heat_template_version: 2013-05-23 description: > Based on the following reference for the HOT-DMZ-FW template: Version 3.5 8-10-2015 (Authors: Art Mishurov,am254u & Johhny Chen, jc3066) - HOT-DMZ-FW template that creates two DMZ networks (direct and protected) with a scaled out firewall service between the two. parameters: hsl_direct_net1: type: string hsl_direct_net2: type: string hsl_direct_net3: type: string hsl_direct_net4: type: string HSL_direct_net_id: type: string description: Name of HSL (Logging) network HSL_direct_net_cidr: type: string description: HSL (Logging) network address (CIDR notation) HSL_direct_net_gateway: type: string description: HSL (Logging) network gateway address oam_mgmt_net_0_id: type: string description: Name of OAM network Cricket_OCS_direct_net_id: type: string description: Name of Cricket OCS network Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id: type: string description: Name of Cricket OCS network service_instance_name: type: string description: Service instance name service_policy_name: type: string description: Policy Name service_policy_direction: type: string description: Direction of Policy start_src_ports: type: number description: Start of src port end_src_ports: type: number description: End of src port start_dst_ports: type: number description: Start of dst port end_dst_ports: type: number description: End of dst port st_name: type: string description: Name of service template st_mode: type: string description: service mode st_type: type: string description: service type st_image_name: type: string description: Name of the image st_flavor: type: string description: Flavor st_service_interface_type_list: type: string description: List of interface types st_shared_ip_list: type: string description: List of shared ip enabled-disabled st_static_routes_list: type: string description: List of static routes enabled-disabled st_scaling: type: string description: Indicates whether service scaling is enabled max_num_fw_instances: type: number description: maximum number of firewall instances for scaling availability_zone_1: type: string description: availability zone network_param1: type: string network_param2: type: string resources: hsl_direct_net_3: type: OS::Contrail::VirtualNetwork properties: name: { get_param: HSL_direct_net_id } hsl_ip_subnet_3: type: OS::Neutron::Subnet properties: network_id: { get_resource: hsl_direct_net_3 } cidr: { get_param: HSL_direct_net_cidr } gateway_ip: { get_param: HSL_direct_net_gateway } service_template_3: type: OS::Contrail::ServiceTemplate properties: name: { get_param: st_name } service_mode: { get_param: st_mode } service_type: { get_param: st_type } image_name: { get_param: st_image_name } flavor: { get_param: st_flavor } service_interface_type_list: { "Fn::Split" : [ ",", Ref: st_service_interface_type_list ] } shared_ip_list: { "Fn::Split" : [ ",", Ref: st_shared_ip_list ] } static_routes_list: { "Fn::Split" : [ ",", Ref: st_static_routes_list ] } service_scaling: { get_param: st_scaling } service_instance4: type: OS::Contrail::ServiceInstance depends_on: [ hsl_ip_subnet_3] properties: name: { get_param: service_instance_name } availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_1 } service_template: { get_resource: service_template_3 } scale_out: max_instances: {get_param: max_num_fw_instances} interface_list: [ { virtual_network: { get_param: network_param1 } }, { virtual_network: { get_param: network_param1 } }, { virtual_network: { get_param: network_param2 } } ] service_policy_3: type: OS::Contrail::NetworkPolicy depends_on: [ service_instance4 ] properties: name: { get_param: service_policy_name } entries: policy_rule: [ { "direction": { get_param: service_policy_direction }, "protocol": "any", "src_ports": [{"start_port": {get_param: start_src_ports}, "end_port": {get_param: end_src_ports}}], "dst_ports": [{"start_port": {get_param: start_dst_ports}, "end_port": {get_param: end_dst_ports}}], "dst_addresses": [{ "virtual_network": { get_param: Cricket_OCS_direct_net_id }}], "action_list": { "apply_service": [{ get_resource: service_instance4 }]}, "src_addresses": [{ "virtual_network": { get_param: Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id }}], }, ] service_policy_attach_direct_net_3: type: OS::Contrail::AttachPolicy depends_on: [ service_policy_3 ] properties: network: { get_param: Cricket_OCS_direct_net_id } policy: { get_attr: [service_policy_3, fq_name] } service_policy_attach_protected_net_3: type: OS::Contrail::AttachPolicy depends_on: [ service_policy_3 ] properties: network: { get_param: Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id } policy: { get_attr: [service_policy_3, fq_name] }