$ocg_user/weaver_install/ovlm-install/certs/keycloak.jks /home/$ocg_user/keycloak/etc/standalone/.' $ocg_user # Config admin user - su -s /bin/bash -l -c '/home/$ocg_user/keycloak/bin/add-user-keycloak.sh -u admin -p Openet01' $ocg_user # Enable keycloak daemon - systemctl enable keycloak # Start keycloak service - systemctl restart keycloak # Set up the config file and do the weaver install - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd ~/weaver_install/ovlm-install && cp $ovlm_install_properties ./ovlm-install.yml' $ocg_user - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd ~/weaver_install/ovlm-install && ./utilities/cipher/encrypt_scripts/encrypt-password.sh -f ./ovlm-install.yml' $ocg_user - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd ~/weaver_install/ovlm-install && ./ovlm-deploy.sh -i ovlm-install.yml -u $ocg_user' $ocg_user - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd ~/weaver_install && sudo bash ovlm-client.sh' $ocg_user # Configure keycloak user for Weaver realm - su -s /bin/bash -l -c '/home/$ocg_user/keycloak/bin/add-user-keycloak.sh -u weaver -p Openet01 -r weaver' $ocg_user # Restart service - systemctl restart keycloak # Steps for weaver.profile - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd && cp ~/weaver_install/ovlm-install/weaver.profile .' $ocg_user - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd && source weaver.profile' $ocg_user - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'echo "source weaver.profile" >> ~/.profile' $ocg_user - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'echo "eval \$(on-auth-client -u weaver -p Openet01 --ca_bundle_path /home/fworks/weaver_install/ovlm-install/certs/ca_bundle)" >> ~/.profile' $ocg_user # Step to prepare the upload the files - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd && . ~/.profile && cd ~/weaver_install/ovlm-install && ./ovlm-dm-util.sh prepare upload_files' $ocg_user # Step to upload the resource agent related binary file into deployment manager - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd && . ~/.profile && cd ~/weaver_install/ovlm-install && ovlm-dm artifact upload -f /home/fworks/weaver_install/ovlm-install/artifact/ovlm-install.tar.gz' $ocg_user # Step to upload related configuration files into deployment manager - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd && . ~/.profile && cd ~/weaver_install/ovlm-install && ovlm-dm configuration create -i ovlm-install.yml -u $ocg_user -secure_stage_traffic false -s /home/fworks/weaver_install/ovlm-install/artifact/ssh-keys.tar.gz -c /home/fworks/weaver_install/ovlm-install/artifact/certs.tar.gz -k ~/.ssh/id_rsa -e /home/fworks/weaver_install/ovlm-install/artifact/.installer.png' $ocg_user # Step to check OCG-Mgr health status - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'cd && . ~/.profile && ovlm-fe health status' $ocg_user # Step for Replication Import - su -s /bin/bash -l -c 'ReplicationImport -u Administrator -p Openet00 /home/fworks/Installer/OCG_BASE_CONFIG.xml' $ocg_user