Feature: List items with incorrect filter values Scenario: Filter by incorrect item type - negative When I want the following to fail with error code "GENERAL_ERROR_REST_ID" Then I want to get path "/items?itemType=bsp" Scenario: Filter by incorrect permission - negative When I want the following to fail with error code "GENERAL_ERROR_REST_ID" Then I want to get path "/items?permission=Contributer" Scenario: Filter by incorrect version status - negative When I want the following to fail with error code "GENERAL_ERROR_REST_ID" Then I want to get path "/items?versionStatus=Draftt" Scenario: Filter by incorrect item status - negative When I want the following to fail with error code "GENERAL_ERROR_REST_ID" Then I want to get path "/items?itemStatus=active" Scenario: Filter by incorrect onboarding method - negative When I want the following to fail with error code "GENERAL_ERROR_REST_ID" Then I want to get path "/items?onboardingMethod=heat" Then I want to print the context data