#Feature: ActivitySpec Flow - Test Create Activity Spec # #Given Default prefix "activity_spec" # # # SDC-6350 # Scenario: Test Create Activity Spec functionality # #Create ActivitySpec # When I want to set the input data to file "resources/json/createActivitySpec.json" # Then I want to update the input property "name" with a random value # When I want to create an ActivitySpec # #Check id and versionId returned in response # Then I want to check property "id" exists # And I want to check property "versionId" exists # # #List ActivitySpec # And I want to list ActivitySpecs with status "Draft" # And I want to check property "listCount" exists # # #Get ActivitySpec and verify its status # And I want to get the ActivitySpec for the current item # And I want to check property "status" for value "Draft" # # #Certify and Get ActivitySpec and verify its status # And I want to call action "CERTIFY" on this ActivitySpec item # And I want to get the ActivitySpec for the current item # And I want to check property "status" for value "Certified" # # #Deprecate and Get ActivitySpec and verify its status # And I want to call action "DEPRECATE" on this ActivitySpec item # And I want to get the ActivitySpec for the current item # And I want to check property "status" for value "Deprecated" # # #Delete and Get ActivitySpec and verify its status # And I want to call action "DELETE" on this ActivitySpec item # And I want to get the ActivitySpec for the current item # And I want to check property "status" for value "Deleted" # # #Pass Invalid Id to Get and verify error code # Then I want to set property "item.id" to value "invalidId" # Then I want the following to fail with error code "ACTIVITYSPEC_NOT_FOUND" # And I want to get the ActivitySpec for the current item # # # SDC-6353 # Scenario: Test Create Activity Spec With Duplicate Name # #Create ActivitySpec with name "test" # When I want to set the input data to file "resources/json/createActivitySpec.json" # Then I want to update the input property "name" with value "test" # When I want to create an ActivitySpec # Then I want to check property "id" exists # And I want to check property "versionId" exists # # #Again Create ActivitySpec with name "test" and verify error code # When I want to set the input data to file "resources/json/createActivitySpec.json" # Then I want to update the input property "name" with value "test" # Then I want the following to fail with error code "UNIQUE_VALUE_VIOLATION" # When I want to create an ActivitySpec # # # SDC-6354 # Scenario: Test Create Activity Spec With Invalid Name Format # When I want to set the input data to file "resources/json/createActivitySpec.json" # Then I want to update the input property "name" with value "test!@" # Then I want the following to fail with error code "FIELD_VALIDATION_ERROR_ERR_ID" # When I want to create an ActivitySpec # # # SDC-6355 # Scenario: Test Create Activity Spec With Null/Blank Name # When I want to set the input data to file "resources/json/createActivitySpec.json" # Then I want to update the input property "name" with value "" # Then I want the following to fail with error code "FIELD_VALIDATION_ERROR_ERR_ID" # When I want to create an ActivitySpec