.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 ======== SDC SDKs ======== SDC SDKs List ============= The sdc projects consists of a few additional sub projects listed below: - sdc-tosca - sdc-jtosca - sdc-distribution-client - sdc-titan-cassandra SDC SDKs guide ============== SDC-TOSCA and SDC-DISTRIBUTION-CLIENT ------------------------------------- | This is a link to a document describing the usage for the sdc-tosca, sdc-jtosca and sdc-distribution-client projects: `SDC Sub Projects <https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/SDC+Distribution+client+AID?preview=/11929307/11929304/SDC_Distribution_AID_1710_030717.docx>`_ | | The link describes the use of distribution client and the sdc-tosca. | jtosca is used by sdc-tosca as a dependency and is not used separately SDC-TITAN-CASSANDRA ------------------- | This is a link to the github page of titan project for extra reading regarding Titan DB: `<https://github.com/thinkaurelius/titan>`_ | | SDC forked part of the project to overide the default Titan configuration for Cassandra. | The change allows the use of Titan as an active pasive deployment for geo redudndency. | | Titan by default uses QUORUM in Cassandra on write and read operations. | Using our change allows the use of local QUORUM to read and write only to a spacific data center. | Since the project is in end of life state the change cannot be merged back to the project.