
This is the documentation for using the BDD testing framework for SDC.
The Modules on the left contains all steps for particalar aress and/or explanations of what they do.

How to set the server configuration

  • Copy the config.json to devConfig.json
  • Replace the server and user values with the correct values

    How to run with Maven

  • "mvn clean install" will install npm if needed, download all modules
  • run "mvn install -DskipTests=true -P dev" to create the documentation under the "docs" folder
  • "mvn test -P dev" will run all tests in the features folder and create an HTML report under the "reports" folder

    How to develop tests

    You can open the project in IntelliJ and Webstorm to run and develop scenarios.
  • You will need to install the Cucumber.Js plugin In order to install, go to "Settings/Plugins". If cucumber.js in not on the list, go to "Browse repositories.." and install .
  • First time only: Right click on feature file and try to run. Now go to "Run/edit configurations" and set the "executable path" to the "node_modules\.bin\cucumber-js.cmd" under your current project.
  • Now you can run the feature files by right clicking on the file and selecting "Run" from IDEA.
  • Add to existing scenarios or create new files under the "features" directory for additional tests
  • You can also run a specific test from the command line by running "npm run test -- [features/path to file]

    More Information

  • More on Cucumber
  • More on Gherkin
  • More on Cucumber-js

    How to run the docker

  • "mvn clean install -P docker" will create the docker images
  • the "docker_run.sh" script will start all ONAP images and run the cucumber docker against them
  • environment variables that can be set to change the server/version: IMAGES_TAG (default 1.4-STAGING-latest), TEST_CI_BE_HOST (deafult - machine IP), TEST_CI_CATALOG_PORT (default 8080)