heat_template_version: 2015-04-30 ################################# # Author: Dmitry Orzhehovsky # Email: dorzheho@cisco.com ################################# description: > Creates essential resources: vSON internal network, Security Groups and vSON Cluster Manager instance. Deploys and configure appropriate software on the Cluster Management server. Exposes shared resource as outputs that could be used by add-on templates. parameters: ### vSON VF base global parameters vnf_name: type: string label: VF name description: Unique name for this VF instance. vnf_id: type: string label: VF ID description: Unique ID for this VF instance. vf_module_name: type: string label: VF module name description: Unique name for this VF module instance. vf_module_id: type: string label: VF module ID description: Unique ID for this VF Module instance. ### OAM network parameters oam_net_id: type: string label: OAM network ID description: Unique ID for the OAM network. oam_net_subnet_prefix_length: type: string label: OAM net subnet prefix length description: OAM network subnet prefix length. default_gateway: type: string label: Default gateway description: Default gateway. dns_servers: type: comma_delimited_list label: DNS servers description: List of DNS servers. ntp_servers: type: comma_delimited_list label: NTP servers description: List of NTP servers. vson_clm_server_group_policy: type: string label: vSON Cluster Management server group policy description: > Tells what policy should be applied to the ServerGroup. Affinity policy will force instances to share the same hypervisor. Anti-affinity will force instances to run in different hypervisors. The group intended for vSON Cluster Management instances. vson_leader_server_group_policy: type: string label: vSON Cluster/DC leader server group policy description: > Tells what policy should be applied to the ServerGroup. Affinity policy will force instances to share the same hypervisor. Anti-affinity will force instances to run in different hypervisors. The group intended for vSON Cluster/DC leader instances. vson_dbc_server_group_policy: type: string label: vSON Database server group policy description: > Tells what policy should be applied to the ServerGroup. Affinity policy will force instances to share the same hypervisor. Anti-affinity will force instances to run in different hypervisors. The group intended for vSON Database instances. vson_dbg_server_group_policy: type: string label: vSON Database server group policy description: > Tells what policy should be applied to the ServerGroup. Affinity policy will force instances to share the same hypervisor. Anti-affinity will force instances to run in different hypervisors. The group intended for vSON DB Global instances. vson_dbs_server_group_policy: type: string label: vSON Database server group policy description: > Tells what policy should be applied to the ServerGroup. Affinity policy will force instances to share the same hypervisor. Anti-affinity will force instances to run in different hypervisors. The group intended for vSON DB Shard instances. vson_mon_server_group_policy: type: string label: vSON MON server group policy description: > Tells what policy should be applied to the ServerGroup. Affinity policy will force instances to share the same hypervisor. Anti-affinity will force instances to run in different hypervisors. The group intended for vSON MON instances. vson_mgt_server_group_policy: type: string label: vSON Management server group policy description: > Tells what policy should be applied to the ServerGroup. Affinity policy will force instances to share the same hypervisor. Anti-affinity will force instances to run in different hypervisors. The group intended for vSON Management instances. vson_mdr_server_group_policy: type: string label: vSON Mediator server group policy description: > Tells what policy should be applied to the ServerGroup. Affinity policy will force instances to share the same hypervisor. Anti-affinity will force instances to run in different hypervisors. The group intended for vSON Mediator instances. vson_app_server_group_policy: type: string label: vSON Application server group policy description: > Tells what policy should be applied to the ServerGroup. Affinity policy will force instances to share the same hypervisor. Anti-affinity will force instances to run in different hypervisors. The group intended for vSON Application instances. ### CLM server parameters availability_zone_0: type: string label: Availability zone 0 description: > vSON Cluster Management server Availability zone. vson_clm_name_0: type: string label: vSON Cluster Management server name description: VM name for this vSON Cluster Management instance. vson_clm_oam_net_ip_0: type: string label: vSON CLM OAM network IP address description: Fixed IP assignment for vSON CLM instances on the OAM network. vson_clm_flavor_name: type: string label: Flavor name description: Cluster Manager VM flavor name. vson_clm_image_name: type: string label: vSON Cluster Manager VM image name description: Image name the volume will be created from. vson_master_clm_ip: type: string label: vSON master CLM IP description: > Master CLM IP. If the vSON Cluster belongs to a single OpenStack tenant, the value SHOULD BE EMPTY. In case the vSON Cluster is distributed between multiple tenants: -> vSON Cluster instantiation - the value should be empty -> Adding a new DC to existing vSON Cluster - IP of the CLM deployed during vSON Cluster instantiation, should be set as the value. vson_cluster_name: type: string label: vSON Cluster name description: Name of the vSON Cluster. constraints: - length: { min: 1, max: 13 } description: User name must be between 1 and 13 characters swift_storage_url: type: string label: swift storage URL description: > Swift storage URL. Example: - protocol, IP and port, v1 - API version AUTH_a4d426b5ef2e41408a8e6e6b9a8d3029 - account ID swift_account_auth_token: type: string label: Swift account auth token description: > Swift account auth token. Example: 041a5187bb4641f9b89583e2539776b0 swift_son_container_name: type: string label: SON Swift description: Swift container storing vSON artifacts. resources: # Server Group implements appropriate scheduling policy for vSON Cluster Management instances vson_clm_server_group: type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup properties: name: str_replace: template: VNF_NAME_clm_server_group params: VNF_NAME: {get_param: vnf_name} policies: - {get_param: vson_clm_server_group_policy} # Server Group implements appropriate scheduling policy for vSON Cluster/DC leaders vson_leader_server_group: type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup properties: name: str_replace: template: VNF_NAME_leader_server_group params: VNF_NAME: {get_param: vnf_name} policies: - {get_param: vson_leader_server_group_policy} # Server Group implements appropriate scheduling policy for vSON DBC instances vson_dbc_server_group: type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup properties: name: str_replace: template: VNF_NAME_dbc_server_group params: VNF_NAME: {get_param: vnf_name} policies: - {get_param: vson_dbc_server_group_policy} # Server Group implements appropriate scheduling policy for vSON DBG instances vson_dbg_server_group: type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup properties: name: str_replace: template: VNF_NAME_dbg_server_group params: VNF_NAME: {get_param: vnf_name} policies: - {get_param: vson_dbg_server_group_policy} # Server Group implements appropriate scheduling policy for vSON DBS instances vson_dbs_server_group: type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup properties: name: str_replace: template: VNF_NAME_dbs_server_group params: VNF_NAME: {get_param: vnf_name} policies: - {get_param: vson_dbs_server_group_policy} # Server Group implements appropriate scheduling policy for vSON MON instances vson_mon_server_group: type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup properties: name: str_replace: template: VNF_NAME_mon_server_group params: VNF_NAME: {get_param: vnf_name} policies: - {get_param: vson_mon_server_group_policy} # Server Group implements appropriate scheduling policy for vSON Management instances vson_mgt_server_group: type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup properties: name: str_replace: template: VNF_NAME_mgt_server_group params: VNF_NAME: {get_param: vnf_name} policies: - {get_param: vson_mgt_server_group_policy} # Server Group implements appropriate scheduling policy for vSON Mediator instances vson_mdr_server_group: type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup properties: name: str_replace: template: VNF_NAME_mdr_server_group params: VNF_NAME: {get_param: vnf_name} policies: - {get_param: vson_mdr_server_group_policy} # Server Group implements appropriate scheduling policy for vSON Application instances vson_app_server_group: type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup properties: name: str_replace: template: VNF_NAME_app_server_group params: VNF_NAME: {get_param: vnf_name} policies: - {get_param: vson_app_server_group_policy} oam_net_security_group: type: OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup properties: description: Security Group for instances connected to the OAM network. name: str_replace: template: VNF_NAME_oam_sec_group params: VNF_NAME: {get_param: vnf_name} rules: - {"direction": "egress", "remote_ip_prefix": "", "protocol": "tcp", "ethertype": "IPv4", "port_range_max": 65535, "port_range_min": 1} - {"direction": "egress", "remote_ip_prefix": "", "protocol": "udp", "ethertype": "IPv4", "port_range_max": 65535, "port_range_min": 1} - {"direction": "egress", "remote_ip_prefix": "", "protocol": "47", "ethertype": "IPv4", "port_range_max": 65535, "port_range_min": 1} - {"direction": "egress", "remote_ip_prefix": "", "protocol": "icmp", "ethertype": "IPv4"} - {"direction": "egress", "remote_ip_prefix": "::/0", "protocol": "tcp", "ethertype": "IPv6", "port_range_max": 65535, "port_range_min": 1} - {"direction": "egress", "remote_ip_prefix": "::/0", "protocol": "udp", "ethertype": "IPv6", "port_range_max": 65535, "port_range_min": 1} - {"direction": "egress", "remote_ip_prefix": "::/0", "protocol": "47", "ethertype": "IPv6", "port_range_max": 65535, "port_range_min": 1} - {"direction": "egress", "remote_ip_prefix": "::/0", "protocol": "icmp", "ethertype": "IPv6"} - {"direction": "ingress", "remote_ip_prefix": "", "protocol": "tcp", "ethertype": "IPv4", "port_range_max": 65535, "port_range_min": 1} - {"direction": "ingress", "remote_ip_prefix": "", "protocol": "udp", "ethertype": "IPv4", "port_range_max": 65535, "port_range_min": 1} - {"direction": "ingress", "remote_ip_prefix": "", "protocol": "47", "ethertype": "IPv4", "port_range_max": 65535, "port_range_min": 1} - {"direction": "ingress", "remote_ip_prefix": "", "protocol": "icmp", "ethertype": "IPv4"} - {"direction": "ingress", "remote_ip_prefix": "::/0", "protocol": "tcp", "ethertype": "IPv6", "port_range_max": 65535, "port_range_min": 1} - {"direction": "ingress", "remote_ip_prefix": "::/0", "protocol": "udp", "ethertype": "IPv6", "port_range_max": 65535, "port_range_min": 1} - {"direction": "ingress", "remote_ip_prefix": "::/0", "protocol": "47", "ethertype": "IPv6", "port_range_max": 65535, "port_range_min": 1} - {"direction": "ingress", "remote_ip_prefix": "::/0", "protocol": "icmp", "ethertype": "IPv6"} # vSON Cluster Manager vson_clm_0: type: nested_vson_server.yaml depends_on: [vson_clm_server_group, oam_net_security_group] properties: instance_index: 0 vnf_name: {get_param: vnf_name} vnf_id: {get_param: vnf_id} vf_module_name: {get_param: vf_module_name} vf_module_id: {get_param: vf_module_id} vfc_role: clm vson_server_group_id: {get_resource: vson_clm_server_group} oam_net_id: {get_param: oam_net_id} oam_net_subnet_prefix_length: {get_param: oam_net_subnet_prefix_length} default_gateway: {get_param: default_gateway} dns_servers: {get_param: dns_servers} ntp_servers: {get_param: ntp_servers} oam_net_security_group_id: {get_resource: oam_net_security_group} availability_zones: [{get_param: availability_zone_0}] vson_vm_names: [{get_param: vson_clm_name_0}] oam_net_ips: [{get_param: vson_clm_oam_net_ip_0}] vson_vm_flavor_name: {get_param: vson_clm_flavor_name} vson_vm_image_name: {get_param: vson_clm_image_name} vson_clm_oam_net_ip: {get_param: vson_master_clm_ip} vson_cluster_name: {get_param: vson_cluster_name} swift_storage_url: {get_param: swift_storage_url} swift_account_auth_token: {get_param: swift_account_auth_token} swift_son_container_name: {get_param: swift_son_container_name} outputs: oam_net_security_group_id: value: {get_resource: oam_net_security_group} description: ID of the OAM network Security group vson_clm_server_group_id: value: {get_resource: vson_clm_server_group} description: ID of the Server Group intended for vSON Cluster Management instances. vson_leader_server_group_id: value: {get_resource: vson_leader_server_group} description: ID of the Server Group intended for vSON Cluster/DC leaders. vson_dbc_server_group_id: value: {get_resource: vson_dbc_server_group} description: ID of the Server Group intended for vSON DBC instances. vson_dbg_server_group_id: value: {get_resource: vson_dbg_server_group} description: ID of the Server Group intended for vSON DBG instances. vson_dbs_server_group_id: value: {get_resource: vson_dbs_server_group} description: ID of the Server Group intended for vSON DBS instances. vson_mon_server_group_id: value: {get_resource: vson_mon_server_group} description: ID of the Server Group intended for vSON MON instances. vson_mgt_server_group_id: value: {get_resource: vson_mgt_server_group} description: ID of the Server Group intended for vSON Management instances. vson_mdr_server_group_id: value: {get_resource: vson_mdr_server_group} description: ID of the Server Group intended for vSON Mediator instances. vson_app_server_group_id: value: {get_resource: vson_app_server_group} description: ID of the Server Group intended for vSON Application instances. vson_clm_0_oam_net_ip_0: value: {get_param: vson_clm_oam_net_ip_0} description: vSON Cluster Management server IP on the OAM network.