tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0 metadata: template_name: Main imports: - openecomp_heat_index: file: openecomp-heat/_index.yml - GlobalSubstitutionTypes: file: GlobalSubstitutionTypesServiceTemplate.yaml topology_template: inputs: vf_module_id: hidden: false immutable: false annotations: source: type: org.openecomp.annotations.Source properties: vf_module_label: - mvs.vfmodule.heat source_type: HEAT param_name: vf_module_id type: string description: Unique ID for this VF_MODULE instance vf_name: hidden: false immutable: false annotations: source: type: org.openecomp.annotations.Source properties: vf_module_label: - mvs.vfmodule.heat source_type: HEAT param_name: vf_name type: string description: The VF Name; defaults to VMVM for the virtual MVM VNF. constraints: - pattern: '[a-zA-Z0-9]+' - max_length: 4 - min_length: 4 cloud_zone_id: hidden: false immutable: false annotations: source: type: org.openecomp.annotations.Source properties: vf_module_label: - mvs.vfmodule.heat source_type: HEAT param_name: cloud_zone_id type: string description: The cloud zone for this VF instance vf_instance_num: hidden: false immutable: false annotations: source: type: org.openecomp.annotations.Source properties: vf_module_label: - mvs.vfmodule.heat source_type: HEAT param_name: vf_instance_num type: string description: The number for this VF instance constraints: - pattern: '[0-9]+' - max_length: 2 - min_length: 2 virtual_mgmt_ip_0: hidden: false immutable: false annotations: source: type: org.openecomp.annotations.Source properties: vf_module_label: - mvs.vfmodule.heat source_type: HEAT param_name: virtual_mgmt_ip_0 type: string description: Virtual management network ip address mvs_mgmt_ip_0: hidden: false immutable: false annotations: source: type: org.openecomp.annotations.Source properties: vf_module_label: - mvs.vfmodule.heat source_type: HEAT param_name: mvs_mgmt_ip_0 type: list description: List of Management network IP addresses for IPv4 entry_schema: type: string flavor: hidden: false immutable: false annotations: source: type: org.openecomp.annotations.Source properties: vf_module_label: - mvs.vfmodule.heat source_type: HEAT param_name: flavor type: string description: Server flavor constraints: [ ] key_name: hidden: false immutable: false annotations: source: type: org.openecomp.annotations.Source properties: vf_module_label: - mvs.vfmodule.heat source_type: HEAT param_name: key_name type: string description: SSH key name constraints: [ ] vnf_id: hidden: false immutable: false annotations: source: type: org.openecomp.annotations.Source properties: vf_module_label: - mvs.vfmodule.heat source_type: HEAT param_name: vnf_id type: string description: Unique ID for this VF instance availability_zone_0: hidden: false immutable: false annotations: source: type: org.openecomp.annotations.Source properties: vf_module_label: - mvs.vfmodule.heat source_type: HEAT param_name: availability_zone_0 type: list description: List of Availability Zone IDs or Names entry_schema: type: string mgmt_net_id: hidden: false immutable: false annotations: source: type: org.openecomp.annotations.Source properties: vf_module_label: - mvs.vfmodule.heat source_type: HEAT param_name: mgmt_net_id type: string description: Neutron UUID for the Management network constraints: [ ] vm_instance_num: hidden: false immutable: false annotations: source: type: org.openecomp.annotations.Source properties: vf_module_label: - mvs.vfmodule.heat source_type: HEAT param_name: vm_instance_num type: list description: VM instance number list must be a list of three-digit numeric value entry_schema: type: string bootimage: hidden: false immutable: false annotations: source: type: org.openecomp.annotations.Source properties: vf_module_label: - mvs.vfmodule.heat source_type: HEAT param_name: bootimage type: string description: Master bootimage volume id sec_groups: hidden: false immutable: false annotations: source: type: org.openecomp.annotations.Source properties: vf_module_label: - mvs.vfmodule.heat source_type: HEAT param_name: sec_groups type: list description: Security groups entry_schema: type: string vf_component: hidden: false immutable: false annotations: source: type: org.openecomp.annotations.Source properties: vf_module_label: - mvs.vfmodule.heat source_type: HEAT param_name: vf_component type: string description: The component that this VF instance is running constraints: - pattern: '[a-zA-Z0-9]+' - max_length: 3 - min_length: 3 num_instances: hidden: false immutable: false annotations: source: type: org.openecomp.annotations.Source properties: vf_module_label: - mvs.vfmodule.heat source_type: HEAT param_name: num_instances type: float description: number of instance of the VF_module node_templates: mvs_modules: type: org.openecomp.resource.abstract.nodes.heat.mvs.nested.heat directives: - substitutable properties: vf_module_id: get_input: vf_module_id vf_name: get_input: vf_name cloud_zone_id: get_input: cloud_zone_id vf_instance_num: get_input: vf_instance_num virtual_mgmt_ip_0: get_input: virtual_mgmt_ip_0 indx: get_property: - SELF - service_template_filter - index_value mvs_mgmt_ip_0: get_input: mvs_mgmt_ip_0 flavor: get_input: flavor key_name: get_input: key_name service_template_filter: substitute_service_template: mvs.nested.heatServiceTemplate.yaml count: get_input: num_instances mandatory: false vnf_id: get_input: vnf_id availability_zone_0: get_input: availability_zone_0 mgmt_net_id: get_input: mgmt_net_id vm_instance_num: get_input: vm_instance_num bootimage: get_input: bootimage sec_groups: get_input: sec_groups vf_component: get_input: vf_component groups: mvs.vfmodule.heat_group: type: org.openecomp.groups.heat.HeatStack properties: heat_file: ../Artifacts/mvs.vfmodule.heat.yaml description: | Metaswitch MVS (Metaview Server) members: - mvs_modules