tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 metadata: filename: tosca/capabilities.yml version: '1.0' imports: - tosca_index: file: _index.yml capability_types: tosca.capabilities.Root: description: This is the default (root) TOSCA Capability Type definition that all other TOSCA Capability Types derive from. tosca.capabilities.Node: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Root description: The Node capability indicates the base capabilities of a TOSCA Node Type. tosca.capabilities.Container: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Root description: The Container capability, when included on a Node Type or Template definition, indicates that the node can act as a container for (or a host for) one or more other declared Node Types. properties: num_cpus: type: integer description: Number of (actual or virtual) CPUs associated with the Compute node. required: false status: SUPPORTED constraints: - greater_or_equal: 1 cpu_frequency: type: scalar-unit.frequency description: Specifies the operating frequency of CPU's core. This property expresses the expected frequency of one (1) CPU as provided by the property "num_cpus". required: false status: SUPPORTED constraints: - greater_or_equal: 0.1 GHz disk_size: type: scalar-unit.size description: Size of the local disk available to applications running on the Compute node (default unit is MB). required: false status: SUPPORTED constraints: - greater_or_equal: 0 MB mem_size: type: scalar-unit.size description: Size of memory available to applications running on the Compute node (default unit is MB). required: false status: SUPPORTED constraints: - greater_or_equal: 0 MB tosca.capabilities.Endpoint: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Root description: This is the default TOSCA type that should be used or extended to define a network endpoint capability. This includes the information to express a basic endpoint with a single port or a complex endpoint with multiple ports. By default the Endpoint is assumed to represent an address on a private network unless otherwise specified. properties: protocol: type: string description: 'The name of the protocol (i.e., the protocol prefix) that the endpoint accepts (any OSI Layer 4-7 protocols). Examples: http, https, ftp, tcp, udp, etc.' required: true default: tcp status: SUPPORTED port: type: description: The optional port of the endpoint. required: false status: SUPPORTED secure: type: boolean description: Requests for the endpoint to be secure and use credentials supplied on the ConnectsTo relationship. required: false default: false status: SUPPORTED url_path: type: string description: The optional URL path of the endpoint's address if applicable for the protocol. required: false status: SUPPORTED port_name: type: string description: The optional name (or ID) of the network port this endpoint should be bound to. required: false status: SUPPORTED network_name: type: string description: 'The optional name (or ID) of the network this endpoint should be bound to. network_name: PRIVATE | PUBLIC | | .' required: false default: PRIVATE status: SUPPORTED initiator: type: string description: The optional indicator of the direction of the connection. required: false default: source status: SUPPORTED constraints: - valid_values: - source - target - peer ports: type: map description: The optional map of ports the Endpoint supports (if more than one). required: false status: SUPPORTED constraints: - min_length: 1 entry_schema: type: attributes: ip_address: type: string description: 'Note: This is the IP address as propagated up by the associated node''s host (Compute) container.' status: SUPPORTED tosca.capabilities.Endpoint.Public: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Endpoint description: |- This capability represents a public endpoint which is accessible to the general internet (and its public IP address ranges). This public endpoint capability also can be used to create a floating (IP) address that the underlying network assigns from a pool allocated from the application's underlying public network. This floating address is managed by the underlying network such that can be routed an application's private address and remains reliable to internet clients. properties: network_name: type: string required: true default: PUBLIC status: SUPPORTED constraints: - equal: PUBLIC tosca.capabilities.Endpoint.Admin: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Endpoint description: This is the default TOSCA type that should be used or extended to define a specialized administrator endpoint capability. properties: secure: type: boolean description: Requests for the endpoint to be secure and use credentials supplied on the ConnectsTo relationship. required: true default: true status: SUPPORTED constraints: - equal: true tosca.capabilities.Endpoint.Database: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Endpoint description: This is the default TOSCA type that should be used or extended to define a specialized database endpoint capability. tosca.capabilities.Attachment: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Root description: This is the default TOSCA type that should be used or extended to define an attachment capability of a (logical) infrastructure device node (e.g., BlockStorage node). tosca.capabilities.OperatingSystem: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Root description: This is the default TOSCA type that should be used to express an Operating System capability for a node. properties: architecture: type: string description: 'The Operating System (OS) architecture. Examples of valid values include: x86_32, x86_64, etc.' required: false status: SUPPORTED type: type: string description: 'The Operating System (OS) type. Examples of valid values include: linux, aix, mac, windows, etc.' required: false status: SUPPORTED distribution: type: string description: 'The Operating System (OS) distribution. Examples of valid values for a "type" of "Linux" would include: debian, fedora, rhel and ubuntu.' required: false status: SUPPORTED version: type: version description: The Operating System version. required: false status: SUPPORTED tosca.capabilities.Scalable: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Root description: This is the default TOSCA type that should be used to express a scalability capability for a node. properties: min_instances: type: integer description: This property is used to indicate the minimum number of instances that should be created for the associated TOSCA Node Template by a TOSCA orchestrator. required: true default: 1 status: SUPPORTED max_instances: type: integer description: This property is used to indicate the maximum number of instances that should be created for the associated TOSCA Node Template by a TOSCA orchestrator. required: true default: 1 status: SUPPORTED default_instances: type: integer description: 'An optional property that indicates the requested default number of instances that should be the starting number of instances a TOSCA orchestrator should attempt to allocate. Note: The value for this property MUST be in the range between the values set for "min_instances" and "max_instances" properties.' required: false status: SUPPORTED derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Node description: A node type that includes the Bindable capability indicates that it can be bound to a logical network association via a network port. derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Node description: A node type that includes the Linkable capability indicates that it can be pointed by relationship type. tosca.capabilities.Container.Docker: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Container properties: version: type: list required: false status: SUPPORTED entry_schema: type: version publish_all: type: boolean required: false default: false status: SUPPORTED publish_ports: type: list required: false status: SUPPORTED entry_schema: type: PortSpec expose_ports: type: list required: false status: SUPPORTED entry_schema: type: PortSpec volumes: type: list required: false status: SUPPORTED entry_schema: type: string