/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * SDC * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.openecomp.core.validation.errors; public enum Messages { INVALID_ZIP_FILE("Invalid zip file"), /* upload errors */ //NO_ZIP_UPLOADED("No zip file was uploaded or zip file doesn't exist"), ZIP_SHOULD_NOT_CONTAIN_FOLDERS("Zip file should not contain folders"), MANIFEST_NOT_EXIST("Manifest doesn't exist"), NO_ZIP_FILE_WAS_UPLOADED_OR_ZIP_NOT_EXIST("no zip file was uploaded or zip file doesn't exist"), /* manifest errors*/ MISSING_FILE_IN_ZIP("Missing file in zip"), MISSING_FILE_IN_MANIFEST("Missing file in manifest"), MISSING_FILE_NAME_IN_MANIFEST("Missing file name in manifest - %s"), MISSING_NESTED_FILE("Missing nested file - %s"), MISSING_ARTIFACT("Missing artifact - %s"), WRONG_HEAT_FILE_EXTENSION("Wrong HEAT file extension - %s"), WRONG_ENV_FILE_EXTENSION("Wrong ENV file extension - %s"), INVALID_MANIFEST_FILE("invalid manifest file"), INVALID_FILE_TYPE("Missing or Unknown file type in Manifest"), ENV_NOT_ASSOCIATED_TO_HEAT("ENV file must be associated to a HEAT file"), /* content errors*/ INVALID_YAML_FORMAT("Invalid YAML format - %s"), INVALID_YAML_FORMAT_REASON("Invalid YAML format Problem - [%s]"), EMPTY_YAML_FILE("empty yaml"), GENERAL_YAML_PARSER_ERROR("general parser error"), GENERAL_HEAT_PARSER_ERROR("general parser error"), INVALID_HEAT_FORMAT_REASON("Invalid HEAT format problem - [%s]"), MISSING_RESOURCE_IN_DEPENDS_ON("a Missing resource in depend On Missing Resource ID [%s]"), REFERENCED_PARAMETER_NOT_FOUND("Referenced parameter - %s - not found, used in resource - %s"), GET_ATTR_NOT_FOUND("get_attr attribute not found - %s in resource %s"), MISSING_PARAMETER_IN_NESTED( "Referenced parameter not found in nested file - %s, resource name - %s, " + "parameter name - %s"), NESTED_LOOP("Nested files loop - %s"), MORE_THAN_ONE_BIND_FROM_NOVA_TO_PORT("Resource Port %s exceed allowed relations from NovaServer"), SERVER_NOT_DEFINED_FROM_NOVA("Missing server group definition - %s, %s"), WRONG_POLICY_IN_SERVER_GROUP("Wrong policy in server group - %s"), MISSING_IMAGE_AND_FLAVOR("Missing both Image and Flavor in NOVA Server - %s"), ENV_INCLUDES_PARAMETER_NOT_IN_HEAT("Env file %s includes a parameter not in HEAT - %s"), PARAMETER_ENV_VALUE_NOT_ALIGN_WITH_TYPE("Parameter env value %s not align with type"), PARAMETER_DEFAULT_VALUE_NOT_ALIGN_WITH_TYPE( "Parameter - %s default value not align with type %s"), INVALID_RESOURCE_TYPE("A resource has an invalid or unsupported type - %s, Resource ID [%s]"), ARTIFACT_FILE_NOT_REFERENCED("Artifact file is not referenced."), SERVER_OR_SECURITY_GROUP_NOT_IN_USE("%s not in use, Resource Id [%s]"), PORT_NO_BIND_TO_ANY_NOVA_SERVER("Port not bind to any NOVA Server, Resource Id [%s]"), INVALID_GET_RESOURCE_SYNTAX( "invalid get_resource syntax is in use - %s , get_resource function should" + " get the resource id of the referenced resource"), INVALID_RESOURCE_GROUP_TYPE( "OS::Heat::ResourceGroup resource with resource_def which is not " + "pointing to nested heat file is not supported," + " Resource ID [%s], resource_def type [%s]"), /* warnings */ REFERENCED_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND("Referenced resource - %s not found"), MISSING_GET_PARAM("Missing get_param in %s, Resource Id [%s]"), /*Ecomp Guide lines*/ MISSING_NOVA_SERVER_METADATA("Missing Nova Server Metadata property Resource id [%s]"), MISSING_NOVA_SERVER_VNF_ID("Missing VNF_ID Resource id [%s]"), MISSING_NOVA_SERVER_VF_MODULE_ID("Missing VF_MODULE_ID, Resource id [%s]"), NETWORK_PARAM_NOT_ALIGNED_WITH_GUIDE_LINE( "Network Parameter Name not aligned with Guidelines Parameter Name [%s] Resource ID [%s]"), MISSIN_BASE_HEAT_FILE( "Missing Base HEAT. Pay attention that without Base HEAT, there will be no shared resources"), MULTI_BASE_HEAT_FILE("Multi Base HEAT. Expected only one. Files %s."), RESOURCE_NOT_DEFINED_IN_OUTPUT( "Resource is not defined as output and thus cannot be Shared. resource id - %s"), RESOURCE_CONNECTED_TO_TWO_EXTERNAL_NETWORKS_WITH_SAME_ROLE( "A resource is connected twice to the same network role Resource ID [%s] Network Role [%s]."), VOLUME_HEAT_NOT_EXPOSED("Volume is not defined as output and thus cannot be attached %s"), FLOATING_IP_NOT_IN_USE("OS::Neutron::FloatingIP is in use, Resource ID [%s]"), FIXED_IPS_NOT_ALIGNED_WITH_GUIDE_LINES("Fixed_IPS not aligned with Guidelines, Resource ID [%s]"), NOVA_SERVER_NAME_NOT_ALIGNED_WITH_GUIDE_LINES( "Server Name not aligned with Guidelines, Resource ID [%s]"), AVAILABILITY_ZONE_NOT_ALIGNED_WITH_GUIDE_LINES( "Server Availability Zone not aligned with Guidelines, Resource ID [%s]"), WRONG_IMAGE_OR_FLAVOR_NAME_NOVA_SERVER("Wrong %s name format in NOVA Server, Resource ID [%s]"); private String errorMessage; Messages(String errorMessage) { this.errorMessage = errorMessage; } public String getErrorMessage() { return errorMessage; } }