/* * Copyright © 2016-2017 European Support Limited * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const {Then, When} = require('cucumber'); const assert = require('assert'); const util = require('./Utils.js'); When('I want to create a VF', function() { let inputData = util.getJSONFromFile('resources/json/operation/createVF_From_Catalog.json'); inputData.name = util.random(); inputData.tags[0] = util.random(); let path = '/catalog/resources'; return util.request(this.context, 'POST', path, inputData, false, 'vf').then(result => { this.context.item = {uniqueId : result.data.uniqueId, id : result.data.inputs[0].uniqueId, name : result.data.inputs[0].name}; this.context.vf = {uniqueId : result.data.uniqueId, id : result.data.inputs[0].uniqueId, name : result.data.inputs[0].name}; }); }); function makeType() { var text = ""; var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)); return text; } When('I want to create an Operation', function() { let inputData = util.getJSONFromFile('resources/json/operation/createOperation.json'); let path = '/catalog/resources/' + this.context.vf.uniqueId +'/interfaceOperations'; inputData.interfaceOperations.create.operationType = makeType(); inputData.interfaceOperations.create.description = makeType(); inputData.interfaceOperations.create.inputParams.listToscaDataDefinition[0].paramName = util.random(); inputData.interfaceOperations.create.inputParams.listToscaDataDefinition[0].paramId = this.context.vf.id; inputData.interfaceOperations.create.outputParams.listToscaDataDefinition[0].paramName = util.random(); inputData.interfaceOperations.create.outputParams.listToscaDataDefinition[0].paramId = this.context.vf.id; inputData.interfaceOperations.create.workflowId = makeType(); inputData.interfaceOperations.create.workflowVersionId = makeType(); return util.request(this.context, 'POST', path, inputData, false, 'vf').then(result => { this.context.item = {uniqueId : result.data.uniqueId, operationType : result.data.operationType}; this.context.operation = {uniqueId : result.data.uniqueId, operationType : result.data.operationType}; }); }); When('I want to list Operations', function () { let path = '/catalog/resources/' + this.context.vf.uniqueId + '/filteredDataByParams?include=interfaces'; return util.request(this.context, 'GET', path, null, false, 'vf').then((result)=> { }); }); When('I want to get an Operation by Id', function () { let path = '/catalog/resources/' + this.context.vf.uniqueId + '/interfaceOperations/' + this.context.operation.uniqueId; return util.request(this.context, 'GET', path, null, false, 'vf').then((result)=> { this.context.item ={uniqueId : result.data.uniqueId, operationType: result.data.operationType}; this.context.operation = {uniqueId : result.data.uniqueId, operationType : result.data.operationType}; }); }); When('I want to update an Operation', function () { let inputData = util.getJSONFromFile('resources/json/operation/updateOperation.json'); let path = '/catalog/resources/' + this.context.vf.uniqueId + '/interfaceOperations/'; inputData.interfaceOperations.create.uniqueId = this.context.operation.uniqueId; inputData.interfaceOperations.create.operationType = this.context.operation.operationType; inputData.interfaceOperations.create.inputParams.listToscaDataDefinition[0].paramName = util.random(); inputData.interfaceOperations.create.inputParams.listToscaDataDefinition[0].paramId = this.context.vf.id; return util.request(this.context, 'PUT', path, inputData, false, 'vf').then((result)=> { this.context.item ={uniqueId : result.data.uniqueId, operationType: result.data.operationType}; this.context.operation = {uniqueId : result.data.uniqueId, operationType : result.data.operationType}; }); }); When('I want to delete an Operation', function() { let path = '/catalog/resources/' + this.context.vf.uniqueId + '/interfaceOperations/' + this.context.operation.uniqueId; return util.request(this.context, 'DELETE', path, null, false, 'vf'); }); When('I want to checkin this VF', function () { let path = '/catalog/resources/' + this.context.vf.uniqueId + '/lifecycleState/CHECKIN' ; let inputData = {userRemarks: 'checkin'}; return util.request(this.context, 'POST', path, inputData, false, 'vf').then((result)=> { this.context.item ={uniqueId : result.data.uniqueId}; this.context.vf = {uniqueId : result.data.uniqueId}; }); }); Then('I want to submit this VF', function () { let path = '/catalog/resources/' + this.context.vf.uniqueId + '/lifecycleState/certificationRequest' ; let inputData = {userRemarks: 'submit'}; return util.request(this.context, 'POST', path, inputData, false, 'vf').then((result)=> { this.context.item ={uniqueId : result.data.uniqueId}; this.context.vf = {uniqueId : result.data.uniqueId}; }); });