catalogNotificationsConfig: # catalog backend protocol <% if node[:disableHttp] -%> catalogBeProtocol: https <% else %> catalogBeProtocol: http <% end -%> catalogBeHttpPort: <%= @catalog_be_http_port %> catalogBeSslPort: <%= @catalog_be_ssl_port %> catalogBeFqdn: <%= @catalog_be_fqdn %> # do not remove the "" from catalog_notification_url. it is escaping % characters coming from AUTO.json catalogNotificationUrl: "<%= @catalog_notification_url %>" notifications: pollingIntervalMsec: 2000 selectionSize: 100 beHost: <%= @onboard_ip %> beHttpPort: <%= @onboard_port %> cassandraConfig: cassandraHosts: [ <%= @cassandra_ip %> ] cassandraPort: <%= @cassandra_port %> localDataCenter: <%= @DC_NAME %> reconnectTimeout: 30000 socketReadTimeout: <%= @socket_read_timeout %> socketConnectTimeout: <%= @socket_connect_timeout %> authenticate: true username: <%= @cassandra_usr %> password: <%= @cassandra_pwd %> ssl: <%= @cassandra_ssl_enabled %> truststorePath: <%= node['jetty']['truststore_path'] %> truststorePassword: <%= @cassandra_truststore_password %> # access restriction authCookie: securityKey: MlB1WHFpSHNVTWdJZU1PcQ== maxSessionTimeOut: 86400000 sessionIdleTimeOut: 3600000 cookieName: "AuthenticationCookie" path: / domain: "" isHttpOnly: true # redirect variable name from file redirectURL: "redirect_url" excludedUrls: [ '/.*' ] onboardingExcludedUrls: [ '/.*' ] basicAuth: enabled: <%= @basic_auth_enabled %> userName: <%= @basic_auth_username %> userPass: <%= @basic_auth_password %> excludedUrls: "/v1.0/healthcheck" zipValidation: ignoreManifest: false externalCsarStore: storageType: NONE # NONE, MINIO endpoint: host: port: 9000 secure: false credentials: accessKey: "login" secretKey: "password" foldersToStrip: - Files/images sizeLimit: 10000000 thresholdEntries: 10000 tempPath: "/home/onap/temp/" uploadPartSize: 200000000 #Space separated list of permitted ancestors permittedAncestors: <%= @permittedAncestors %>