/*! * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ import React from 'react'; import _template from 'lodash/template'; import _merge from 'lodash/merge'; import d3 from 'd3'; import Common from '../../common/Common'; import Logger from '../../common/Logger'; import Popup from './components/popup/Popup'; /** * SVG diagram view. */ export default class Diagram extends React.Component { // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Construct React view. * @param props properties. * @param context context. */ constructor(props, context) { super(props, context); this.application = Common.assertNotNull(props.application); this.options = this.application.getOptions().diagram; this.events = {}; this.state = { height: 0, width: 0, }; this.templates = { diagram: _template(require('./templates/diagram.html')), lifeline: _template(require('./templates/lifeline.html')), message: _template(require('./templates/message.html')), occurrence: _template(require('./templates/occurrence.html')), fragment: _template(require('./templates/fragment.html')), title: _template(require('./templates/title.html')), }; this.handleResize = this.handleResize.bind(this); } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Set diagram name. * @param n name. */ setName(n) { this.svg.select('').text(n); } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Get SVG from diagram. * @returns {*|string} */ getSVG() { const svg = this.svg.node().outerHTML; return svg.replace(' 0) ? `height:${titleHeight}` : 'asdcs-hidden'; return (
{ this.wrapper = r; }}>
{ this.popup = r; }} />
); } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// redraw() { this.updateSVG(); } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Initial render. */ componentDidMount() { window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize); this.updateSVG(); // Insurance: setTimeout(() => { this.handleResize(); }, 500); } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// componentWillUnmount() { window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResize); } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Render on update. */ componentDidUpdate() { this.updateSVG(); } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Redraw SVG diagram. So far it's fast enough that it doesn't seem to matter whether * it's completely redrawn. */ updateSVG() { if (!this.svg) { const svgparams = _merge({}, this.options.svg); this.wrapper.innerHTML = this.templates.diagram(svgparams); this.svg = d3.select(this.wrapper).select('svg'); } if (this.state.height === 0) { // We'll get a resize event, and the height will be non-zero when it's actually time. return; } if (this.state.height && this.state.width) { const margin = this.options.svg.margin; const x = -margin; const y = -margin; const height = this.state.height + (margin * 2); const width = this.state.width + (margin * 2); const viewBox = `${x} ${y} ${width} ${height}`; this.svg.attr('viewBox', viewBox); } // If we've already rendered, then save the current scale/translate so that we // can reapply it after rendering. const gContentSelection = this.svg.selectAll('g.asdcs-diagram-content'); if (gContentSelection.size() === 1) { const transform = gContentSelection.attr('transform'); if (transform) { this.savedTransform = transform; } } // Empty the document. We're starting again. this.svg.selectAll('.asdcs-diagram-content').remove(); // Extract the model. const model = this.application.getModel(); if (!model) { return; } const modelJSON = model.unwrap(); // Extract dimension options. const header = this.options.lifelines.header; const spacing = this.options.lifelines.spacing; // Make separate container elements so that we can control Z order. const gContent = this.svg.append('g').attr('class', 'asdcs-diagram-content'); const gLifelines = gContent.append('g').attr('class', 'asdcs-diagram-lifelines'); const gCanvas = gContent.append('g').attr('class', 'asdcs-diagram-canvas'); gCanvas.append('g').attr('class', 'asdcs-diagram-occurrences'); gCanvas.append('g').attr('class', 'asdcs-diagram-fragments'); gCanvas.append('g').attr('class', 'asdcs-diagram-messages'); // Lifelines ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const actorsById = {}; const positionsByMessageId = {}; const lifelines = []; for (const actor of modelJSON.diagram.lifelines) { const x = (header.width / 2) + (lifelines.length * spacing.horizontal); Diagram._processLifeline(actor, x); lifelines.push({ x, actor }); actorsById[actor.id] = actor; } // Messages ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Analyze occurrence information. const occurrences = model.analyzeOccurrences(); const fragments = model.analyzeFragments(); let y = this.options.lifelines.header.height + spacing.vertical; let messageIndex = 0; for (const step of modelJSON.diagram.steps) { if (step.message) { positionsByMessageId[step.message.id] = positionsByMessageId[step.message.id] || {}; positionsByMessageId[step.message.id].y = y; this._drawMessage(gCanvas, step.message, y, actorsById, positionsByMessageId, ++messageIndex, occurrences, fragments); } y += spacing.vertical; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Draw the actual (dashed) lifelines in a background . this._drawLifelines(gLifelines, lifelines, y); // Initialize mouse event handlers. this._initMouseEvents(gLifelines, gCanvas); // Scale to fit. const bb = gContent.node().getBBox(); this._initZoom(gContent, bb.width, bb.height); } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Draw message into SVG canvas. * @param gCanvas container. * @param message message to be rendered. * @param y current y position. * @param actorsById actor lookup. * @param positionsByMessageId x- and y-position of each message. * @param messageIndex where we are in the set of messages to be rendered. * @param oData occurrences info. * @param fData fragments info. * @private */ _drawMessage(gCanvas, message, y, actorsById, positionsByMessageId, messageIndex, oData, fData) { Common.assertNotNull(oData); const request = message.type === 'request'; const fromActor = request ? actorsById[message.from] : actorsById[message.to]; const toActor = request ? actorsById[message.to] : actorsById[message.from]; if (!fromActor) { Logger.warn(`Cannot draw message ${JSON.stringify(message)}: 'from' not found.`); return; } if (!toActor) { Logger.warn(`Cannot draw message ${JSON.stringify(message)}: 'to' not found.`); return; } // Occurrences. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (message.occurrence) { Logger.debug(`Found occurrence for ${message.name}: ${JSON.stringify(message.occurrence)}`); } const activeTo = Diagram._calcActive(oData, toActor.id); this._drawOccurrence(gCanvas, oData, positionsByMessageId, fromActor, message.id); this._drawOccurrence(gCanvas, oData, positionsByMessageId, toActor, message.id); const activeFrom = Diagram._calcActive(oData, fromActor.id); // Messages. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const gMessages = gCanvas.select('g.asdcs-diagram-messages'); // Save positions for later. const positions = positionsByMessageId[message.id]; positions.x0 = fromActor.x; positions.x1 = toActor.x; // Calculate. const leftToRight = fromActor.x < toActor.x; const loopback = (message.to === message.from); const x1 = this._calcMessageX(activeTo, toActor.x, true, leftToRight); const x0 = loopback ? x1 : this._calcMessageX(activeFrom, fromActor.x, false, leftToRight); let messagePath; if (loopback) { // To self. messagePath = `M${x1},${y}`; messagePath = `${messagePath} L${x1 + 200},${y}`; messagePath = `${messagePath} L${x1 + 200},${y + 50}`; messagePath = `${messagePath} L${x1},${y + 50}`; } else { // Between lifelines. messagePath = `M${x0},${y}`; messagePath = `${messagePath} L${x1},${y}`; } const styles = Diagram._getMessageStyles(message); // Split message over lines. const messageWithPrefix = `${messageIndex}. ${message.name}`; const maxLines = this.options.messages.label.maxLines; const wrapWords = this.options.messages.label.wrapWords; const wrapLines = this.options.messages.label.wrapLines; const messageLines = Common.tokenize(messageWithPrefix, wrapWords, wrapLines, maxLines); const messageTxt = this.templates.message({ id: message.id, classes: styles.css, marker: styles.marker, dasharray: styles.dasharray, labels: messageLines, lines: maxLines, path: messagePath, index: messageIndex, x0, x1, y, }); const messageEl = Common.txt2dom(messageTxt); const gMessage = gMessages.append('g'); Common.dom2svg(messageEl, gMessage); // Set the background's bounding box to that of the text, // so that they fit snugly. const labelBB = gMessage.select('.asdcs-diagram-message-label').node().getBBox(); gMessage.select('.asdcs-diagram-message-label-bg') .attr('x', labelBB.x) .attr('y', labelBB.y) .attr('height', labelBB.height) .attr('width', labelBB.width); // Fragments. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const fragment = fData[message.id]; if (fragment) { // It ends on this message. this._drawFragment(gCanvas, fragment, positionsByMessageId); } } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Draw a single occurrence. * @param gCanvas container. * @param oData occurrence data. * @param positionsByMessageId map of y positions by message ID. * @param actor wrapper containing lifeline ID (.id), position (.x) and name (.name). * @param messageId message identifier. * @private */ _drawOccurrence(gCanvas, oData, positionsByMessageId, actor, messageId) { Common.assertType(oData, 'Object'); Common.assertType(positionsByMessageId, 'Object'); Common.assertType(actor, 'Object'); Common.assertType(messageId, 'String'); const gOccurrences = gCanvas.select('g.asdcs-diagram-occurrences'); const oOptions = this.options.lifelines.occurrences; const oWidth = oOptions.width; const oHalfWidth = oWidth / 2; const oForeshortening = oOptions.foreshortening; const oMarginTop = oOptions.marginTop; const oMarginBottom = oOptions.marginBottom; const o = oData[actor.id]; const active = Diagram._calcActive(oData, actor.id); const x = (actor.x - oHalfWidth) + (active * oWidth); const positions = positionsByMessageId[messageId]; const y = positions.y; let draw = true; if (o) { if (o.start[messageId]) { // Starting, but drawing nothing until we find the end. o.active.push(messageId); draw = false; } else if (active > 0) { const startMessageId = o.stop[messageId]; if (startMessageId) { // OK, it ends here. Draw the occurrence box. o.active.pop(); const foreshorteningY = active * oForeshortening; const startY = positionsByMessageId[startMessageId].y; const height = ((oMarginTop + oMarginBottom) + (y - startY)) - (foreshorteningY * 2); const oProps = { x: (actor.x - oHalfWidth) + ((active - 1) * oWidth), y: ((startY - oMarginTop) + foreshorteningY), height, width: oWidth, }; const occurrenceTxt = this.templates.occurrence(oProps); const occurrenceEl = Common.txt2dom(occurrenceTxt); Common.dom2svg(occurrenceEl, gOccurrences.append('g')); } draw = false; } } if (draw) { // Seems this is a singleton occurrence. We just draw a wee box around it. const height = (oMarginTop + oMarginBottom); const occurrenceProperties = { x, y: y - oMarginTop, height, width: oWidth }; const defaultTxt = this.templates.occurrence(occurrenceProperties); const defaultEl = Common.txt2dom(defaultTxt); Common.dom2svg(defaultEl, gOccurrences.append('g')); } } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Draw box(es) around fragment(s). * @param gCanvas container. * @param fragment fragment definition, corresponding to its final (stop) message. * @param positionsByMessageId message dimensions. * @private */ _drawFragment(gCanvas, fragment, positionsByMessageId) { const optFragments = this.options.fragments; const gFragments = gCanvas.select('g.asdcs-diagram-fragments'); const p1 = positionsByMessageId[fragment.stop]; if (p1 && fragment.start && fragment.start.length > 0) { for (const start of fragment.start) { const message = this.application.getModel().getMessageById(start); const bounds = this._calcFragmentBounds(message, fragment, positionsByMessageId); if (bounds) { const maxLines = this.options.fragments.label.maxLines; const wrapWords = this.options.fragments.label.wrapWords; const wrapLines = this.options.fragments.label.wrapLines; const lines = Common.tokenize(message.fragment.guard, wrapWords, wrapLines, maxLines); const params = { id: start, x: bounds.x0 - optFragments.leftMargin, y: bounds.y0 - optFragments.topMargin, height: (bounds.y1 - bounds.y0) + optFragments.heightMargin, width: (bounds.x1 - bounds.x0) + optFragments.widthMargin, operator: (message.fragment.operator || 'alt'), lines, }; const fragmentTxt = this.templates.fragment(params); const fragmentEl = Common.txt2dom(fragmentTxt); const gFragment = gFragments.append('g'); Common.dom2svg(fragmentEl, gFragment); const labelBB = gFragment.select('.asdcs-diagram-fragment-guard').node().getBBox(); gFragment.select('.asdcs-diagram-fragment-guard-bg') .attr('x', labelBB.x) .attr('y', labelBB.y) .attr('height', labelBB.height) .attr('width', labelBB.width); } else { Logger.warn(`Bad fragment: ${JSON.stringify(fragment)}`); } } } } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _calcFragmentBounds(startMessage, fragment, positionsByMessageId) { if (startMessage) { const steps = this.application.getModel().unwrap().diagram.steps; const bounds = { x0: 99999, x1: 0, y0: 99999, y1: 0 }; let foundStart = false; let foundStop = false; for (const step of steps) { const message = step.message; if (message) { if (message.id === startMessage.id) { foundStart = true; } if (foundStart && !foundStop) { const positions = positionsByMessageId[message.id]; if (positions) { bounds.x0 = Math.min(bounds.x0, Math.min(positions.x0, positions.x1)); bounds.y0 = Math.min(bounds.y0, positions.y); bounds.x1 = Math.max(bounds.x1, Math.max(positions.x0, positions.x1)); bounds.y1 = Math.max(bounds.y1, positions.y); } else { // This probably means it hasn't been recorded yet, which is fine, because // we draw fragments from where they END. foundStop = true; } } if (message.id === fragment.stop) { foundStop = true; } } } return bounds; } return undefined; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Draw all lifelines. * @param gLifelines lifelines container. * @param lifelines lifelines definitions. * @param y height. * @private */ _drawLifelines(gLifelines, lifelines, y) { const maxLines = this.options.lifelines.header.maxLines; const wrapWords = this.options.lifelines.header.wrapWords; const wrapLines = this.options.lifelines.header.wrapLines; for (const lifeline of lifelines) { const lines = Common.tokenize(lifeline.actor.name, wrapWords, wrapLines, maxLines); const lifelineTxt = this.templates.lifeline({ x: lifeline.x, y0: 0, y1: y, lines, rows: maxLines, headerHeight: this.options.lifelines.header.height, headerWidth: this.options.lifelines.header.width, id: lifeline.actor.id, }); const lifelineEl = Common.txt2dom(lifelineTxt); Common.dom2svg(lifelineEl, gLifelines.append('g')); } } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Initialize all mouse events. * @param gLifelines lifelines container. * @param gCanvas top-level canvas container. * @private */ _initMouseEvents(gLifelines, gCanvas) { const self = this; const source = 'asdcs'; const origin = `${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.host}`; let timer; gLifelines.selectAll('.asdcs-diagram-lifeline-selectable') .on('mouseenter', function f() { timer = setTimeout(() => { self.application.selectLifeline(d3.select(this.parentNode).attr('data-id')); }, 150); }) .on('mouseleave', () => { clearTimeout(timer); self.application.selectLifeline(); }) .on('click', function f() { const id = d3.select(this.parentNode).attr('data-id'); window.postMessage({ source, id, type: 'lifeline' }, origin); }); gLifelines.selectAll('.asdcs-diagram-lifeline-heading-box') .on('mouseenter', function f() { timer = setTimeout(() => { self.application.selectLifeline(d3.select(this.parentNode).attr('data-id')); }, 150); }) .on('mouseleave', () => { clearTimeout(timer); self.application.selectLifeline(); }) .on('click', function f() { const id = d3.select(this.parentNode).attr('data-id'); window.postMessage({ source, id, type: 'lifelineHeader' }, origin); }); gCanvas.selectAll('.asdcs-diagram-message-selectable') .on('mouseenter', function f() { self.events.message = { x: d3.event.pageX, y: d3.event.pageY }; timer = setTimeout(() => { self.application.selectMessage(d3.select(this.parentNode).attr('data-id')); }, 200); }) .on('mouseleave', () => { delete self.events.message; clearTimeout(timer); self.application.selectMessage(); }) .on('click', function f() { const id = d3.select(this.parentNode).attr('data-id'); window.postMessage({ source, id, type: 'message' }, origin); }); } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Get CSS classes to be applied to a message, according to whether request/response * or synchronous/asynchronous. * @param message message being rendered. * @returns CSS class name(s). * @private */ static _getMessageStyles(message) { let marker = 'asdcsDiagramArrowSolid'; let dasharray = ''; let css = 'asdcs-diagram-message'; if (message.type === 'request') { css = `${css} asdcs-diagram-message-request`; } else { css = `${css} asdcs-diagram-message-response`; marker = 'asdcsDiagramArrowOpen'; dasharray = '30, 10'; } if (message.asynchronous) { css = `${css} asdcs-diagram-message-asynchronous`; marker = 'asdcsDiagramArrowOpen'; } else { css = `${css} asdcs-diagram-message-synchronous`; } return { css, marker, dasharray }; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Initialize or reinitialize zoom. This sets the initial zoom in the case of * a re-rendering, and initializes the eventhandling in all cases. * * It does some fairly risky parsing of the 'transform' attribute, assuming that it * can contain scale() and translate(). But only the zoom handler and us are writing * the transform values, so that's probably OK. * * @param gContent container. * @param width diagram width. * @param height diagram height. * @private */ _initZoom(gContent, width, height) { const zoomed = function zoomed() { gContent.attr('transform', `translate(${d3.event.translate})scale(${d3.event.scale})`); }; const viewWidth = this.state.width || this.options.svg.width; const viewHeight = this.state.height || this.options.svg.height; const scaleMinimum = this.options.svg.scale.minimum; const scaleWidth = viewWidth / width; const scaleHeight = viewHeight / height; let scale = scaleMinimum; if (this.options.svg.scale.width) { scale = Math.max(scale, scaleWidth); } if (this.options.svg.scale.height) { scale = Math.min(scale, scaleHeight); } scale = Math.max(scale, scaleMinimum); let translate = [0, 0]; if (this.savedTransform) { const s = this.savedTransform; const scaleStart = s.indexOf('scale('); if (scaleStart !== -1) { scale = parseFloat(s.substring(scaleStart + 6, s.length - 1)); } const translateStart = s.indexOf('translate('); if (translateStart !== -1) { const spec = s.substring(translateStart + 10, s.indexOf(')', translateStart)); const tokens = spec.split(','); translate = [parseFloat(tokens[0]), parseFloat(tokens[1])]; } gContent.attr('transform', this.savedTransform); } else { gContent.attr('transform', `scale(${scale})`); } const zoom = d3.behavior.zoom() .scale(scale) .scaleExtent([scaleMinimum, 10]) .translate(translate) .on('zoom', zoomed); this.svg.call(zoom); } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Hide from the linter the fact that we're modifying the lifeline. * @param lifeline to be updated with X position. * @param x X position. * @private */ static _processLifeline(lifeline, x) { const actor = lifeline; actor.id = actor.id || actor.name; actor.x = x; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Derive active occurrences for lifeline. * @param oData occurrences data. * @param lifelineId lifeline to be analyzed. * @returns {number} * @private */ static _calcActive(oData, lifelineId) { const o = oData[lifelineId]; let active = 0; if (o && o.active) { active = o.active.length; } return active; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Derive the X position of an occurrence on a lifeline, taking into account how * many occurrences are active. * @param active active count. * @param x lifeline X position; basis for offset. * @param arrow whether this is the arrow (to) end. * @param leftToRight whether this message goes left-to-right. * @returns {*} calculated X position for occurrence left-hand side. * @private */ _calcMessageX(active, x, arrow, leftToRight) { const width = this.options.lifelines.occurrences.width; const halfWidth = width / 2; const active0 = Math.max(0, active - 1); let calculated = x + (active0 * width); if (arrow) { // End (ARROW). if (leftToRight) { calculated -= halfWidth; } else { calculated += halfWidth; } } else { // Start (NOT ARROW). if (leftToRight) { calculated += halfWidth; } else { calculated -= halfWidth; } } return calculated; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Show popup upon hovering over a messages that has associated notes. * @param id * @private */ _showNotesPopup(id) { if (this.popup) { if (id) { const message = this.application.getModel().getMessageById(id); if (message && message.notes && message.notes.length > 0 && this.events.message) { this.popup.setState({ visible: true, left: this.events.message.x - 50, top: this.events.message.y + 20, notes: message.notes[0], }); } } else { this.popup.setState({ visible: false, notes: '' }); } } } } Diagram.propTypes = { application: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired, };