import argparse import json import netifaces import os import sys import time TIME_INTERVAL = 10 def parse_json_file(json_path): with open(json_path, 'r') as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) return data def check_network_interfaces(): for interface in netifaces.interfaces(): if sys.platform != 'win32' or netifaces.ifaddresses(interface)[-1000][0]['addr'] != '00:00:00:00:00:00:00:e0': while 2 not in netifaces.ifaddresses(interface).keys() and 23 not in netifaces.ifaddresses(interface).keys(): print("Still waiting for interface:", interface) time.sleep(TIME_INTERVAL) def check_connectivity(): if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): ping_str = "ping -c 1 " elif sys.platform == 'cygwin' or sys.platform == 'win32': ping_str = "ping -n 1 " while os.system(ping_str + component_ip) != 0: print("No connectivity to", component_ip, "waiting", TIME_INTERVAL, "seconds") time.sleep(TIME_INTERVAL) def check_cinder_mounts(): if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): meta_data = parse_json_file('/meta.js') elif sys.platform == 'cygwin' or sys.platform == 'win32': meta_data = parse_json_file('c:\\meta.js') cinder_count = 0 for info in meta_data: if info.startswith('mount'): cinder_count += 1 if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): cinder_attached = os.popen('ls /dev/disk/by-id/virtio* | wc -l').read() elif sys.platform == 'cygwin' or sys.platform == 'win32': cinder_attached = os.popen("wmic diskdrive get DeviceID | find /i \"PHYSICALDRIVE\" | find /V \"0\" /C").read() while (int(cinder_attached) < cinder_count) and (cinder_count != 0): print("Missing a cinder mount, waiting", TIME_INTERVAL, "seconds") time.sleep(TIME_INTERVAL) if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): cinder_attached = os.popen('ls /dev/disk/by-id/virtio* | wc -l').read() elif sys.platform == 'cygwin' or sys.platform == 'win32': cinder_attached = os.popen( "wmic diskdrive get DeviceID | find /i \"PHYSICALDRIVE\" | find /V \"0\" /C").read() if int(cinder_attached) == cinder_count: print("All cinder are attached and ready to be formatted and mounted") def main(): check_network_interfaces() check_cinder_mounts() if component_ip is not None: check_connectivity() print("All resources are ready") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='This script is waiting for network and volume resources to come up') parser.add_argument('-m', '--component_ip', metavar='component_ip', type=str, help='The component ip', required=False) args = parser.parse_args() component_ip = args.component_ip globals().update(args.__dict__) main()