/*! * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ import _merge from 'lodash/merge'; // import jsonschema from 'jsonschema'; import Common from '../common/Common'; import Metamodel from './Metamodel'; /** * A wrapper for a model instance. */ export default class Model { // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Construct model from model JSON. JSON is assumed to be in more or less * the correct structure, but it's OK if it's missing IDs. * * @param json initial JSON; will be updated in situ. * @param metamodel Metaobject definition. */ constructor(json, metamodel) { if (metamodel) { Common.assertInstanceOf(metamodel, Metamodel); } this.metamodel = metamodel || Metamodel.getDefault(); Common.assertInstanceOf(this.metamodel, Metamodel); this.jsonschema = require('./schema/asdc_sequencer_schema.json'); this.templates = { defaultModel: require('./templates/default.model.json'), defaultMetamodel: require('./templates/default.metamodel.json') }; this.model = this._preprocess(Common.assertType(json, 'Object')); Common.assertPlainObject(this.model); this.renumber(); this.addLifeline = this.addLifeline.bind(this); this.addMessage = this.addMessage.bind(this); this.renumber = this.renumber.bind(this); } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Unwrap to get model object. * @returns {*} */ unwrap() { return Common.assertPlainObject(this.model); } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Get the metamodel which defines valid states for this model. * @returns Metamodel definition. */ getMetamodel() { return Common.assertInstanceOf(this.metamodel, Metamodel); } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Find lifeline by its ID. * @param id lifeline ID. * @returns lifeline object, if found. */ getLifelineById(id) { for (const lifeline of this.model.diagram.lifelines) { if (lifeline.id === id) { return lifeline; } } return undefined; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Get message by ID. * @param id message ID. * @returns message if matched. */ getMessageById(id) { Common.assertNotNull(id); const step = this.getStepByMessageId(id); if (step) { return step.message; } return undefined; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Get step by message ID. * @param id step ID. * @returns step if matched. */ getStepByMessageId(id) { Common.assertNotNull(id); for (const step of this.model.diagram.steps) { if (step.message && step.message.id === id) { return step; } } return undefined; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Add message to steps. * @returns {{}} */ addMessage(index) { const d = this.model.diagram; const step = {}; step.message = {}; step.message.id = Model._guid(); step.message.name = '[Unnamed Message]'; step.message.type = 'request'; step.message.from = d.lifelines.length > 0 ? d.lifelines[0].id : -1; step.message.to = d.lifelines.length > 1 ? d.lifelines[1].id : -1; if (index >= 0) { d.steps.splice(index, 0, step); } else { d.steps.push(step); } this.renumber(); return step; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Delete message with ID. * @param id to be deleted. */ deleteMessageById(id) { Common.assertNotNull(id); const step = this.getStepByMessageId(id); if (step) { const index = this.model.diagram.steps.indexOf(step); if (index !== -1) { this.model.diagram.steps.splice(index, 1); } } this.renumber(); } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Add lifeline to lifelines. * @param index optional index. * @returns {{}} */ addLifeline(index) { const lifeline = {}; lifeline.id = Model._guid(); lifeline.name = '[Unnamed Lifeline]'; if (index >= 0) { this.model.diagram.lifelines.splice(index, 0, lifeline); } else { this.model.diagram.lifelines.push(lifeline); } this.renumber(); return lifeline; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Delete lifeline with ID. * @param id to be deleted. */ deleteLifelineById(id) { Common.assertNotNull(id); this.deleteStepsByLifelineId(id); const lifeline = this.getLifelineById(id); if (lifeline) { const index = this.model.diagram.lifelines.indexOf(lifeline); if (index !== -1) { this.model.diagram.lifelines.splice(index, 1); } } this.renumber(); } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Delete all steps corresponding to lifeline. * @param id lifeline ID. */ deleteStepsByLifelineId(id) { Common.assertNotNull(id); const steps = this.getStepsByLifelineId(id); for (const step of steps) { this.deleteMessageById(step.message.id); } this.renumber(); } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Get all steps corresponding to lifeline. * @param id lifeline ID. * @return steps from/to lifeline. */ getStepsByLifelineId(id) { Common.assertNotNull(id); const steps = []; for (const step of this.model.diagram.steps) { if (step.message) { if (step.message.from === id || step.message.to === id) { steps.push(step); } } } return steps; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Validate model. Disabled, because we removed the jsonschema dependency. * @returns {Array} of validation errors, if any. */ validate() { const errors = []; return errors; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Reorder messages. * @param index message index. * @param afterIndex new (after) index. */ reorderMessages(index, afterIndex) { Common.assertType(index, 'Number'); Common.assertType(afterIndex, 'Number'); const steps = this.model.diagram.steps; const element = steps[index]; steps.splice(index, 1); steps.splice(afterIndex, 0, element); this.renumber(); } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Reorder lifelines. * @param index lifeline index. * @param afterIndex new (after) index. */ reorderLifelines(index, afterIndex) { Common.assertType(index, 'Number'); Common.assertType(afterIndex, 'Number'); const lifelines = this.model.diagram.lifelines; const element = lifelines[index]; lifelines.splice(index, 1); lifelines.splice(afterIndex, 0, element); this.renumber(); } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Renumber lifelines and messages. */ renumber() { const modelJSON = this.unwrap(); let stepIndex = 1; let lifelineIndex = 1; for (const step of modelJSON.diagram.steps) { if (step.message) { step.message.index = stepIndex++; } } for (const lifeline of modelJSON.diagram.lifelines) { lifeline.index = lifelineIndex++; } } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Build a simple, navigable dataset describing fragments. * @returns {{}}, indexed by (stop) message ID, describing fragments. */ analyzeFragments() { const fData = {}; let depth = 0; const modelJSON = this.unwrap(); const open = []; const getData = function g(stop, fragment) { let data = fData[stop]; if (!data) { data = { stop, start: [], fragment }; fData[stop] = data; } return data; }; const fragmentsByStart = {}; for (const step of modelJSON.diagram.steps) { if (step.message && step.message.fragment) { const message = step.message; const fragment = message.fragment; if (fragment.start) { fragmentsByStart[fragment.start] = fragment; open.push(message.id); depth++; } if (fragment.stop) { if (open.length > 0) { getData(message.id).start.push(open.pop()); } depth = Math.max(depth - 1, 0); } } } if (open.length > 0) { for (const o of open) { getData(o, fragmentsByStart[o]).start.push(o); } } return fData; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Build a simple, navigable dataset describing occurrences. * @returns a map, indexed by lifeline ID, of objects containing {start:[],stop:[],active[]}. * @private */ analyzeOccurrences() { const oData = {}; // A few inline functions. They make this method kinda lengthy, but they // reduce clutter in the class and keep it coherent, so it's OK. const getDataByLifelineId = function get(lifelineId) { if (!oData[lifelineId]) { oData[lifelineId] = { active: [], start: {}, stop: {} }; } return oData[lifelineId]; }; const contains = function contains(array, value) { return array && array.indexOf(value) !== -1; }; const process = function process(message, lifelineId) { const oRule = message.occurrences; if (oRule) { const oDataLifeline = getDataByLifelineId(lifelineId); if (oDataLifeline) { // Record all starts. if (contains(oRule.start, lifelineId)) { oDataLifeline.active.push(message.id); oDataLifeline.start[message.id] = undefined; } // Reconcile with stops. if (contains(oRule.stop, lifelineId)) { const startMessageId = oDataLifeline.active.pop(); oDataLifeline.stop[message.id] = startMessageId; if (startMessageId) { oDataLifeline.start[startMessageId] = message.id; } } } } }; // Analyze start and end. const modelJSON = this.unwrap(); for (const step of modelJSON.diagram.steps) { if (step.message) { const message = step.message; if (message.occurrences) { process(message, message.from); process(message, message.to); } } } // Reset active. (We used it, but it's not actually for us; it's for keeping // track of active occurrences when rendering the diagram.) for (const lifelineId of Object.keys(oData)) { oData[lifelineId].active = []; } // Reconcile the start and end (message ID) maps for each lifeline, // finding a "stop" for every start. Default to starting and stopping // on the same message, which is the same as no occurrence. for (const lifelineId of Object.keys(oData)) { const lifelineData = oData[lifelineId]; for (const startId of Object.keys(lifelineData.start)) { const stopId = lifelineData.start[startId]; if (!stopId) { lifelineData.start[startId] = startId; lifelineData.stop[startId] = startId; } } } return oData; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Preprocess model, adding IDs and whatnot. * @param original to be preprocessed. * @returns preprocessed JSON. * @private */ _preprocess(original) { const json = _merge({}, this.templates.defaultModel, original); const metamodel = this.metamodel.unwrap(); if (!json.diagram.metadata.ref) { if (metamodel.diagram.metadata.id) { json.diagram.metadata.ref = metamodel.diagram.metadata.id; } else { json.diagram.metadata.ref = '$'; } } for (const lifeline of json.diagram.lifelines) { lifeline.id = lifeline.id || lifeline.name; } for (const step of json.diagram.steps) { if (step.message) { step.message.id = step.message.id || Model._guid(); const occurrences = step.message.occurrences; if (occurrences) { occurrences.start = occurrences.start || []; occurrences.stop = occurrences.stop || []; } } } if (!json.diagram.metadata.id || json.diagram.metadata.id === '$') { json.diagram.metadata.id = Model._guid(); } return json; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Create pseudo-UUID. * @returns {string} * @private */ static _guid() { function s4() { return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) .toString(16) .substring(1); } return `${s4()}-${s4()}-${s4()}-${s4()}-${s4()}-${s4()}-${s4()}-${s4()}`; } }