.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 ============= Configuration ============= .. contents:: :depth: 3 .. Global Configuration ==================== SDC configuration is applied by several init containers running Chef recipes The files below describe the environment files that are applied on startup environment.json ---------------- :: { # Environment name "name": "xxx", # Environment description "description": "OpenSource-xxx", "json_class": "Chef::Environment", "chef_type": "environment", "default_attributes": { "disableHttp": false, # IPs used for docker configuration "CS_VIP": "yyy", "BE_VIP": "yyy", "ONBOARDING_BE_VIP": "yyy", "FE_VIP": "yyy", "ES_VIP": "yyy", "KB_VIP": "yyy", "interfaces": { "application": "eth0", "private": "eth1" }, # Configuration parameters used in portal properties "ECompP": { "ecomp_rest_url": "http://portal.api.simpledemo.onap.org:8989/ONAPPORTAL/auxapi", "ecomp_redirect_url": "http://portal.api.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8989/ECOMPPORTAL/login.htm", "cipher_key": "AGLDdG4D04BKm2IxIWEr8o==", "portal_user": "Ipwxi2oLvDxctMA1royaRw1W0jhucLx+grHzci3ePIA=", "portal_pass": "j85yNhyIs7zKYbR1VlwEfNhS6b7Om4l0Gx5O8931sCI=" }, # Configuration parameters used by SDC to work with Dmaap "UEB": { "PublicKey": "iPIxkpAMI8qTcQj8", "SecretKey": "Ehq3WyT4bkif4zwgEbvshGal", "fqdn": ["", ""] }, # Kafka config "Kafka": { "bootstrap": "kafka-bootstrap:9092" }, # Messaging topics to be used by clients "DistributionTopics": { "notificationTopicName": "SDC-DISTR-NOTIF-TOPIC", "statusTopicName": "SDC-DISTR-STATUS-TOPIC" }, # IPs used for docker configuration "Nodes": { "CS": ["yyy"], "BE": "yyy", "ONBOARDING_BE": "yyy", "FE": "yyy", "ES": ["yyy"], "KB": "yyy" }, "Plugins": { "DCAE": { "dcae_discovery_url": "yyy", "dcae_source_url": "yyy" }, "WORKFLOW": { "workflow_discovery_url": "yyy", "workflow_source_url": "yyy" } }, "VnfRepo": { "vnfRepoPort": "8702", "vnfRepoHost": "" }, "HelmValidator": { "validator_enabled": true, "helm_version": "3.5.2", "deployable": true, "lintable": false, "strict_lintable": false, "validator_url": "http://sdc-helm-validator:8080/validate" } }, "override_attributes": { # FE and BE listening ports "FE": { "http_port": "8181", "https_port": "9443" }, "BE": { "http_port": "8080", "https_port": "8443" }, "ONBOARDING_BE": { "http_port": "8081", "https_port": "8445" }, # Cassandra configuration "cassandra": { "concurrent_reads": "32", "num_tokens": "256", "data_dir": "/var/lib/cassandra/data", "hinted_handoff_enabled": "true", "cassandra_user": "sdc_user", "cassandra_password": "changeme", "concurrent_writes": "32", "cluster_name": "SDC-CS-", "datacenter_name": "SDC-CS-", "multithreaded_compaction": "false", "cache_dir": "/var/lib/cassandra/saved_caches", "log_file": "/var/lib/cassandra/log/system.log", "phi_convict_threshold": "8", "commitlog_dir": "/var/lib/cassandra/commitlog", "socket_read_timeout": "20000", "socket_connect_timeout": "20000", "janusgraph_connection_timeout": "10000" } } } Backend Configurations ====================== Catalog Configurations ---------------------- BE-configuration.yaml ********************** :: # Request headers for identification of the user that made the request identificationHeaderFields: - HTTP_IV_USER - HTTP_CSP_FIRSTNAME - HTTP_CSP_LASTNAME - HTTP_IV_REMOTE_ADDRESS - HTTP_CSP_WSTYPE # Catalog backend hostname beFqdn: <%= @catalog_ip %> # Catalog backend http port beHttpPort: <%= @catalog_port %> # Catalog backend http context beContext: /sdc/rest/config/get # Catalog backend protocol beProtocol: http # Catalog backend ssl port beSslPort: <%= @ssl_port %> # Catalog backend configuration version version: 1.1.0 # Catalog backend configuration release date released: 2012-11-30 # Catalog tosca current conformance version toscaConformanceLevel: 5.0 # Catalog minimum tosca conformance version minToscaConformanceLevel: 3.0 # JanusGraph configuration file location janusGraphCfgFile: /var/lib/jetty/config/catalog-be/janusgraph.properties # Does JanusGraph hold the persistence data in memory janusGraphInMemoryGraph: false # The timeout for JanusGraph to lock on an object in a transaction janusGraphLockTimeout: 1800 # The interval to try and reconnect to JanusGraph DB when it is down during SDC startup janusGraphReconnectIntervalInSeconds: 3 # The read timeout towards JanusGraph DB when health check is invoked janusGraphHealthCheckReadTimeout: 1 # The interval to try and reconnect to UEB health check when it is down during SDC startup uebHealthCheckReconnectIntervalInSeconds: 15 # The read timeout towards UEB when health check is invoked uebHealthCheckReadTimeout: 4 # Protocols being used in SDC protocols: - http - https # Default imports # Under each import there is the file the data will be imported from defaultImports: - nodes: file: nodes.yml - datatypes: file: data.yml - capabilities: file: capabilities.yml - relationships: file: relationships.yml - groups: file: groups.yml - policies: file: policies.yml - annotations: file: annotations.yml # Users # Deprecated. Will be removed in future releases users: tom: passwd bob: passwd cassandraConfig: # Cassandra hostname cassandraHosts: <%= @cassandra_ip %> # Cassandra local data center name localDataCenter: <%= @DC_NAME %> # The read timeout towards Cassandra when health check is invoked reconnectTimeout : 30000 # The amount of time the Cassandra client will wait for a socket socketReadTimeout: <%= @socket_read_timeout %> # The amount of time the Cassandra client will wait for a response socketConnectTimeout: <%= @socket_connect_timeout %> # Should authentication be used when accessing Cassandra authenticate: true # Username for accessing Cassandra username: asdc_user # Password for accessing Cassandra password: {{cassandra_password}} # Should ssl be used ssl: false # Location of .truststore file truststorePath : /config/.truststore # The .truststore file password truststorePassword : changeme # Keyspaces configuration for Cassandra keySpaces: - { name: dox, replicationStrategy: NetworkTopologyStrategy, replicationInfo: ['<%= @DC_NAME %>','<%= @rep_factor %>']} - { name: sdcaudit, replicationStrategy: NetworkTopologyStrategy, replicationInfo: ['<%= @DC_NAME %>','<%= @rep_factor %>']} - { name: sdcartifact, replicationStrategy: NetworkTopologyStrategy, replicationInfo: ['<%= @DC_NAME %>','<%= @rep_factor %>']} - { name: sdccomponent, replicationStrategy: NetworkTopologyStrategy, replicationInfo: ['<%= @DC_NAME %>','<%= @rep_factor %>']} - { name: sdcrepository, replicationStrategy: NetworkTopologyStrategy, replicationInfo: ['<%= @DC_NAME %>','<%= @rep_factor %>']} # Artifact types placeholder artifactTypes: - CHEF - PUPPET - SHELL - YANG - YANG_XML - HEAT - BPEL - DG_XML - MURANO_PKG - WORKFLOW - NETWORK_CALL_FLOW - TOSCA_TEMPLATE - TOSCA_CSAR - AAI_SERVICE_MODEL - AAI_VF_MODEL - AAI_VF_MODULE_MODEL - AAI_VF_INSTANCE_MODEL - OTHER - SNMP_POLL - SNMP_TRAP - GUIDE - PLAN # License types placeholder licenseTypes: - User - Installation - CPU # Resource types placeholder resourceTypes: &allResourceTypes - VFC - CP - VL - VF - CR - VFCMT - Abstract - CVFC #Deployment resource artifacts placeHolder deploymentResourceArtifacts: # Deployment resource instance artifact placeholders # For each artifact the following properties exist: # # displayName - The display name of the artifact # type - The type of the artifact # description - The description of the artifact # fileExtension - The file extension of the artifact file for uploading deploymentResourceInstanceArtifacts: heatEnv: displayName: "HEAT ENV" type: HEAT_ENV description: "Auto-generated HEAT Environment deployment artifact" fileExtension: "env" VfHeatEnv: displayName: "VF HEAT ENV" type: HEAT_ENV description: "VF Auto-generated HEAT Environment deployment artifact" fileExtension: "env" # Tosca artifacts placeholders # For each artifact there is a template and a csar. # For each one the following properties exists: # # artifactName - The suffix of the artifact file # displayName - The display name of the artifact # type - The type of the artifact # description - The description of the artifact toscaArtifacts: assetToscaTemplate: artifactName: -template.yml displayName: Tosca Template type: TOSCA_TEMPLATE description: TOSCA representation of the asset assetToscaCsar: artifactName: -csar.csar displayName: Tosca Model type: TOSCA_CSAR description: TOSCA definition package of the asset # Resource category to exclude excludeResourceCategory: - Generic # Resource type to exclude excludeResourceType: - PNF - CR # Informational resource artifacts placeHolder # For each artifact the following properties exists: # # displayName - The display name of the artifact # type - The type of the artifact informationalResourceArtifacts: features: displayName: Features type: OTHER capacity: displayName: Capacity type: OTHER vendorTestResult: displayName: Vendor Test Result type: OTHER testScripts: displayName: Test Scripts type: OTHER CloudQuestionnaire: displayName: Cloud Questionnaire (completed) type: OTHER HEATTemplateFromVendor: displayName: HEAT Template from Vendor type: HEAT resourceSecurityTemplate: displayName: Resource Security Template type: OTHER # Service category to exclude excludeServiceCategory: # Informational service artifacts placeHolder # For each artifact the following properties exists: # # displayName - The display name of the artifact # type - The type of the artifact informationalServiceArtifacts: serviceArtifactPlan: displayName: Service Artifact Plan type: OTHER summaryOfImpactsToECOMPElements: displayName: Summary of impacts to ECOMP elements,OSSs, BSSs type: OTHER automationCompositionFunctions: displayName: Automation Composition Functions type: OTHER dimensioningInfo: displayName: Dimensioning Info type: OTHER affinityRules: displayName: Affinity Rules type: OTHER operationalPolicies: displayName: Operational Policies type: OTHER serviceSpecificPolicies: displayName: Service-specific Policies type: OTHER engineeringRules: displayName: Engineering Rules (ERD) type: OTHER distributionInstructions: displayName: Distribution Instructions type: OTHER certificationTestResults: displayName: TD Certification Test Results type: OTHER deploymentVotingRecord: displayName: Deployment Voting Record type: OTHER serviceQuestionnaire: displayName: Service Questionnaire type: OTHER serviceSecurityTemplate: displayName: Service Security Template type: OTHER # Service api artifacts placeHolder # For each artifact the following properties exists: # # displayName - The display name of the artifact # type - The type of the artifact serviceApiArtifacts: configuration: displayName: Configuration type: OTHER instantiation: displayName: Instantiation type: OTHER monitoring: displayName: Monitoring type: OTHER reporting: displayName: Reporting type: OTHER logging: displayName: Logging type: OTHER testing: displayName: Testing type: OTHER # The maximum number of keys permitted for additional information on service additionalInformationMaxNumberOfKeys: 50 # Collect process statistics systemMonitoring: # Should monitoring be enabled enabled: false # In case of going through the FE server proxy the information to the BE isProxy: false # What is the interval of the statistics collection probeIntervalInSeconds: 15 defaultHeatArtifactTimeoutMinutes: 60 # Service deployment artifacts placeHolder # For each artifact the following properties exists: # # acceptedTypes - File types that can be uploaded as each artifact serviceDeploymentArtifacts: YANG_XML: acceptedTypes: - xml VNF_CATALOG: acceptedTypes: - xml MODEL_INVENTORY_PROFILE: acceptedTypes: - xml MODEL_QUERY_SPEC: acceptedTypes: - xml UCPE_LAYER_2_CONFIGURATION: acceptedTypes: - xml #AAI Artifacts AAI_SERVICE_MODEL: acceptedTypes: - xml AAI_VF_MODULE_MODEL: acceptedTypes: - xml AAI_VF_INSTANCE_MODEL: acceptedTypes: - xml UCPE_LAYER_2_CONFIGURATION: acceptedTypes: - xml OTHER: acceptedTypes: #PLAN PLAN: acceptedTypes: - xml WORKFLOW: acceptedTypes: # Resource deployment artifacts placeHolder # For each artifact the following properties exists: # # acceptedTypes - File types that can be uploaded as each artifact # validForRespurceTypes - Resource types that support each artifact. # If left empty it means all resource types are valid resourceDeploymentArtifacts: HEAT: acceptedTypes: - yaml - yml validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes HEAT_VOL: acceptedTypes: - yaml - yml validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes HEAT_NET: acceptedTypes: - yaml - yml validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes HEAT_NESTED: acceptedTypes: - yaml - yml validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes HEAT_ARTIFACT: acceptedTypes: validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes YANG_XML: acceptedTypes: - xml validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes VNF_CATALOG: acceptedTypes: - xml validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes VF_LICENSE: acceptedTypes: - xml validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes VENDOR_LICENSE: acceptedTypes: - xml validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes MODEL_INVENTORY_PROFILE: acceptedTypes: - xml validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes MODEL_QUERY_SPEC: acceptedTypes: - xml validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes LIFECYCLE_OPERATIONS: acceptedTypes: - yaml - yml validForResourceTypes: - VF - VFC VES_EVENTS: acceptedTypes: - yaml - yml validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes PERFORMANCE_COUNTER: acceptedTypes: - csv validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes APPC_CONFIG: acceptedTypes: validForResourceTypes: - VF DCAE_TOSCA: acceptedTypes: - yml - yaml validForResourceTypes: - VF - VFCMT DCAE_JSON: acceptedTypes: - json validForResourceTypes: - VF - VFCMT DCAE_POLICY: acceptedTypes: - emf validForResourceTypes: - VF - VFCMT DCAE_DOC: acceptedTypes: validForResourceTypes: - VF - VFCMT DCAE_EVENT: acceptedTypes: validForResourceTypes: - VF - VFCMT AAI_VF_MODEL: acceptedTypes: - xml validForResourceTypes: - VF AAI_VF_MODULE_MODEL: acceptedTypes: - xml validForResourceTypes: - VF OTHER: acceptedTypes: validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes SNMP_POLL: acceptedTypes: validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes SNMP_TRAP: acceptedTypes: validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes #PLAN PLAN: acceptedTypes: - xml validForResourceTypes: - VF - VFC WORKFLOW: acceptedTypes: # Resource instance deployment artifacts placeHolder # For each artifact the following properties exists: # # acceptedTypes - File types that can be uploaded as each artifact # validForRespurceTypes - Resource types that support each artifact. # If left empty it means all resource types are valid resourceInstanceDeploymentArtifacts: HEAT_ENV: acceptedTypes: - env VF_MODULES_METADATA: acceptedTypes: - json VES_EVENTS: acceptedTypes: - yaml - yml PERFORMANCE_COUNTER: acceptedTypes: - csv DCAE_INVENTORY_TOSCA: acceptedTypes: - yml - yaml DCAE_INVENTORY_JSON: acceptedTypes: - json DCAE_INVENTORY_POLICY: acceptedTypes: - emf DCAE_INVENTORY_DOC: acceptedTypes: DCAE_INVENTORY_BLUEPRINT: acceptedTypes: DCAE_INVENTORY_EVENT: acceptedTypes: SNMP_POLL: acceptedTypes: validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes SNMP_TRAP: acceptedTypes: validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes #PLAN PLAN: acceptedTypes: - xml # Resource informational artifacts placeHolder # For each artifact the following properties exists: # # acceptedTypes - File types that can be uploaded as each artifact # validForRespurceTypes - Resource types that support each artifact. # If left empty it means all resource types are valid resourceInformationalArtifacts: CHEF: acceptedTypes: validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes PUPPET: acceptedTypes: validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes SHELL: acceptedTypes: validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes YANG: acceptedTypes: validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes YANG_XML: acceptedTypes: validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes HEAT: acceptedTypes: validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes BPEL: acceptedTypes: validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes DG_XML: acceptedTypes: validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes MURANO_PKG: acceptedTypes: validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes OTHER: acceptedTypes: validForResourceTypes: - VFC - CVFC - CP - VL - VF - CR - VFCMT - Abstract - PNF SNMP_POLL: acceptedTypes: validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes SNMP_TRAP: acceptedTypes: validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes GUIDE: acceptedTypes: validForResourceTypes: - VF - VFC - CVFC # Requirements needed to be fulfilled before certification requirementsToFulfillBeforeCert: # Capabilities needed to be fulfilled before certification capabilitiesToConsumeBeforeCert: # Urls that should not be logged unLoggedUrls: - /sdc2/rest/healthCheck # When component is being set as deleted those are the clean configurations cleanComponentsConfiguration: # The interval to check for deleted components to clean cleanIntervalInMinutes: 1440 # The components types to delete componentsToClean: - Resource - Service # Deprecated. Will be removed in future releases artifactsIndex: resources # Used to add header and footer to heatENV files generated by SDC heatEnvArtifactHeader: "" heatEnvArtifactFooter: "" onboarding: # Onboarding protocol protocol: http # Onboarding backend hostname host: <%= @host_ip %> # Onboarding backend http port port: <%= @catalog_port %> # The url that being used when downloading CSARs downloadCsarUri: "/onboarding-api/v1.0/vendor-software-products/packages" # Url for onboarding health check healthCheckUri: "/onboarding-api/v1.0/healthcheck" #GSS IDNS # Switchover configuration is used for Geo redundancy to provide automatic failovers switchoverDetector: gBeFqdn: gFeFqdn: beVip: feVip: beResolveAttempts: 3 feResolveAttempts: 3 enabled: false interval: 60 changePriorityUser: onapsdc changePriorityPassword: changeme publishNetworkUrl: publishNetworkBody: '{"note":"comment"}' groups: beSet: { changePriorityUrl: "", changePriorityBody: '{"name":"","uri":"","no_ad_redirection":false,"v4groups":{"failover_groups":["","","failover_policy":["FAILALL"]},"comment":"","intended_app_proto":"DNS"}'} feSet: { changePriorityUrl: "", changePriorityBody: '{"name":"","uri":"","no_ad_redirection":false,"v4groups":{"failover_groups":["",""],"failover_policy":["FAILALL"]},"comment":"","intended_app_proto":"DNS"}'} # Cache for datatypes. Improving run times for data type search applicationL1Cache: datatypes: enabled: true firstRunDelay: 10 pollIntervalInSec: 60 # Deprecated. Will be removed in future releases applicationL2Cache: enabled: false catalogL1Cache: enabled: false resourcesSizeInCache: 300 servicesSizeInCache: 200 productsSizeInCache: 100 queue: syncIntervalInSecondes: 43200 waitOnShutDownInMinutes: 10 numberOfCacheWorkers: 4 # Validators for Tosca properties toscaValidators: stringMaxLength: 2500 # Should audit be disabled disableAudit: false # VF module validations properties vfModuleProperties: min_vf_module_instances: forBaseModule: 1 forNonBaseModule: 0 max_vf_module_instances: forBaseModule: 1 forNonBaseModule: initial_count: forBaseModule: 1 forNonBaseModule: 0 vf_module_type: forBaseModule: Base forNonBaseModule: Expansion # For each generic node type defining its corresponding class genericAssetNodeTypes: VFC: org.openecomp.resource.abstract.nodes.VFC CVFC: org.openecomp.resource.abstract.nodes.VFC VF : org.openecomp.resource.abstract.nodes.VF PNF: org.openecomp.resource.abstract.nodes.PNF Service: org.openecomp.resource.abstract.nodes.service # tenant isolation configuration workloadContext: Production # tenant isolation configuration environmentContext: defaultValue: General_Revenue-Bearing validValues: - Critical_Revenue-Bearing - Vital_Revenue-Bearing - Essential_Revenue-Bearing - Important_Revenue-Bearing - Needed_Revenue-Bearing - Useful_Revenue-Bearing - General_Revenue-Bearing - Critical_Non-Revenue - Vital_Non-Revenue - Essential_Non-Revenue - Important_Non-Revenue - Needed_Non-Revenue - Useful_Non-Revenue - General_Non-Revenue # tenant isolation configuration dmaapConsumerConfiguration: hosts: localhost:3905 consumerGroup: sdc consumerId: mama timeoutMs: 15000 limit: 1 pollingInterval: 2 topic: topic latitude: 32.109333 longitude: 34.855499 version: 1.0 serviceName: localhost/events environment: TEST partner: BOT_R routeOffer: MR1 protocol: https contenttype: application/json dme2TraceOn: true aftEnvironment: AFTUAT aftDme2ConnectionTimeoutMs: 15000 aftDme2RoundtripTimeoutMs: 240000 aftDme2ReadTimeoutMs: 50000 dme2preferredRouterFilePath: DME2preferredRouter.txt timeLimitForNotificationHandleMs: 120000 credential: username: user password: # tenant isolation configuration dmeConfiguration: dme2Search: DME2SEARCH dme2Resolve: DME2RESOLVE # definition for policies types that cannot by created by api excludedPolicyTypesMapping: # VF: # - a.b.c # - c.d.e #CR: # - x.y.z # definition for group types that cannot by created by api excludedGroupTypesMapping: CR: - org.openecomp.groups.VfModule - org.openecomp.groups.heat.HeatStack - tosca.groups.Root PNF: - org.openecomp.groups.VfModule - org.openecomp.groups.heat.HeatStack - tosca.groups.Root VF: - org.openecomp.groups.VfModule - org.openecomp.groups.heat.HeatStack - tosca.groups.Root Service: - org.openecomp.groups.VfModule - org.openecomp.groups.heat.HeatStack - tosca.groups.Root healthStatusExclude: - DE - DMAAP - DCAE # This configuration entry lists all node type names prefix that shall be allowed on SDC. definedResourceNamespace: - org.openecomp.resource. # Comma separated list of excluded URLs by the DataValidatorFilter dataValidatorFilterExcludedUrls: "/healthCheck,/followed,/authorize" BE-distribution-engine-configuration.yaml ***************************************** :: # UEB servers list uebServers: <% node['UEB']['fqdn'].each do |conn| -%> - <%= conn %> <% end -%> # UEB public key uebPublicKey: <%= node['UEB']['PublicKey'] %> # UEB secret key uebSecretKey: <%= node['UEB']['SecretKey'] %> # Topic name for receiving distribution notification distributionNotifTopicName: SDC-DISTR-NOTIF-TOPIC # Topic name for distribution status distributionStatusTopicName: SDC-DISTR-STATUS-TOPIC # Distribution initialization retry interval time initRetryIntervalSec: 5 # Distribution initialization maximum interval time initMaxIntervalSec: 60 # Deprecated. Will be removed in future releases distribNotifServiceArtifactTypes: info: - MURANO-PKG # Deprecated. Will be removed in future releases distribNotifResourceArtifactTypes: lifecycle: - HEAT - DG-XML # Distribution environments environments: - <%= node.chef_environment %> distributionStatusTopic: # Distribution status polling interval pollingIntervalSec: 60 # Distribution status fetch time fetchTimeSec: 15 # Distribution status consumer group consumerGroup: sdc-<%= node.chef_environment %> # Distribution status consumer id consumerId: sdc-<%= node.chef_environment %>1 distributionNotificationTopic: # Minimum pool size for distribution notifications minThreadPoolSize: 0 # Maximum pool size for distribution notifications maxThreadPoolSize: 10 # Maximum waiting time after sending a notification maxWaitingAfterSendingSeconds: 5 # Deprecated. Will be removed in future releases createTopic: partitionCount: 1 replicationCount: 1 # STarting the distribution engine startDistributionEngine: true #This is false by default, since ONAP Dmaap currently doesn't support https # Should https be used with Dmaap useHttpsWithDmaap: false opEnvRecoveryIntervalSec: 180 allowedTimeBeforeStaleSec: 300 # aai configuration for tenant isolation aaiConfig: httpRequestConfig: serverRootUrl: https://aai.onap.org:8443 resourceNamespaces: operationalEnvironments: /aai/v12/cloud-infrastructure/operational-environments httpClientConfig: timeouts: readTimeoutMs: 5000 connectTimeoutMs: 1000 clientCertificate: keyStore: /opt/app/jetty/base/be/etc/non-prod.jks keyStorePassword: changeme headers: X-FromAppId: asdc numOfRetries: 3 # mso configuration for tenant isolation msoConfig: httpRequestConfig: serverRootUrl: resourceNamespaces: distributions: /distributions httpClientConfig: timeouts: readTimeoutMs: 2000 connectTimeoutMs: 500 basicAuthorization: userName: sdc password: changeme numOfRetries: 3 currentArtifactInstallationTimeout: 120 BE-janusgraph.properties ************************ :: # JanusGraph storage backend storage.backend=cassandra # JanusGraph storage hostname storage.hostname=<%= @CASSANDRA_IP %> # JanusGraph storage port storage.port=9042 # JanusGraph storage username storage.username=<%= @CASSANDRA_USR %> # JanusGraph storage password storage.password=<%= @CASSANDRA_PWD %> # JanusGraph storage connection timeout storage.connection-timeout=10000 # JanusGraph cassandra keyspace name storage.cassandra.keyspace=sdctitan # Is JanusGraph cassandra ssl is enabled storage.cassandra.ssl.enabled=false # JanusGraph cassandra ssl truststore file location storage.cassandra.ssl.truststore.location=/var/lib/jetty/config/.truststore # JanusGraph cassandra ssl truststore file password storage.cassandra.ssl.truststore.password=changeme # Should JanusGraph use cache cache.db-cache = false # How long in milliseconds should the cache keep entries before flushing them cache.db-cache-clean-wait = 20 # Default expiration time in milliseconds for entries in the cache cache.db-cache-time = 180000 # Size of JanusGraph database cache cache.db-cache-size = 0.5 # JanusGraph cassandra read consistency level storage.cassandra.read-consistency-level=LOCAL_QUORUM # JanusGraph cassandra write consistency level storage.cassandra.write-consistency-level=LOCAL_QUORUM # JanusGraph cassandra replication strategy class name storage.cassandra.replication-strategy-class=org.apache.cassandra.locator.NetworkTopologyStrategy # JanusGraph cassandra replication startegy options storage.cassandra.replication-strategy-options=<%= @DC_NAME %>,<%= @rep_factor %> # JanusGraph cassandra local data center name storage.cassandra.astyanax.local-datacenter=<%= @DC_NAME %> # Number of times the system attempts to acquire a lock before giving up and throwing an exception storage.lock.retries=5 # Number of milliseconds the system waits for a lock application to be acknowledged by the storage backend storage.lock.wait-time=500 Onboarding configuration ------------------------ BE-onboarding-configuration.yaml ******************************** :: notifications: # Backend onboarding notifications polling interval in milliseconds pollingIntervalMsec: 2000 # Backend onboarding notifications selection size selectionSize: 100 # Backend onboarding notifications backend hostname beHost: <%= @catalog_ip %> # Backend onboarding notifications backend http port beHttpPort: <%= @catalog_port %> # Casandra configuration cassandraConfig: cassandraHosts: [<%= @cassandra_ip %>] localDataCenter: <%= @DC_NAME %> reconnectTimeout : 30000 socketReadTimeout: <%= @socket_read_timeout %> socketConnectTimeout: <%= @socket_connect_timeout %> authenticate: true username: <%= @cassandra_usr %> password: <%= @cassandra_pwd %> ssl: <%= @cassandra_ssl_enabled %> truststorePath: /config/truststore truststorePassword: <%= @cassandra_truststore_password %> externaltesting-configuration.yaml ********************************** :: # configuration to make available to the front end of this feature client: enabled: true # array of endpoints that SDC-BE should connect with for external testing # id,label,enabled,url[,scenariofilter][,apikey] endpoints: - vtp:VTP,true,http://<hostname>[:<port>]/onapapi/vnfsdk-marketplace,c.* - repository:Repository,false,http://<ovphostname>[:<ovpport>] vnfrepo-configuration.yaml ************************** :: # The port on which the vnfsdk is licensing vnfRepoPort: <port> # The ip where vnfdk is deployed vnfRepoHost: <ip> # The url used for querying the vnf sdk for available CSARs getVnfUri: /onapapi/vnfsdk-marketplace/v1/PackageResource/csars # The url used for downloading the the CSAR from vnf sdk downloadVnfUri: /onapapi/vnfsdk-marketplace/v1/PackageResource/csars/%s/files Frontend Configuration ====================== Catalog configuration --------------------- FE-configuration.yaml ********************* :: # Catalog frontend hostname feFqdn: <%= @fe_host_ip %> # Catalog backend hostname beHost: <%= @be_host_ip %> # Catalog backend http port beHttpPort: <%= @catalog_port %> # Catalog backend http context beContext: /sdc2/rest/v1/catalog/upload/resources # Catalog backend protocol beProtocol: http # Catalog backend ssl port beSslPort: <%= @ssl_port %> # Threadpool size for handling requests threadpoolSize: 50 # Request processing timeout (seconds) requestTimeout: 10 # Health check timeout in milliseconds healthCheckSocketTimeoutInMs: 5000 # Health check inteval in seconds healthCheckIntervalInSeconds: 5 onboarding: # Onboarding protocol protocol: http # Onboarding frontend hostname host: <%= @fe_host_ip %> # Onboarding frontend port port: 8181 # Onboarding frontend health check url healthCheckUri: "/onboarding/v1.0/healthcheck" # Request headers for identification of the user that made the request identificationHeaderFields: - - &HTTP_IV_USER HTTP_IV_USER - &iv-user iv-user - - &HTTP_CSP_ATTUID HTTP_CSP_ATTUID - &csp-attuid csp-attuid - - &HTTP_CSP_WSTYPE HTTP_CSP_WSTYPE - &csp-wstype csp-wstype # Optional request headers optionalHeaderFields: - - &HTTP_CSP_FIRSTNAME HTTP_CSP_FIRSTNAME - &csp-firstname csp-firstname - - &HTTP_CSP_LASTNAME HTTP_CSP_LASTNAME - &csp-lastname csp-lastname - - &HTTP_IV_REMOTE_ADDRESS HTTP_IV_REMOTE_ADDRESS - &iv-remote-address iv-remote-address - - &HTTP_CSP_EMAIL HTTP_CSP_EMAIL - &csp-email csp-email - - &USER_ID USER_ID - &user-id user-id # Frontend configuration version version: 1.0 # Frontend configuration release date released: 2012-11-30 # Connection parameters connection: url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db poolSize: 17 # Protocols being used in SDC protocols: - http - https # Collect process statistics systemMonitoring: # Should monitoring be enabled enabled: false # In case of going through the FE server proxy the information to the BE isProxy: true # What is the interval of the statistics collection probeIntervalInSeconds: 15 # Comma separated list of excluded URLs by the DataValidatorFilter dataValidatorFilterExcludedUrls: "/healthCheck,/followed,/authorize" FE-plugins-configuration.yaml ***************************** :: # definition of the plugins that exist in sdc # we have a pre-defined list of plugins that are connected to the system. # the plugins define where they are shown, to whom and on what elements pluginsList: # the DCAE-DS is the SDC monitoring design studio this entry defines there use as part of the service level context - pluginId: DCAED # this defines from which url to chek that they are available pluginDiscoveryUrl: <%= @dcae_discovery_url %> # this defines from wht URL will ther you be served. pluginSourceUrl: <%= @dcae_source_url %> #thsi defines the plugin state name used by the UI for sending messages. pluginStateUrl: "dcaed" # the display options for the plugin pluginDisplayOptions: # the plugin will be displayed in the context of a catalog item context: # what will the option tag in the ui will be called displayName: "Monitoring" # under what catalog item to display it displayContext: ["SERVICE"] # what user roles will have the option to access the plugin displayRoles: ["DESIGNER"] # DCAE-DS as a tab - pluginId: DCAE-DS pluginDiscoveryUrl: <%= @dcae_dt_discovery_url %> pluginSourceUrl: <%= @dcae_dt_source_url %> pluginStateUrl: "dcae-ds" pluginDisplayOptions: tab: displayName: "DCAE-DS" displayRoles: ["DESIGNER"] #work flow plugin - pluginId: WORKFLOW pluginDiscoveryUrl: <%= @workflow_discovery_url %> pluginSourceUrl: <%= @workflow_source_url %> pluginStateUrl: "workflowDesigner" pluginDisplayOptions: tab: displayName: "WORKFLOW" displayRoles: ["DESIGNER", "TESTER"] # how long we will wait for the plugin to respond before cutting it. connectionTimeout: 1000 FE-workspace-configuration.yaml ******************************* :: # this file contains the different configurable UI workspace items that can be set according to resource and service type. # the workspaceMenuConfiguration entry defines the workspace menus that are displayed according to type/subtype of the component in the workspace # in addition, they can also be disabled for specific roles. the key is the resource type or service type and it will return the list of the menu # items that will be displayed. # # each key had a list of menu items with the following data: # - text: display text, # - state: the state for the screen # - action: action associated # - index: optional - an integer that will be used to decide on the order of appearance # following are 2 example workspaceMenuConfiguration: VFC: - text: General action: onMenuItemPressed state: workspace.general - text: Deployment Artifact action: onMenuItemPressed state: workspace.deployment_artifacts - text: Information Artifact action: onMenuItemPressed state: workspace.information_artifacts - text: TOSCA Artifacts action: onMenuItemPressed state: workspace.tosca_artifacts - text: Properties action: onMenuItemPressed state: workspace.properties - text: Attributes action: onMenuItemPressed state: workspace.attributes - text: Req. & Capabilities action: onMenuItemPressed state: workspace.reqAndCap - text: Activity Log action: onMenuItemPressed state: workspace.activity_log SERVICE: - text: General action: onMenuItemPressed state: workspace.general - text: TOSCA Artifacts action: onMenuItemPressed state: workspace.tosca_artifacts - text: Composition action: onMenuItemPressed state: workspace.composition.details - text: Operation action: onMenuItemPressed state: workspace.interface_operation - text: Activity Log action: onMenuItemPressed state: workspace.activity_log - text: Management Workflow action: onMenuItemPressed state: workspace.management_workflow - text: 'Network Call Flow ' action: onMenuItemPressed state: workspace.network_call_flow - text: Distribution action: onMenuItemPressed state: workspace.distribution disabledRoles: - ADMIN - TESTER - GOVERNOR - DESIGNER - text: Deployment action: onMenuItemPressed state: workspace.deployment - text: Properties Assignment action: onMenuItemPressed state: workspace.properties_assignment - text: Outputs action: onMenuItemPressed state: workspace.outputs_assignment - text: Req. & Capabilities action: onMenuItemPressed state: workspace.reqAndCapEditable Onboarding configuration ------------------------ FE-onboarding-configuration.yaml ******************************** :: notifications: # Frontend onboarding notifications polling interval in milliseconds pollingIntervalMsec: 2000 # Frontend onboarding notifications selection size selectionSize: 100 # Frontend onboarding notifications backend hostname beHost: <%= @catalog_ip %> # Frontend onboarding notifications backend http port beHttpPort: <%= @catalog_port %>