heat_template_version: 2015-04-30 description: | Example HOT file illustrating elasticity groups. parameters: backup_file: type: string description: | / This is only used for restore (aka "disaster recovery"). The value only needs to go to the OAM pair. Note that there is a 255 character limit on this value. cloud_name_delimiter: type: string description: Separator for cloud resource naming. install_config: type: string description: JSON formatted string of install config values. lcm_keypair: type: string description: Keypair used for lifecycle management access. constraints: - custom_constraint: nova.keypair default_action: type: string description: | Default action for all VMs. This may be overridden for specific VM groups, pairs or VMs via the ENV file. constraints: - allowed_values: - "install" - "recreate" - "scale-in" - "scale-out" - "heal" - "update" int_vlan_id: type: string description: Optional VLAN associated with the (0th) internal network. constraints: - allowed_pattern: "[0-9]*" description: VLAN Ids are expressed in base 10 digits. ssh_access_key: type: string description: | Optional SSH public key value for lifecycle management administrative access. v4_dns_server: type: string description: | (optional) IPV4 DNS server list. It is passed as a string instead of a CDL because of how it is handled internally. v6_dns_server: type: string description: | (optional) IPV6 DNS server list. It is passed as a string instead of a CDL because of how it is handled internally. v4_enum_server: type: string description: | (optional) IPV4 ENUM server list. It is passed as a string instead of a CDL because of how it is handled internally. v6_enum_server: type: string description: | (optional) IPV6 ENUM server list. It is passed as a string instead of a CDL because of how it is handled internally. v4_ntp_server: type: string description: | (optional) IPV4 NTP server list. It is passed as a string instead of a CDL because of how it is handled internally. v6_ntp_server: type: string description: | (optional) IPV6 NTP server list. It is passed as a string instead of a CDL because of how it is handled internally. vnf_id: type: string description: Unique ID for this VNF instance. default: "" vnf_name: type: string description: Unique name for this VNF instance. default: "" vnf_module_id: type: string description: Unique ID for this VNF Module instance. default: "" vnf_module_name: type: string description: Unique name for this VNF module instance. default: "" net_types: type: comma_delimited_list description: CDL of subnet tags. oam_management_v4_source: type: string description: Name of the OAM IP parameter to use. oam_management_v4_index: type: number description: Index to the V4 management IP address. oam_management_v6_source: type: string description: Name of the OAM IP parameter to use. oam_management_v6_index: type: number description: Index to the V6 management IP address. oam_net_id: type: string description: ID of the network associated with tag "oam". constraints: - custom_constraint: neutron.network oam_subnet_id: type: string description: ID of the subnet associated with tag "oam". oam_cidr: type: string description: CIDR associated with tag "oam". constraints: - custom_constraint: net_cidr oam_default_gateway: type: string description: Default gateway IP address associated with tag "oam". access_net_id: type: string description: ID of the network associated with tag "access". constraints: - custom_constraint: neutron.network access_subnet_id: type: string description: ID of the subnet associated with tag "access". access_cidr: type: string description: CIDR associated with tag "access". constraints: - custom_constraint: net_cidr access_default_gateway: type: string description: Default gateway IP address associated with tag "access". vm_counts: type: json description: | Maps VM type tags to the number of pairs of that type. vm_info: type: json description: Provides keys into type-specific parameters and vnic info. default: {} availability_zone_0: type: string description: Availability zone name. availability_zone_1: type: string description: Availability zone name. oam_names: description: CDL of OAM VM names. type: comma_delimited_list ims_names: description: CDL of IMS VM names. type: comma_delimited_list oam_image_name: description: Image for this VMtype. type: string ims_image_name: description: Image for this VMtype. type: string oam_flavor_name: description: CDL of OAM flavor values. type: string constraints: - custom_constraint: nova.flavor ims_flavor_name: description: CDL of IMS flavor values. type: string constraints: - custom_constraint: nova.flavor oam_oam_ips: type: comma_delimited_list description: List of IP addresses for this VMtype_NETtype combination. ims_access_ips: type: comma_delimited_list description: List of IP addresses for this VMtype_NETtype combination. resources: FORMATXLATE: type: LCP-OPENECOMP.template.yaml properties: backup_file: {get_param: backup_file} cloud_name_delimiter: {get_param: cloud_name_delimiter} default_action: {get_param: default_action} install_config: {get_param: install_config} lcm_keypair: {get_param: lcm_keypair} ssh_access_key: {get_param: ssh_access_key} v4_dns_server: {get_param: v4_dns_server} v6_dns_server: {get_param: v6_dns_server} v4_enum_server: {get_param: v4_enum_server} v6_enum_server: {get_param: v6_enum_server} v4_ntp_server: {get_param: v4_ntp_server} v6_ntp_server: {get_param: v6_ntp_server} vnf_id: {get_param: vnf_id} vnf_name: {get_param: vnf_name} vnf_module_id: {get_param: vnf_module_id} vnf_module_name: {get_param: vnf_module_name} net_types: {get_param: net_types} net_ids: { "oam": {get_param: oam_net_id}, "access": {get_param: access_net_id}, "" } subnet_ids: { "oam": {get_param: oam_subnet_id}, "access": {get_param: access_subnet_id}, "" } cidrs: { "oam": {get_param: oam_cidr}, "access": {get_param: access_cidr}, "" } default_gateways: { "oam": {get_param: oam_default_gateway}, "access": {get_param: access_default_gateway}, "" } # This list must be ordered by group ID. vmtype_list: ["oam", "ims"] vmtype_count: 2 vm_counts: {get_param: vm_counts} vm_info: {get_param: vm_info} availability_zones: - {get_param: availability_zone_0} - {get_param: availability_zone_1} images: { "oam": {get_param: oam_image_name}, "ims": {get_param: ims_image_name}, "": "" } flavors: { "oam": {get_param: oam_flavor_name}, "ims": {get_param: ims_flavor_name}, "": "" } ip_lists: { "oam_oam_ips": {get_param: oam_oam_ips}, "ims_access_ips": {get_param: ims_access_ips}, "": [] } name_lists: { "oam": {get_param: oam_names}, "ims": {get_param: ims_names}, "": [] } NOKIA-LCP-Base: depends_on: - FORMATXLATE type: LCP-Base.template.yaml properties: default_prefix: str_replace: template: | {"": "$stk$delimiter"} params: $stk: {get_param: "OS::stack_name"} $delimiter: {get_attr: [FORMATXLATE, usage_info, cloud_name_delimiter]} int_net_count: 2 ext_net_list: ["oam", "access"] ext_net_info: {get_attr: [FORMATXLATE, ext_net_info]} total_vm_pairs: {get_attr: [FORMATXLATE, total_vm_pairs]} OAM_RRG: depends_on: - NOKIA-LCP-Base type: LCP-PairGroup.template.yaml properties: default_action: {get_attr: [FORMATXLATE, default_action]} default_name_base: str_replace: template: | {"": "oam$delimiter0$delimiter"} params: $delimiter: {get_attr: [FORMATXLATE, usage_info, cloud_name_delimiter]} group_id: "0" group_tag: "oam" group_index: '0' current_group_count: {get_attr: [FORMATXLATE, vm_counts, "oam"]} role: "oam" lcm_keypair: {get_attr: [FORMATXLATE, lcm_keypair]} total_pair_count: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-Base, TotalPairCount]} backup_file: {get_attr: [FORMATXLATE, backup_file]} name_delimiter: {get_attr: [FORMATXLATE, usage_info, cloud_name_delimiter]} int_net_count: 2 install_config: {get_attr: [FORMATXLATE, install_config]} net_info_str: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-Base, NetInfoStr]} sec_group: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-Base, OpenSec]} ssh_access_key: {get_attr: [FORMATXLATE, ssh_access_key]} ssh_public_key: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-Base, PublicKey]} ssh_private_key: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-Base, PrivateKey]} stack: {get_param: "OS::stack_name"} storage_size: 68 int_net_info: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-Base, IntNetInfo]} ext_net_info: {get_attr: [FORMATXLATE, ext_net_info]} usage_info: {get_attr: [FORMATXLATE, usage_info]} config_info: { poolinfo: '["mi-0", "cnfg-0", "sns-0"]', v4_static_routes: '{}', v6_static_routes: '{}', v4_default_gateway: "oam", v6_default_gateway: "", vnic_count: 3, "0": { # VM member index. vnic_info: { "0": [ {"count": "0", "binding_type": "direct", "subnet_count": "1", "allowed_subnets": ["INTERNALnet0"]}, {"label": "connectivity_ip;subnet=INTERNALnet0", "subnet": "INTERNALnet0"}, ], "1": [ {"count": "0", "binding_type": "direct", "subnet_count": "1", "allowed_subnets": ["INTERNALnet1"]}, {"label": "connectivity_ip;subnet=INTERNALnet1", "subnet": "INTERNALnet1"}, ], "2": [ {"count": "3", "binding_type": "normal", "subnet_count": "1", "allowed_subnets": ["oam"]}, {"label": "servicetype=cnfg-0;float;nitype=default;subnet=oam", "subnet": "oam"}, {"label": "servicetype=mi-0;float;nitype=default;subnet=oam", "subnet": "oam"}, {"label": "servicetype=mi-0;fixed;nitype=default;subnet=oam", "subnet": "oam"}, ], } }, "1": { vnic_info: { "0": [ {"count": "0", "binding_type": "direct", "subnet_count": "1", "allowed_subnets": ["INTERNALnet0"]}, {"label": "connectivity_ip;subnet=INTERNALnet0", "subnet": "INTERNALnet0"}, ], "1": [ {"count": "0", "binding_type": "direct", "subnet_count": "1", "allowed_subnets": ["INTERNALnet1"]}, {"label": "connectivity_ip;subnet=INTERNALnet1", "subnet": "INTERNALnet1"}, ], "2": [ {"count": "1", "binding_type": "normal", "subnet_count": "1", "allowed_subnets": ["oam"]}, {"label": "servicetype=mi-0;fixed;nitype=default;subnet=oam", "subnet": "oam"}, ], } } } IMS_RRG: type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup depends_on: - NOKIA-LCP-Base properties: count: {get_attr: [FORMATXLATE, vm_counts, "ims"]} resource_def: type: LCP-PairGroup.template.yaml properties: default_action: {get_attr: [FORMATXLATE, default_action]} default_name_base: str_replace: template: | {"": "ims$delimiter%index%$delimiter"} params: $delimiter: {get_attr: [FORMATXLATE, usage_info, cloud_name_delimiter]} group_id: "1" lcm_keypair: {get_attr: [FORMATXLATE, lcm_keypair]} group_tag: "ims" group_index: '%index%' current_group_count: {get_attr: [FORMATXLATE, vm_counts, "ims"]} total_pair_count: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-Base, TotalPairCount]} name_delimiter: {get_attr: [FORMATXLATE, usage_info, cloud_name_delimiter]} net_info_str: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-Base, NetInfoStr]} sec_group: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-Base, OpenSec]} ssh_access_key: {get_attr: [FORMATXLATE, ssh_access_key]} ssh_public_key: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-Base, PublicKey]} ssh_private_key: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-Base, PrivateKey]} stack: {get_param: "OS::stack_name"} storage_size: 4 install_config: {get_attr: [FORMATXLATE, install_config]} int_net_count: 2 int_net_info: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-Base, IntNetInfo]} ext_net_info: {get_attr: [FORMATXLATE, ext_net_info]} usage_info: {get_attr: [FORMATXLATE, usage_info]} config_info: { poolinfo: '["ims-0", "ims-1", "gos-0"]', v4_static_routes: '{ "ims-0": {"subnet": "access", "dest_subnet": "", "mask": ""}, "ims-1": {"subnet": "access", "dest_subnet": "", "mask": ""} }', v6_static_routes: '{}', v4_default_gateway: "access", v6_default_gateway: "", vnic_count: 3, "0": { # VM member index. vnic_info: { "0": [ {"count": "0", "binding_type": "normal", "subnet_count": "1", "allowed_subnets": ["INTERNALnet0"]}, {"label": "connectivity_ip;subnet=INTERNALnet0", "subnet": "INTERNALnet0"}, ], "1": [ {"count": "0", "binding_type": "normal", "subnet_count": "1", "allowed_subnets": ["INTERNALnet1"]}, {"label": "connectivity_ip;subnet=INTERNALnet1", "subnet": "INTERNALnet1"}, ], "2": [ {"count": "1", "binding_type": "normal", "subnet_count": "1", "allowed_subnets": ["access"]}, {"label": "servicetype=ims-0;float;nitype=published;subnet=access", "subnet": "access"}, ], } }, "1": { vnic_info: { "0": [ {"count": "0", "binding_type": "normal", "subnet_count": "1", "allowed_subnets": ["INTERNALnet0"]}, {"label": "connectivity_ip;subnet=INTERNALnet0", "subnet": "INTERNALnet0"}, ], "1": [ {"count": "0", "binding_type": "normal", "subnet_count": "1", "allowed_subnets": ["INTERNALnet1"]}, {"label": "connectivity_ip;subnet=INTERNALnet1", "subnet": "INTERNALnet1"}, ], "2": [ {"count": "1", "binding_type": "normal", "subnet_count": "1", "allowed_subnets": ["access"]}, {"label": "servicetype=ims-1;float;nitype=published;subnet=access", "subnet": "access"}, ], } } } outputs: oam_management_v4_address: description: IPV4 of the active MI service. value: {get_param: [{get_param: oam_management_v4_source}, {get_param: oam_management_v4_index}]} oam_management_v6_address: description: IPV6 of the active MI service. value: {get_param: [{get_param: oam_management_v6_source}, {get_param: oam_management_v6_index}]} internal_net_info: description: | Internal network IDs, CIDR etc. for use by modular additions to this stack. value: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-Base, IntNetInfo]}