heat_template_version: 2013-05-23 description: > Version 2.0 02-11-2016 (Authors: John Doe, user PROD) parameters: oam_net_name: type: string description: network name of OAM network security_group_name: type: string description: security group name of JSA MASTER_names: type: string description: JSA MASTER instance name MASTER_image_name: type: string description: JSA MASTER instance image name MASTER_flavor_name: type: string description: the flavor name of JSA MASTER instance resources: jsa_security_group: type: OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup properties: description: ems security group name: {get_param: security_group_name} rules: [{"direction": egress, "ethertype": IPv4, "port_range_min": 1, "port_range_max": 65535, "protocol": tcp, "remote_ip_prefix":}, {"direction": egress, "ethertype": IPv4, "port_range_min": 1, "port_range_max": 65535, "protocol": udp, "remote_ip_prefix":}, {"direction": egress, "ethertype": IPv4, "protocol": icmp, "remote_ip_prefix":}, {"direction": egress, "ethertype": IPv6, "port_range_min": 1, "port_range_max": 65535, "protocol": tcp, "remote_ip_prefix": "::/0"}, {"direction": egress, "ethertype": IPv6, "port_range_min": 1, "port_range_max": 65535, "protocol": udp, "remote_ip_prefix": "::/0"}, {"direction": egress, "ethertype": IPv6, "protocol": icmp, "remote_ip_prefix": "::/0"}, {"direction": ingress, "ethertype": IPv4, "port_range_min": 1, "port_range_max": 65535, "protocol": tcp, "remote_ip_prefix":}, {"direction": ingress, "ethertype": IPv4, "port_range_min": 1, "port_range_max": 65535, "protocol": udp, "remote_ip_prefix":}, {"direction": ingress, "ethertype": IPv4, "protocol": icmp, "remote_ip_prefix":}, {"direction": ingress, "ethertype": IPv6, "port_range_min": 1, "port_range_max": 65535, "protocol": tcp, "remote_ip_prefix": "::/0"}, {"direction": ingress, "ethertype": IPv6, "port_range_min": 1, "port_range_max": 65535, "protocol": udp, "remote_ip_prefix": "::/0"}, {"direction": ingress, "ethertype": IPv6, "protocol": icmp, "remote_ip_prefix": "::/0"} ] MASTER_instance: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: {get_param: MASTER_names} image: {get_param: MASTER_image_name} flavor: {get_param: MASTER_flavor_name} networks: - port: {get_resource: MASTER_mgmt_port} MASTER_mgmt_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: {get_param: oam_net_name} security_groups: [{get_resource: jsa_security_group}]