Feature: List items with various filters Background: Init - create various items in order to test list items filters Given I want to set the user to "cs0008" Given I want to create a VLM Then I want to copy to property "noPermissionDraftVlmId" from response data path "itemId" Given I want to create a VLM Then I want to copy to property "noPermissionCertifiedVlmId" from response data path "itemId" And I want to submit this VLM Given I want to set the user to "mb1001" Given I want to create a VLM Then I want to copy to property "draftVlmId" from response data path "itemId" Given I want to create a VLM Then I want to copy to property "certifiedVlmId" from response data path "itemId" And I want to submit this VLM Given I want to create a VLM Then I want to copy to property "archivedDraftVlmId" from response data path "itemId" And I want to archive this item Given I want to create a VLM Then I want to copy to property "archivedCertifiedVlmId" from response data path "itemId" And I want to submit this VLM And I want to archive this item Given I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" Then I want to copy to property "npDraftVspId" from response data path "itemId" Given I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "Manual" Then I want to copy to property "manualDraftVspId" from response data path "itemId" Scenario: List workspace items - active, draft, editable by the user When I want to get path "/items?itemStatus=ACTIVE&versionStatus=Draft&permission=Owner,Contributor" Then I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "draftVlmId" exists And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "npDraftVspId" exists And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "manualDraftVspId" exists But I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "noPermissionDraftVlmId" does not exist And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "noPermissionCertifiedVlmId" does not exist And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "certifiedVlmId" does not exist And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "archivedDraftVlmId" does not exist And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "archivedCertifiedVlmId" does not exist Scenario: List catalog items - active, certified When I want to get path "/items?itemStatus=ACTIVE&versionStatus=Certified" Then I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "noPermissionCertifiedVlmId" exists And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "certifiedVlmId" exists But I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "draftVlmId" does not exist And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "npDraftVspId" does not exist And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "manualDraftVspId" does not exist And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "noPermissionDraftVlmId" does not exist And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "archivedDraftVlmId" does not exist And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "archivedCertifiedVlmId" does not exist Scenario: List archived certified items When I want to get path "/items?itemStatus=ARCHIVED&versionStatus=Certified" Then I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "archivedCertifiedVlmId" exists But I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "archivedDraftVlmId" does not exist And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "noPermissionCertifiedVlmId" does not exist And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "certifiedVlmId" does not exist And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "draftVlmId" does not exist And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "npDraftVspId" does not exist And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "manualDraftVspId" does not exist And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "noPermissionDraftVlmId" does not exist Scenario: List only active draft manual vsps + vlms owned by the user When I want to get path "/items?itemStatus=ACTIVE&versionStatus=Draft&onboardingMethod=Manual&permission=Owner" Then I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "draftVlmId" exists And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "manualDraftVspId" exists But I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "npDraftVspId" does not exist And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "noPermissionDraftVlmId" does not exist And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "noPermissionCertifiedVlmId" does not exist And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "certifiedVlmId" does not exist And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "archivedDraftVlmId" does not exist And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "archivedCertifiedVlmId" does not exist