tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0 metadata: template_name: Main imports: - openecomp_heat_index: file: openecomp-heat/_index.yml - GlobalSubstitutionTypes: file: GlobalSubstitutionTypesServiceTemplate.yaml topology_template: inputs: ssc_a_name_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Name of VM A of SSC constraints: - pattern: '[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,29}$' mgmt_net_plen: hidden: false immutable: false type: float description: Management network prefix length constraints: - in_range: - 0 - 32 ssc_b_name_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Name of VM B of SSC constraints: - pattern: '[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,29}$' ssc_b_untrusted_ip_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Fixed IPv4 address on Untrusted/access network for SSC B. ssc_b_untrusted_parent_ip_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Fixed IPv4 address on Untrusted/access parent network for SSC B. perimeta_untrusted_vlan_ids: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: List of VLAN IDs to use on the untrusted/access network entry_schema: type: string ssc_json_radius_servername: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: IP Address or hostname of RADIUS server ssc_mgmt_vip_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Management virtual IP address to use for SSC. rtp_msc_json_use_radius_authentication: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Json prefix, used to indicate if user account authentication is done externally through Radius constraints: - valid_values: - ' ' - '// not using Radius ' ssc_trusted_vip_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Virtual IPv4 address on Trusted/core network for SSC. ssc_untrusted_vip_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Virtual IPv4 address on Untrusted/access network for SSC. perimeta_untrusted_num_vlans: hidden: false immutable: false type: float description: number of VLANs to connect to the untrusted/access interface constraints: - in_range: - 1 - 1001 rtp_msc_mgmt_vips: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: List of management virtual IP addresses to use for RTP MSC. entry_schema: type: string ssc_a_json_prefix: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Json prefix, used to create the correct json file depending on the operation being performed default: ' ' constraints: - valid_values: - ' ' - '// healing, not required ' rtp_msc_a_untrusted_parent_ips: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: List of fixed IPv4 addresses on Untrusted/access parent network for RTP MSC A. entry_schema: type: string ssc_b_trusted_ip_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Fixed IPv4 address on Trusted/core network for SSC B. shared_perimeta_ssc_server_group: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Server group to use for these VMs ssc_json_radius_timeout: hidden: false immutable: false type: float description: Timeout for connect requests to RADIUS server constraints: - in_range: - 1 - 60 rtp_msc_untrusted_vips: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: List of virtual IPv4 addresses on Untrusted/access network for RTP MSC. entry_schema: type: string rtp_msc_json_radius_servername: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: IP Address or hostname of RADIUS server rtp_msc_vnfcnames: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: List of vnfc names of the RTP MSC. This is the name associated with the perimeta pair and corresponds to the VIP entry_schema: type: string ssc_image_name: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Glance image to use for launching SSC Perimeta instances. default: ISBC_SBC_v4.0.40_SU12.qcow2 constraints: [ ] perimeta_max_rtp_msc_count: hidden: false immutable: false type: float description: Max number of RTP MSCs in a site. default: 8 constraints: - in_range: - 0 - 20 trusted_net_id: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Network ID of Trusted/core network. constraints: [ ] ntp_server_ip_addrs: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: NTP server IPv4 addresses, separated by commas. These must be accessible from the management network constraints: - pattern: ((?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3},)*((?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}) rtp_msc_json_radius_default: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Default authentication level for RADIUS users constraints: - valid_values: - no-access - read-only - support - restricted-admin - admin rtp_msc_a_vnfcnames: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: List of vnfc names of the A of RTP MSC entry_schema: type: string ssc_b_untrusted_v6_ip_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Fixed IPv6 address on Untrusted/access network for SSC B. rtp_msc_b_index: hidden: false immutable: false type: float description: Index of RTP MSC to instantiate / heal. constraints: - in_range: - 0 - 19 rtp_msc_untrusted_v6_vips: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: List of virtual IPv6 addresses on Untrusted/access network for RTP MSC. entry_schema: type: string shared_ssc_unused_net_id: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Unused network ID ssc_b_rf_ip_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: RF fixed IP address to use for SSC B. rtp_msc_b_untrusted_parent_ips: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: List of fixed IPv4 addresses on Untrusted/access parent network for RTP MSC B. entry_schema: type: string ssc_flavor_name: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Flavor to use for creating SSC VM instance default: gv.c8r16d160 constraints: [ ] mgmt_net_id: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Management network ID constraints: [ ] ssc_json_radius_secret: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Shared secret to use for the RADIUS Server rtp_msc_a_names: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: List of names of VM A of RTP MSC entry_schema: type: string shared_int_ha_net_id: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: HA network id constraints: [ ] ssc_vnfcname_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Name of vnfc of SSC. This is the name associated with the perimeta pair and corresponds to the VIP constraints: - pattern: '[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,31}$' rtp_msc_trusted_vips: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: List of virtual IPv4 addresses on Trusted/core network for RTP MSC. entry_schema: type: string rtp_msc_json_radius_port: hidden: false immutable: false type: float description: Port to use to connect to RADIUS server constraints: - in_range: - 0 - 65535 vf_module_id: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Unique ID for this VF Module instance ssc_json_radius_port: hidden: false immutable: false type: float description: Port to use to connect to RADIUS server constraints: - in_range: - 0 - 65535 rtp_msc_b_untrusted_v6_ips: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: List of fixed IPv6 addresses on Untrusted/access network for RTP MSC B. entry_schema: type: string rtp_msc_b_mgmt_ips: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: List of management fixed IP addresses to use for RTP MSC B. entry_schema: type: string ssc_a_int_ha_ip_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: HA fixed IP address to use for SSC A. ssc_b_mgmt_ip_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Management fixed IP address to use for SSC B. vnf_name: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Unique name for this VNF instance rtp_msc_flavor_name: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Flavor to use for creating RTP MSC VM instance default: gv.c8r16d160 constraints: [ ] perimeta_int_ha_net_prefix_v4: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: IPv4 subnet prefix for internal HA network default: rtp_msc_b_names: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: List of names of VM B of RTP MSC entry_schema: type: string rtp_msc_b_untrusted_ips: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: List of fixed IPv4 addresses on Untrusted/access network for RTP MSC B. entry_schema: type: string perimeta_ssh_key: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: SSH public key default: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDXvSadEWp+nsz3gEAAAAAAAAAAbggQ3t06mqFIauHfUYMiKZ3EUX3jDFf/uGQoNsIZU6SNE/gl3tY4fFvO8Yzj8OY/vstHHvEadbY5aXNE6kd39ik20uRNbeZLT+pRllBwVKBSVnFqG3kBDvNWmBIenlPZzu3Ay0LYT/aDq6fZaz8Mqy8hzhpAAAAAAAAAAEmS/ESYY4UMs/aF2fVGmCLqudSjLpSsyD8lXag2dmeiT7cTdwRkgtDNTULXCPVucolVZwZF9BxXPNK++B+fL/ZY4MrXHXgZYGEElrMCFYkQFb3jQv3XQtxZ6gVByrzgGc9eiU7tkCgY2cVfb22iIs9n Generated-by-Nova rtp_msc_a_index: hidden: false immutable: false type: float description: Index of RTP MSC to instantiate / heal. constraints: - in_range: - 0 - 19 rtp_msc_json_v41: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Json prefix, used to ensure that the json tags will be recognised by the server loading them default: ' ' constraints: - valid_values: - ' ' - '// older perimeta, parameter not required ' shared_perimeta_rtp_msc_server_groups: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: Server group to use for these VMs entry_schema: type: string rtp_msc_a_json_prefix: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Json prefix, used to create the correct json file depending on the operation being performed default: ' ' constraints: - valid_values: - ' ' - '// healing, not required ' ssc_b_int_ha_ip_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: HA fixed IP address to use for SSC B. rtp_msc_b_vnfcnames: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: List of vnfc names of VM B of RTP MSC entry_schema: type: string ssc_a_trusted_ip_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Fixed IPv4 address on Trusted/core network for SSC A. vnf_id: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: ID of VNF availability_zone_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Availability zone for A instances. availability_zone_1: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Availability zone for B instances. perimeta_int_ha_net_prefix_len_v4: hidden: false immutable: false type: float description: Prefix length of subnet associated with internal HA network default: 26 constraints: - in_range: - 0 - 31 ssc_a_untrusted_v6_ip_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Fixed IPv6 address on Untrusted/access network for SSC A. rtp_msc_untrusted_parent_vips: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: List of virtual IPv4 addresses on Untrusted/access parent network for RTP MSC. entry_schema: type: string shared_int_ha_net_prefix_len_v4: hidden: false immutable: false type: float description: Prefix length of subnet associated with internal HA network constraints: - in_range: - 0 - 31 ssc_rf_vip_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: RF virtual IP address to use for SSC. rtp_msc_a_int_ha_ips: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: List of HA fixed IP addresses to use for RTP MSC A. entry_schema: type: string shared_perimeta_keypair: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Keypair to use for accessing this Perimeta instance shared_int_untrusted_parent_net_id: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: untrusted parent network id ssc_a_vnfcname_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: vnfc name of VM A of SSC constraints: - pattern: '[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,31}$' rtp_msc_json_radius_secret: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Shared secret to use for the RADIUS Server rtp_msc_b_trusted_ips: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: List of fixed IPv4 addresses on Trusted/core network for RTP MSC B. entry_schema: type: string rtp_msc_a_trusted_ips: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: List of fixed IPv4 addresses on Trusted/core network for RTP MSC A. entry_schema: type: string rtp_msc_image_name: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Glance image to use for launching RTP MSC Perimeta instances. default: ISBC_SBC_v4.0.40_SU12.qcow2 constraints: [ ] ssc_a_mgmt_ip_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Management fixed IP address to use for SSC A. ssc_untrusted_parent_vip_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Virtual IPv4 address on Untrusted/access parent network for SSC. rtp_msc_b_int_ha_ips: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: List of HA fixed IP addresses to use for RTP MSC B. entry_schema: type: string ssc_untrusted_v6_vip_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Virtual IPv6 address on Untrusted/access network for SSC. rtp_msc_a_mgmt_ips: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: List of management fixed IP addresses to use for RTP MSC A. entry_schema: type: string rtp_msc_a_untrusted_ips: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: List of fixed IPv4 addresses on Untrusted/access network for RTP MSC A. entry_schema: type: string ssc_a_rf_ip_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: RF fixed IP address to use for SSC A. ssc_json_use_radius_authentication: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Json prefix, used to indicate if user account authentication is done externally through Radius constraints: - valid_values: - ' ' - '// not using Radius ' ssc_a_untrusted_parent_ip_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Fixed IPv4 address on Untrusted/access parent network for SSC A. perimeta_untrusted_vlan_networks: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: List of Contrail VLAN networks to use on the untrusted/access network. The order and number of these must match the VLAN ID list. entry_schema: type: string ssc_a_untrusted_ip_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Fixed IPv4 address on Untrusted/access network for SSC A. rtp_msc_a_untrusted_v6_ips: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: List of fixed IPv6 addresses on Untrusted/access network for RTP MSC A. entry_schema: type: string mgmt_net_default_gateway: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Default gateway for management network rtp_msc_json_radius_timeout: hidden: false immutable: false type: float description: Timeout for connect requests to RADIUS server constraints: - in_range: - 1 - 60 ssc_b_vnfcname_0: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: vnfc name of VM B of SSC constraints: - pattern: '[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,31}$' ssc_json_v41: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Json prefix, used to ensure that the json tags will be recognised by the server loading them default: ' ' constraints: - valid_values: - ' ' - '// older perimeta, parameter not required ' ssc_json_radius_default: hidden: false immutable: false type: string description: Default authentication level for RADIUS users constraints: - valid_values: - no-access - read-only - support - restricted-admin - admin shared_perimeta_sec_groups: hidden: false immutable: false type: list description: List of security groups to add on all interfaces. entry_schema: type: string node_templates: perimeta_rtp_msc_a: type: org.openecomp.resource.abstract.nodes.heat.module_2_perimeta_sw_a_child directives: - substitutable properties: vf_module_id: get_input: vf_module_id int_ha_network_plen: get_input: shared_int_ha_net_prefix_len_v4 perimeta_config: str_replace: template: get_artifact: - SELF - rtp_msc_a_template params: $RADIUS_SERVERNAME: get_input: rtp_msc_json_radius_servername $REMOTE_MGMT_IP_ADDR: get_input: - rtp_msc_b_mgmt_ips - get_input: rtp_msc_a_index $VIRT_MGMT_IP_ADDR: get_input: - rtp_msc_mgmt_vips - get_input: rtp_msc_a_index $LOCAL_MGMT_IP_ADDR: get_input: - rtp_msc_a_mgmt_ips - get_input: rtp_msc_a_index $MGMT_NETWORK_DEFAULT_GATEWAY: get_input: mgmt_net_default_gateway $RADIUS_DEFAULT: get_input: rtp_msc_json_radius_default $COMPLETION_PARAMS: '' $RADIUS_PORT: get_input: rtp_msc_json_radius_port $NTP_SERVER_IP_ADDRS: get_input: ntp_server_ip_addrs $HEALING_OR_INSTANTIATION: get_input: rtp_msc_a_json_prefix $RADIUS_SECRET: get_input: rtp_msc_json_radius_secret $RADIUS_TIMEOUT: get_input: rtp_msc_json_radius_timeout $41ORABOVE: get_input: rtp_msc_json_v41 $SYSTEM_NAME: get_input: - rtp_msc_vnfcnames - get_input: rtp_msc_a_index $USERADIUSAUTH: get_input: rtp_msc_json_use_radius_authentication $MGMT_NETWORK_PLEN: get_input: mgmt_net_plen $VM_NAME_A: get_input: - rtp_msc_a_vnfcnames - get_input: rtp_msc_a_index $VM_NAME_B: get_input: - rtp_msc_b_vnfcnames - get_input: rtp_msc_a_index vnf_name: get_input: vnf_name perimeta_untrusted_vlan_ids: get_input: perimeta_untrusted_vlan_ids int_ha_net_id: get_input: shared_int_ha_net_id perimeta_instance_index: get_input: rtp_msc_a_index service_template_filter: substitute_service_template: module_2_perimeta_sw_a_childServiceTemplate.yaml perimeta_keypair: get_input: shared_perimeta_keypair perimeta_server_groups: get_input: shared_perimeta_rtp_msc_server_groups vnf_id: get_input: vnf_id availability_zone_0: get_input: availability_zone_0 rtp_msc_mgmt_vips: get_input: rtp_msc_mgmt_vips perimeta_sec_groups: get_input: shared_perimeta_sec_groups rtp_msc_untrusted_parent_vips: get_input: rtp_msc_untrusted_parent_vips perimeta_untrusted_num_vlans: get_input: perimeta_untrusted_num_vlans rtp_msc_a_int_ha_ips: get_input: rtp_msc_a_int_ha_ips rtp_msc_a_untrusted_parent_ips: get_input: rtp_msc_a_untrusted_parent_ips rtp_msc_a_trusted_ips: get_input: rtp_msc_a_trusted_ips rtp_msc_untrusted_vips: get_input: rtp_msc_untrusted_vips trusted_net_id: get_input: trusted_net_id rtp_msc_b_int_ha_ips: get_input: rtp_msc_b_int_ha_ips rtp_msc_a_mgmt_ips: get_input: rtp_msc_a_mgmt_ips rtp_msc_a_untrusted_ips: get_input: rtp_msc_a_untrusted_ips vm_role: msc rtp_msc_untrusted_v6_vips: get_input: rtp_msc_untrusted_v6_vips perimeta_untrusted_vlan_networks: get_input: perimeta_untrusted_vlan_networks rtp_msc_a_untrusted_v6_ips: get_input: rtp_msc_a_untrusted_v6_ips perimeta_image_name: get_input: rtp_msc_image_name mgmt_net_id: get_input: mgmt_net_id int_untrusted_parent_net_id: get_input: shared_int_untrusted_parent_net_id rtp_msc_a_names: get_input: rtp_msc_a_names perimeta_flavor_name: get_input: rtp_msc_flavor_name rtp_msc_trusted_vips: get_input: rtp_msc_trusted_vips requirements: - link_perimeta_rtp_msc_a_ha_0_port: capability: node: shared_perimeta_internal_ha_net_0 relationship: - link_perimeta_rtp_msc_a_untrusted_parent_0_port: capability: node: shared_perimeta_int_untrusted_parent_net_0 relationship: artifacts: rtp_msc_a_template: type: tosca.artifacts.Deployment file: ../Artifacts/rtp_msc_a_template.json shared_perimeta_internal_ha_net_0: type: properties: network_ipam_refs_data: - network_ipam_refs_data_ipam_subnets: - network_ipam_refs_data_ipam_subnets_enable_dhcp: false network_ipam_refs_data_ipam_subnets_subnet: network_ipam_refs_data_ipam_subnets_subnet_ip_prefix_len: get_input: perimeta_int_ha_net_prefix_len_v4 network_ipam_refs_data_ipam_subnets_subnet_ip_prefix: get_input: perimeta_int_ha_net_prefix_v4 network_name: str_replace: template: $VF_NAME_int_ha_net_0 params: $VF_NAME: get_input: vnf_name network_ipam_refs: - UNSUPPORTED_RESOURCE_perimeta_internal_ha_ipam_net_0 perimeta_rtp_msc_b: type: org.openecomp.resource.abstract.nodes.heat.module_2_perimeta_sw_b_child directives: - substitutable properties: vf_module_id: get_input: vf_module_id int_ha_network_plen: get_input: shared_int_ha_net_prefix_len_v4 rtp_msc_b_untrusted_v6_ips: get_input: rtp_msc_b_untrusted_v6_ips rtp_msc_b_mgmt_ips: get_input: rtp_msc_b_mgmt_ips vnf_name: get_input: vnf_name perimeta_untrusted_vlan_ids: get_input: perimeta_untrusted_vlan_ids rtp_msc_b_names: get_input: rtp_msc_b_names rtp_msc_b_untrusted_ips: get_input: rtp_msc_b_untrusted_ips int_ha_net_id: get_input: shared_int_ha_net_id perimeta_instance_index: get_input: rtp_msc_b_index service_template_filter: substitute_service_template: module_2_perimeta_sw_b_childServiceTemplate.yaml perimeta_keypair: get_input: shared_perimeta_keypair perimeta_server_groups: get_input: shared_perimeta_rtp_msc_server_groups vnf_id: get_input: vnf_id availability_zone_1: get_input: availability_zone_1 rtp_msc_mgmt_vips: get_input: rtp_msc_mgmt_vips perimeta_sec_groups: get_input: shared_perimeta_sec_groups rtp_msc_untrusted_parent_vips: get_input: rtp_msc_untrusted_parent_vips perimeta_untrusted_num_vlans: get_input: perimeta_untrusted_num_vlans rtp_msc_a_int_ha_ips: get_input: rtp_msc_a_int_ha_ips rtp_msc_b_trusted_ips: get_input: rtp_msc_b_trusted_ips rtp_msc_untrusted_vips: get_input: rtp_msc_untrusted_vips trusted_net_id: get_input: trusted_net_id rtp_msc_b_int_ha_ips: get_input: rtp_msc_b_int_ha_ips vm_role: msc rtp_msc_untrusted_v6_vips: get_input: rtp_msc_untrusted_v6_vips perimeta_untrusted_vlan_networks: get_input: perimeta_untrusted_vlan_networks perimeta_image_name: get_input: rtp_msc_image_name rtp_msc_b_untrusted_parent_ips: get_input: rtp_msc_b_untrusted_parent_ips mgmt_net_id: get_input: mgmt_net_id int_untrusted_parent_net_id: get_input: shared_int_untrusted_parent_net_id perimeta_flavor_name: get_input: rtp_msc_flavor_name rtp_msc_trusted_vips: get_input: rtp_msc_trusted_vips requirements: - link_perimeta_rtp_msc_b_ha_0_port: capability: node: shared_perimeta_internal_ha_net_0 relationship: - link_perimeta_rtp_msc_b_untrusted_parent_0_port: capability: node: shared_perimeta_int_untrusted_parent_net_0 relationship: perimeta_ssc_a: type: org.openecomp.resource.abstract.nodes.heat.module_1_perimeta_swmu_a_child directives: - substitutable properties: vf_module_id: get_input: vf_module_id ssc_a_name_0: get_input: ssc_a_name_0 int_ha_network_plen: get_input: shared_int_ha_net_prefix_len_v4 perimeta_server_group: get_input: shared_perimeta_ssc_server_group unused_port_net_id: get_input: shared_ssc_unused_net_id perimeta_config: str_replace: template: get_artifact: - SELF - ssc_a_template params: $RADIUS_SERVERNAME: get_input: ssc_json_radius_servername $REMOTE_MGMT_IP_ADDR: get_input: ssc_b_mgmt_ip_0 $VIRT_MGMT_IP_ADDR: get_input: ssc_mgmt_vip_0 $LOCAL_MGMT_IP_ADDR: get_input: ssc_a_mgmt_ip_0 $MGMT_NETWORK_DEFAULT_GATEWAY: get_input: mgmt_net_default_gateway $RADIUS_DEFAULT: get_input: ssc_json_radius_default $COMPLETION_PARAMS: '' $RADIUS_PORT: get_input: ssc_json_radius_port $NTP_SERVER_IP_ADDRS: get_input: ntp_server_ip_addrs $HEALING_OR_INSTANTIATION: get_input: ssc_a_json_prefix $RADIUS_SECRET: get_input: ssc_json_radius_secret $RADIUS_TIMEOUT: get_input: ssc_json_radius_timeout $41ORABOVE: get_input: ssc_json_v41 $SYSTEM_NAME: get_input: ssc_vnfcname_0 $USERADIUSAUTH: get_input: ssc_json_use_radius_authentication $MGMT_NETWORK_PLEN: get_input: mgmt_net_plen $VM_NAME_A: get_input: ssc_a_vnfcname_0 $VM_NAME_B: get_input: ssc_b_vnfcname_0 ssc_a_int_ha_ip_0: get_input: ssc_a_int_ha_ip_0 vnf_name: get_input: vnf_name perimeta_untrusted_vlan_ids: get_input: perimeta_untrusted_vlan_ids int_ha_net_id: get_input: shared_int_ha_net_id ssc_b_int_ha_ip_0: get_input: ssc_b_int_ha_ip_0 ssc_mgmt_vip_0: get_input: ssc_mgmt_vip_0 service_template_filter: substitute_service_template: module_1_perimeta_swmu_a_childServiceTemplate.yaml ssc_a_trusted_ip_0: get_input: ssc_a_trusted_ip_0 perimeta_keypair: get_input: shared_perimeta_keypair vnf_id: get_input: vnf_id availability_zone_0: get_input: availability_zone_0 ssc_trusted_vip_0: get_input: ssc_trusted_vip_0 ssc_untrusted_vip_0: get_input: ssc_untrusted_vip_0 perimeta_sec_groups: get_input: shared_perimeta_sec_groups ssc_a_untrusted_v6_ip_0: get_input: ssc_a_untrusted_v6_ip_0 perimeta_untrusted_num_vlans: get_input: perimeta_untrusted_num_vlans ssc_rf_vip_0: get_input: ssc_rf_vip_0 ssc_a_mgmt_ip_0: get_input: ssc_a_mgmt_ip_0 trusted_net_id: get_input: trusted_net_id ssc_untrusted_parent_vip_0: get_input: ssc_untrusted_parent_vip_0 ssc_untrusted_v6_vip_0: get_input: ssc_untrusted_v6_vip_0 ssc_a_rf_ip_0: get_input: ssc_a_rf_ip_0 vm_role: ssc ssc_a_untrusted_parent_ip_0: get_input: ssc_a_untrusted_parent_ip_0 perimeta_untrusted_vlan_networks: get_input: perimeta_untrusted_vlan_networks ssc_a_untrusted_ip_0: get_input: ssc_a_untrusted_ip_0 perimeta_image_name: get_input: ssc_image_name mgmt_net_id: get_input: mgmt_net_id int_untrusted_parent_net_id: get_input: shared_int_untrusted_parent_net_id perimeta_flavor_name: get_input: ssc_flavor_name requirements: - link_perimeta_ssc_a_ha_0_port: capability: node: shared_perimeta_internal_ha_net_0 relationship: - link_perimeta_ssc_a_untrusted_parent_0_port: capability: node: shared_perimeta_int_untrusted_parent_net_0 relationship: - link_perimeta_ssc_a_unused_0_port: capability: node: shared_perimeta_unused_net_0 relationship: artifacts: ssc_a_template: type: tosca.artifacts.Deployment file: ../Artifacts/ssc_a_template.json shared_perimeta_rsg: type: properties: name: str_replace: template: $VNF_NAME_shared_perimeta_RSG params: $VNF_NAME: get_input: vnf_name description: Security Group for Perimeta networks rules: - protocol: tcp ethertype: IPv4 remote_ip_prefix: port_range_max: 65535 direction: egress port_range_min: 1 - protocol: udp ethertype: IPv4 remote_ip_prefix: port_range_max: 65535 direction: egress port_range_min: 1 - protocol: icmp ethertype: IPv4 remote_ip_prefix: direction: egress - protocol: icmp ethertype: IPv6 remote_ip_prefix: ::/0 direction: egress - protocol: tcp ethertype: IPv6 remote_ip_prefix: ::/0 port_range_max: 65535 direction: egress port_range_min: 1 - protocol: udp ethertype: IPv6 remote_ip_prefix: ::/0 port_range_max: 65535 direction: egress port_range_min: 1 - protocol: tcp ethertype: IPv4 remote_ip_prefix: port_range_max: 65535 direction: ingress port_range_min: 1 - protocol: udp ethertype: IPv4 remote_ip_prefix: port_range_max: 65535 direction: ingress port_range_min: 1 - protocol: icmp ethertype: IPv4 remote_ip_prefix: direction: ingress - protocol: icmp ethertype: IPv6 remote_ip_prefix: ::/0 direction: ingress - protocol: tcp ethertype: IPv6 remote_ip_prefix: ::/0 port_range_max: 65535 direction: ingress port_range_min: 1 - protocol: udp ethertype: IPv6 remote_ip_prefix: ::/0 port_range_max: 65535 direction: ingress port_range_min: 1 shared_perimeta_unused_net_0: type: properties: dhcp_enabled: false ip_version: 4 network_name: str_replace: template: $VF_NAME_int_unused_net params: $VF_NAME: get_input: vnf_name subnets: shared_perimeta_unused_net_0_subnet: enable_dhcp: false ip_version: 4 cidr: gateway_ip: '' requirements: - dependency: capability: tosca.capabilities.Node node: shared_perimeta_unused_net_0 relationship: tosca.relationships.DependsOn perimeta_ssc_b: type: org.openecomp.resource.abstract.nodes.heat.module_1_perimeta_swmu_b_child directives: - substitutable properties: vf_module_id: get_input: vf_module_id int_ha_network_plen: get_input: shared_int_ha_net_prefix_len_v4 perimeta_server_group: get_input: shared_perimeta_ssc_server_group unused_port_net_id: get_input: shared_ssc_unused_net_id ssc_b_name_0: get_input: ssc_b_name_0 ssc_a_int_ha_ip_0: get_input: ssc_a_int_ha_ip_0 ssc_b_untrusted_ip_0: get_input: ssc_b_untrusted_ip_0 ssc_b_mgmt_ip_0: get_input: ssc_b_mgmt_ip_0 ssc_b_untrusted_parent_ip_0: get_input: ssc_b_untrusted_parent_ip_0 vnf_name: get_input: vnf_name perimeta_untrusted_vlan_ids: get_input: perimeta_untrusted_vlan_ids int_ha_net_id: get_input: shared_int_ha_net_id ssc_b_int_ha_ip_0: get_input: ssc_b_int_ha_ip_0 ssc_mgmt_vip_0: get_input: ssc_mgmt_vip_0 service_template_filter: substitute_service_template: module_1_perimeta_swmu_b_childServiceTemplate.yaml perimeta_keypair: get_input: shared_perimeta_keypair vnf_id: get_input: vnf_id availability_zone_1: get_input: availability_zone_1 ssc_trusted_vip_0: get_input: ssc_trusted_vip_0 ssc_untrusted_vip_0: get_input: ssc_untrusted_vip_0 perimeta_sec_groups: get_input: shared_perimeta_sec_groups perimeta_untrusted_num_vlans: get_input: perimeta_untrusted_num_vlans ssc_rf_vip_0: get_input: ssc_rf_vip_0 ssc_b_trusted_ip_0: get_input: ssc_b_trusted_ip_0 trusted_net_id: get_input: trusted_net_id ssc_untrusted_parent_vip_0: get_input: ssc_untrusted_parent_vip_0 ssc_untrusted_v6_vip_0: get_input: ssc_untrusted_v6_vip_0 ssc_b_untrusted_v6_ip_0: get_input: ssc_b_untrusted_v6_ip_0 vm_role: ssc perimeta_untrusted_vlan_networks: get_input: perimeta_untrusted_vlan_networks perimeta_image_name: get_input: ssc_image_name ssc_b_rf_ip_0: get_input: ssc_b_rf_ip_0 mgmt_net_id: get_input: mgmt_net_id int_untrusted_parent_net_id: get_input: shared_int_untrusted_parent_net_id perimeta_flavor_name: get_input: ssc_flavor_name requirements: - link_perimeta_ssc_b_untrusted_parent_0_port: capability: node: shared_perimeta_int_untrusted_parent_net_0 relationship: - link_perimeta_ssc_b_unused_0_port: capability: node: shared_perimeta_unused_net_0 relationship: - link_perimeta_ssc_b_ha_0_port: capability: node: shared_perimeta_internal_ha_net_0 relationship: shared_perimeta_int_untrusted_parent_net_0: type: properties: dhcp_enabled: false ip_version: 4 network_name: str_replace: template: $VF_NAME_int_untrusted_parent_net params: $VF_NAME: get_input: vnf_name subnets: shared_perimeta_int_untrusted_parent_net_0_subnet: enable_dhcp: false ip_version: 4 cidr: gateway_ip: '' requirements: - dependency: capability: tosca.capabilities.Node node: shared_perimeta_int_untrusted_parent_net_0 relationship: tosca.relationships.DependsOn groups: base_perimeta_deployment_create_group: type: org.openecomp.groups.heat.HeatStack properties: heat_file: ../Artifacts/base_perimeta_deployment_create.yaml description: | HOT template to instantiate base shared resources for a Perimeta deployment members: - shared_perimeta_internal_ha_net_0 - shared_perimeta_rsg - shared_perimeta_unused_net_0 - shared_perimeta_int_untrusted_parent_net_0 module_2_perimeta_rtp_msc_a_group: type: org.openecomp.groups.heat.HeatStack properties: heat_file: ../Artifacts/module_2_perimeta_rtp_msc_a.yaml description: | HOT template to instantiate an A side Perimeta RTP MSC and optionally partner it with the corresponding B side members: - perimeta_rtp_msc_a module_1_perimeta_ssc_b_group: type: org.openecomp.groups.heat.HeatStack properties: heat_file: ../Artifacts/module_1_perimeta_ssc_b.yaml description: "HOT template to instantiate an B side Perimeta SSC \n" members: - perimeta_ssc_b shared_perimeta_ssc_server_gp_group: type: tosca.groups.Root members: [ ] module_2_perimeta_rtp_msc_b_group: type: org.openecomp.groups.heat.HeatStack properties: heat_file: ../Artifacts/module_2_perimeta_rtp_msc_b.yaml description: "HOT template to instantiate an B side Perimeta RTP MSC \n" members: - perimeta_rtp_msc_b module_1_perimeta_ssc_a_group: type: org.openecomp.groups.heat.HeatStack properties: heat_file: ../Artifacts/module_1_perimeta_ssc_a.yaml description: | HOT template to instantiate an A side Perimeta SSC and optionally partner it with the corresponding B side members: - perimeta_ssc_a outputs: shared_int_ha_net_prefix_len_v4: description: HA internal network IPv4 prefix length value: get_input: perimeta_int_ha_net_prefix_len_v4 shared_perimeta_keypair: description: SSH keypair for deployment value: UNSUPPORTED_RESOURCE_shared_perimeta_keypair shared_perimeta_rtp_msc_server_groups: description: Perimeta RTP MSC Server groups value: list_join: - ',' - get_attr: - shared_perimeta_rtp_msc_server_gps - refs policies: shared_perimeta_ssc_server_gp_policy: type: org.openecomp.policies.placement.Antilocate properties: name: str_replace: template: $VNF_NAME_shared_ssc_RSG_name_0 params: $VNF_NAME: get_input: vnf_name container_type: host targets: - shared_perimeta_ssc_server_gp_group