#!/bin/bash cd /root CS_PORT="" CS_HOST= if [ ! -z "${CS_HOST_IP}" ]; then CS_HOST=$CS_HOST_IP fi if [ ! -z "${CS_HOST_PORT}" ]; then CS_PORT=$CS_HOST_PORT fi echo "[Info] Going to initialize sdc onboard cassandra: user=$SDC_USER; host=$CS_HOST; port=$CS_PORT" echo "[Info] Initializing onboard keyspaces" date; cqlsh -u $SDC_USER -p $SDC_PASSWORD -f init_keyspaces.cql $CS_HOST $CS_PORT date; rc=$? if [[ $rc != 0 ]]; then echo "[Error] Failed to initialize onboard keyspaces"; exit $rc; fi echo "[Info] Initializing onboard schemas" date; cqlsh -u $SDC_USER -p $SDC_PASSWORD -f init_schemas.cql $CS_HOST $CS_PORT date; rc=$? if [[ $rc != 0 ]]; then echo "[Error] Failed to initialize onboard schemas"; exit $rc; fi