parameters: # Name of the stack stack_name: type: string # Name of the availability zone availability_zone_0: "nova" # VNF ID vnf_id: "111100001111" # VF Module ID vf_module_id: "888800008888" # VM Names cpm_name_0: "vbng1-cpma" cpm_name_1: "vbng1-cpmb" iom_name_0: "vbng1-iom1" # Name of the image for CPM and IOM VMs. Make sure you have uploaded the image. cpm_image_name: "VSR-14.0R4" iom_image_name: "VSR-14.0R4" # Flavor of CPM and IOM VMs. Pick a flavor available in your Openstack tenant cpm_flavor_name: "m1.medium" iom_flavor_name: "m1.medium" # UUID of the Management network # This is an external network. The network should be created separately # NOTE: Update these based on your Openstack network configuration mgt_net_id: 1024b82c-0049-4503-8b0b-eb5ff952e101 mgt_subnet_id: 90ad7ea9-596f-45f4-8869-226fc876b101 # UUID of the Control fabric - This will be created by the script # This is an external network. The network should be created separately # NOTE: Update these based on your Openstack network configuration ctrl_fabric_net_id: 1024b82c-0049-4503-8b0b-eb5ff952e102 ctrl_fabric_subnet_id: 90ad7ea9-596f-45f4-8869-226fc876b102 # UUID of the first Data network port # This is an external network. The network should be created separately # NOTE: Update these based on your Openstack network configuration data0_net_id: 1024b82c-0049-4503-8b0b-eb5ff952e103 data0_subnet_id: 90ad7ea9-596f-45f4-8869-226fc876b103 # UUID of the second Data network port # This is an external network. The network should be created separately # NOTE: Update these based on your Openstack network configuration data1_net_id: 1024b82c-0049-4503-8b0b-eb5ff952e104 data1_subnet_id: 90ad7ea9-596f-45f4-8869-226fc876b104 # UUID of the third Data network port # This is an external network. The network should be created separately # NOTE: Update these based on your Openstack network configuration data2_net_id: 1024b82c-0049-4503-8b0b-eb5ff952e105 data2_subnet_id: 90ad7ea9-596f-45f4-8869-226fc876b105 # UUID of the fourth Data network port # This is an external network. The network should be created separately # NOTE: Update these based on your Openstack network configuration data3_net_id: 1024b82c-0049-4503-8b0b-eb5ff952e106 data3_subnet_id: 90ad7ea9-596f-45f4-8869-226fc876b106 # Slot name for the CPM VMs. Conventionally these go as A and B cpmaSlot: "A" cpmbSlot: "B" # Slot name for the IOM VM iom1Slot: "1" # The following IPs are based on the Management Network provided above # Fixed IP for Management interface on CPM-A cpm_mgt_ip_0: # Fixed IP for Management interface on CPM-B cpm_mgt_ip_1: # Management Network CIDR cpm_mgt_cidr: "" # Management Network Gateway cpm_mgt_gw_ip: # Command passed during startup of CPMs cpm_smbios: "TiMOS: slot=$slt chassis=VSR card=cpm-v license-file=license.txt address=$adrp/24@active address=$adrs/24@standby static-route=$oamGw persist=on features=795" # Command passed during startup of IOMs iom_smbios: "TiMOS: slot=$slt chassis=VSR card=iom-v mda/1=m20-v features=795" # MTU size in bytes cpm_mtu: '9000' iom_mtu: '9000'