heat_template_version: 2015-04-30 description: | Base resources needed for all LCP based vNFs. parameters: default_prefix: type: json description: | Default prefix for resources. The first key is the override value from the ENV file. If it is empty the result will be the default value. Otherwise the result will be empty. ext_net_info: type: json description: | Maps the network strings used in this HOT file to network info for the target cloud. ext_net_list: type: comma_delimited_list description: List of applicable subnet tags. int_net_count: type: number description: Number of internal networks. constraints: - allowed_values: [1, 2] # The value of this parameter should not be overridden. int_net1_label: type: json description: | Map the number of internal networks to an internal net1 label or the empty string. default: {"1": "", "2": "INTERNALnet1"} # This parameter should always be defaulted. int_net2key: type: json description: | Maps the empty string to "default" and any other string to "". default: {"": "default"} # This parameter should always be defaulted. int_net2count: type: json description: | Used to determine whether to create an internal network resource. Key'd first by the number of internal networks. Then by the internal network in question (0 or 1). Then by int_net2key(the provided resource UUID value). default: { "0": {}, "1": { "0": {"": 0, "default": 1}, "1": {"": 0, "default": 0} }, "2": { "0": {"": 0, "default": 1}, "1": {"": 0, "default": 1} } } # This parameter should always be defaulted. sec_chk: type: json description: Used to determine how many security groups to create (0 or 1). default: { "step1": {"": "EMPTY"}, "step2": {"EMPTY": 1, "": 0} } security_group: type: string description: | (optional) security group to use instead of generating one. Because this is optional we can't use a constraint check to verify that it is a security group ID ("" would fail that test). default: "" total_vm_pairs: type: string description: | This string will evaluate to the number of PairGroups in the VNF. resources: NOKIA-LCP-OpenSec: type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup properties: count: {get_param: [sec_chk, "step2", {get_param: [sec_chk, "step1", {get_param: security_group}]}]} resource_def: type: OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup properties: description: | Open security settings. This assumes that security is handled internal to the guest. name: str_replace: template: $prefixOpenSecGroup params: $prefix: {get_param: [default_prefix, ""]} rules: - {direction: ingress, ethertype: IPv4} - {direction: egress, ethertype: IPv4} - {direction: ingress, ethertype: IPv6} - {direction: egress, ethertype: IPv6} NOKIA-LCP-Keypair: type: OS::Nova::KeyPair properties: name: str_replace: template: $prefixInternalKey params: $prefix: {get_param: [default_prefix, ""]} save_private_key: True NOKIA-LCP-InternalNet0: type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup properties: count: {get_param: [int_net2count, {str_replace: {template: "$str", params: {$str: {get_param: int_net_count}}}}, "0", {get_param: [int_net2key, {get_param: [ext_net_info, "INTERNALnet0", "id"]}]}]} resource_def: type: OS::Neutron::Net properties: name: str_replace: template: $prefixIntNet0 params: $prefix: {get_param: [default_prefix, ""]} admin_state_up: True shared: False NOKIA-LCP-InternalNet1: type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup properties: count: {get_param: [int_net2count, {str_replace: {template: "$str", params: {$str: {get_param: int_net_count}}}}, "0", {get_param: [int_net2key, {get_param: [ext_net_info, "INTERNALnet1", "id"]}]}]} resource_def: type: OS::Neutron::Net properties: name: str_replace: template: $prefixIntNet1 params: $prefix: {get_param: [default_prefix, ""]} admin_state_up: True shared: False # The CIDR usage is really but # we don't want the cloud to choose any IP addresses # that might also be assigned by the algorithms # used by the vNF to determine internal IP addresses. NOKIA-LCP-InternalSubNet0: type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup properties: count: {get_param: [int_net2count, {str_replace: {template: "$str", params: {$str: {get_param: int_net_count}}}}, "0", {get_param: [int_net2key, {get_param: [ext_net_info, "INTERNALnet0", "subnet_id"]}]}]} resource_def: type: OS::Neutron::Subnet properties: network: str_replace: template: $gen$prov params: $gen: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-InternalNet0, refs, 0]} $prov: {get_param: [ext_net_info, "INTERNALnet0", "id"]} cidr: "" enable_dhcp: False NOKIA-LCP-InternalSubNet1: type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup properties: count: {get_param: [int_net2count, {str_replace: {template: "$str", params: {$str: {get_param: int_net_count}}}}, "0", {get_param: [int_net2key, {get_param: [ext_net_info, "INTERNALnet1", "subnet_id"]}]}]} resource_def: type: OS::Neutron::Subnet properties: network: str_replace: template: $gen$prov params: $gen: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-InternalNet1, refs, 0]} $prov: {get_param: [ext_net_info, "INTERNALnet1", "id"]} cidr: "" enable_dhcp: False outputs: # Note that the generated and given security groups are mutually exclusive. OpenSec: description: Open security group. value: str_replace: template: $gen$given params: $gen: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-OpenSec, refs, 0]} $given: {get_param: security_group} PrivateKey: description: Private SSH key for pre-install intra-VM communication. value: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-Keypair, private_key]} PublicKey: description: Public SSH key for pre-install intra-VM communication. value: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-Keypair, public_key]} TotalPairCount: description: | This string will evaluate to the number of PairGroups in the VNF. value: {get_param: total_vm_pairs} IntNetInfo: description: Internal network attributes. value: { "INTERNALnet0": { "id": { str_replace: { template: "$gen$prov", params: { $gen: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-InternalNet0, refs, 0]}, $prov: {get_param: [ext_net_info, "INTERNALnet0", "id"]} } } }, "subnet_id": { str_replace: { template: "$gen$prov", params: { $gen: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-InternalSubNet0, refs, 0]}, $prov: {get_param: [ext_net_info, "INTERNALnet0", "subnet_id"]} } } }, "cidr": "", "default_gateway": "" }, "INTERNALnet1": { "id": { str_replace: { template: "$gen$prov", params: { $gen: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-InternalNet1, refs, 0]}, $prov: {get_param: [ext_net_info, "INTERNALnet1", "id"]} } } }, "subnet_id": { str_replace: { template: "$gen$prov", params: { $gen: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-InternalSubNet1, refs, 0]}, $prov: {get_param: [ext_net_info, "INTERNALnet1", "subnet_id"]} } } }, "cidr": "", "default_gateway": "" } } NetInfoStr: description: Per-subnet information in string format. value: str_replace: template: | { "subnet_list": "INTERNALnet0 $intnet1 $tag00 $tag01 $tag02 $tag03 $tag04 $tag05 $tag06 $tag07 $tag08 $tag09 $tag10 $tag11", "INTERNALnet0": { "id": "$gennet0$provnet0", "subnet_id": "$gensubnet0$provsubnet0", "cidr": "", "default_gateway": "" }, "INTERNALnet1": { "id": "$gennet1$provnet1", "subnet_id": "$gensubnet1$provsubnet1", "cidr": "", "default_gateway": "" }, "$tag00": { "cidr": "$cidr00", "default_gateway": "$gw00" }, "$tag01": { "cidr": "$cidr01", "default_gateway": "$gw01" }, "$tag02": { "cidr": "$cidr02", "default_gateway": "$gw02" }, "$tag03": { "cidr": "$cidr03", "default_gateway": "$gw03" }, "$tag04": { "cidr": "$cidr04", "default_gateway": "$gw04" }, "$tag05": { "cidr": "$cidr05", "default_gateway": "$gw05" }, "$tag06": { "cidr": "$cidr06", "default_gateway": "$gw06" }, "$tag07": { "cidr": "$cidr07", "default_gateway": "$gw07" }, "$tag08": { "cidr": "$cidr08", "default_gateway": "$gw08" }, "$tag09": { "cidr": "$cidr09", "default_gateway": "$gw09" }, "$tag10": { "cidr": "$cidr10", "default_gateway": "$gw10" }, "$tag11": { "cidr": "$cidr11", "default_gateway": "$gw11" } } params: $intnet1: {get_param: [int_net1_label, {str_replace: {template: "$val", params: {$val: {get_param: int_net_count}}}}]} $gennet0: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-InternalNet0, refs, 0]} $provnet0: {get_param: [ext_net_info, "INTERNALnet0", "id"]} $gensubnet0: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-InternalSubNet0, refs, 0]} $provsubnet0: {get_param: [ext_net_info, "INTERNALnet0", "subnet_id"]} $gennet1: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-InternalNet1, refs, 0]} $provnet1: {get_param: [ext_net_info, "INTERNALnet1", "id"]} $gensubnet1: {get_attr: [NOKIA-LCP-InternalSubNet1, refs, 0]} $provsubnet1: {get_param: [ext_net_info, "INTERNALnet1", "subnet_id"]} $tag00: {get_param: [ext_net_list, 0]} $cidr00: {get_param: [ext_net_info, {get_param: [ext_net_list, 0]}, cidr]} $gw00: {get_param: [ext_net_info, {get_param: [ext_net_list, 0]}, default_gateway]} $tag01: {get_param: [ext_net_list, 1]} $cidr01: {get_param: [ext_net_info, {get_param: [ext_net_list, 1]}, cidr]} $gw01: {get_param: [ext_net_info, {get_param: [ext_net_list, 1]}, default_gateway]} $tag02: {get_param: [ext_net_list, 2]} $cidr02: {get_param: [ext_net_info, {get_param: [ext_net_list, 2]}, cidr]} $gw02: {get_param: [ext_net_info, {get_param: [ext_net_list, 2]}, default_gateway]} $tag03: {get_param: [ext_net_list, 3]} $cidr03: {get_param: [ext_net_info, {get_param: [ext_net_list, 3]}, cidr]} $gw03: {get_param: [ext_net_info, {get_param: [ext_net_list, 3]}, default_gateway]} $tag04: {get_param: [ext_net_list, 4]} $cidr04: {get_param: [ext_net_info, {get_param: [ext_net_list, 4]}, cidr]} $gw04: {get_param: [ext_net_info, {get_param: [ext_net_list, 4]}, default_gateway]} $tag05: {get_param: [ext_net_list, 5]} $cidr05: {get_param: [ext_net_info, {get_param: [ext_net_list, 5]}, cidr]} $gw05: {get_param: [ext_net_info, {get_param: [ext_net_list, 5]}, default_gateway]} $tag06: {get_param: [ext_net_list, 6]} $cidr06: {get_param: [ext_net_info, {get_param: [ext_net_list, 6]}, cidr]} $gw06: {get_param: [ext_net_info, {get_param: [ext_net_list, 6]}, default_gateway]} $tag07: {get_param: [ext_net_list, 7]} $cidr07: {get_param: [ext_net_info, {get_param: [ext_net_list, 7]}, cidr]} $gw07: {get_param: [ext_net_info, {get_param: [ext_net_list, 7]}, default_gateway]} $tag08: {get_param: [ext_net_list, 8]} $cidr08: {get_param: [ext_net_info, {get_param: [ext_net_list, 8]}, cidr]} $gw08: {get_param: [ext_net_info, {get_param: [ext_net_list, 8]}, default_gateway]} $tag09: {get_param: [ext_net_list, 9]} $cidr09: {get_param: [ext_net_info, {get_param: [ext_net_list, 9]}, cidr]} $gw09: {get_param: [ext_net_info, {get_param: [ext_net_list, 9]}, default_gateway]} $tag10: {get_param: [ext_net_list, 10]} $cidr10: {get_param: [ext_net_info, {get_param: [ext_net_list, 10]}, cidr]} $gw10: {get_param: [ext_net_info, {get_param: [ext_net_list, 10]}, default_gateway]} $tag11: {get_param: [ext_net_list, 11]} $cidr11: {get_param: [ext_net_info, {get_param: [ext_net_list, 11]}, cidr]} $gw11: {get_param: [ext_net_info, {get_param: [ext_net_list, 11]}, default_gateway]} Version: description: | Template file version number. This should be updated each time a non-comment change is made to this file. value: K1