Feature: Component - Test Component Composition and Questionnaire Data Background: Init Given I want to create a VLM Scenario: Test Component Composition and Questionnaire Data After Same Heat Reupload When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" When I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/vMME_Ericsson_small_v2.zip" And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP When I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{item.id}/versions/{item.versionId}/components" Then I want to copy to property "componentId" from response data path "results[0].id" Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 4 Then I want to check property "results[0].id" exists #Verify composition data for first component When I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{item.id}/versions/{item.versionId}/components/{componentId}" Then I want to check property "data.name" exists Then I want to check property "data.displayName" exists Then I want to copy to property "firstCompDisplayName" from response data path "data.displayName" #Ensure composition data does not have vfcCode and nfcFunction since they are moved to questionnaire Then I want to check property "data.vfcCode" does not exist Then I want to check property "data.nfcFunction" does not exist When I want to get the questionnaire for this component #Ensure questionnaire data has nfcNamingCode in "general" and populated with value of component displayName Then I want to check value of "general.nfcNamingCode" in the questionnaire data with value of property "firstCompDisplayName" #Update questionnaire nfcNamingCode and nfcFunction in "general" And I want to update this questionnaire with value "general/nfcNamingCode" for property "test_update_naming_code" And I want to update this questionnaire with value "general/nfcFunction" for property "test_function" And I want to update this questionnaire #Retrive questionnaire and verify nfcNamingCode and nfcFunction in "general" has updated value When I want to get the questionnaire for this component Then I want to check this questionnaire has value "general/nfcNamingCode" for property "test_update_naming_code" Then I want to check this questionnaire has value "general/nfcFunction" for property "test_function" #Reupload the same Heat When I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/vMME_Ericsson_small_v2.zip" And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP When I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{item.id}/versions/{item.versionId}/components" #Find component id for which nfcNamingCode and nfcFunction were set in previous HEAT based on component display name Then I want to set componentId for component name in property "firstCompDisplayName" #Retrive questionnaire and verify nfcNamingCode and nfcFunction in "general" has retained values that were before heat upload When I want to get the questionnaire for this component Then I want to check this questionnaire has value "general/nfcNamingCode" for property "test_update_naming_code" Then I want to check this questionnaire has value "general/nfcFunction" for property "test_function"