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 * SDC
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 * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
// Type definitions for Restangular v1.4.0
// Project: https://github.com/mgonto/restangular
// Definitions by: Boris Yankov <https://github.com/borisyankov/>
// Definitions: https://github.com/borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped

/// <reference path="../angularjs/angular.d.ts" />

// Support AMD require (copying angular.d.ts approach)
// allows for import {IRequestConfig} from 'restangular' ES6 approach
declare module 'restangular' {
    export = restangular;

declare module restangular {

    interface IPromise<T> extends angular.IPromise<T> {
        call(methodName: string, params?: any): IPromise<T>;
        get(fieldName: string): IPromise<T>;
        $object: T;

    interface ICollectionPromise<T> extends angular.IPromise<T[]> {
        push(object: any): ICollectionPromise<T>;
        call(methodName: string, params?: any): ICollectionPromise<T>;
        get(fieldName: string): ICollectionPromise<T>;
        $object: T[];

    interface IResponse {
        status: number;
        data: any;
        headers(name: string): string;
        config: {
            method: string;
            url: string;
            params: any;

    interface IProvider {
        setBaseUrl(baseUrl: string): void;
        setExtraFields(fields: string[]): void;
        setParentless(parentless: boolean, routes: string[]): void;
        setDefaultHttpFields(httpFields: any): void;
        addElementTransformer(route: string, transformer: Function): void;
        addElementTransformer(route: string, isCollection: boolean, transformer: Function): void;
        setTransformOnlyServerElements(active: boolean): void;
        setOnElemRestangularized(callback: (elem: any, isCollection: boolean, what: string, restangular: IService) => any): void;
        setResponseInterceptor(responseInterceptor: (data: any, operation: string, what: string, url: string, response: IResponse, deferred: angular.IDeferred<any>) => any): void;
        setResponseExtractor(responseInterceptor: (data: any, operation: string, what: string, url: string, response: IResponse, deferred: angular.IDeferred<any>) => any): void;
        addResponseInterceptor(responseInterceptor: (data: any, operation: string, what: string, url: string, response: IResponse, deferred: angular.IDeferred<any>) => any): void;
        setRequestInterceptor(requestInterceptor: (element: any, operation: string, what: string, url: string) => any): void;
        addRequestInterceptor(requestInterceptor: (element: any, operation: string, what: string, url: string) => any): void;
        setFullRequestInterceptor(fullRequestInterceptor: (element: any, operation: string, what: string, url: string, headers: any, params: any, httpConfig: angular.IRequestShortcutConfig) => {element: any; headers: any; params: any}): void;
        addFullRequestInterceptor(requestInterceptor: (element: any, operation: string, what: string, url: string, headers: any, params: any, httpConfig: angular.IRequestShortcutConfig) => {headers: any; params: any; element: any; httpConfig: angular.IRequestShortcutConfig}): void;
        setErrorInterceptor(errorInterceptor: (response: IResponse, deferred: angular.IDeferred<any>) => any): void;
        setRestangularFields(fields: {[fieldName: string]: string}): void;
        setMethodOverriders(overriders: string[]): void;
        setJsonp(jsonp: boolean): void;
        setDefaultRequestParams(params: any): void;
        setDefaultRequestParams(method: string, params: any): void;
        setDefaultRequestParams(methods: string[], params: any): void;
        setFullResponse(fullResponse: boolean): void;
        setDefaultHeaders(headers: any): void;
        setRequestSuffix(suffix: string): void;
        setUseCannonicalId(useCannonicalId: boolean): void;
        setEncodeIds(encode: boolean): void;

    interface ICustom {
        customGET(path: string, params?: any, headers?: any): IPromise<any>;
        customGETLIST(path: string, params?: any, headers?: any): ICollectionPromise<any>;
        customDELETE(path: string, params?: any, headers?: any): IPromise<any>;
        customPOST(elem?: any, path?: string, params?: any, headers?: any): IPromise<any>;
        customPUT(elem?: any, path?: string, params?: any, headers?: any): IPromise<any>;
        customOperation(operation: string, path: string, params?: any, headers?: any, elem?: any): IPromise<any>;
        addRestangularMethod(name: string, operation: string, path?: string, params?: any, headers?: any, elem?: any): IPromise<any>;

    interface IService extends ICustom, IProvider {
        one(route: string, id?: number): IElement;
        one(route: string, id?: string): IElement;
        oneUrl(route: string, url: string): IElement;
        all(route: string): IElement;
        allUrl(route: string, url: string): IElement;
        copy(fromElement: any): IElement;
        withConfig(configurer: (RestangularProvider: IProvider) => any): IService;
        restangularizeElement(parent: any, element: any, route: string, collection?: any, reqParams?: any): IElement;
        restangularizeCollection(parent: any, element: any, route: string): ICollection;
        service(route: string, parent?: any): IService;
        stripRestangular(element: any): any;
        extendModel(route: string, extender: (model: IElement) => any): void;

    interface IElement extends IService {
        get(queryParams?: any, headers?: any): IPromise<any>;
        get<T>(queryParams?: any, headers?: any): IPromise<T>;
        getList(subElement?: any, queryParams?: any, headers?: any): ICollectionPromise<any>;
        getList<T>(subElement?: any, queryParams?: any, headers?: any): ICollectionPromise<T>;
        put(queryParams?: any, headers?: any): IPromise<any>;
        post(subElement: any, elementToPost: any, queryParams?: any, headers?: any): IPromise<any>;
        post<T>(subElement: any, elementToPost: T, queryParams?: any, headers?: any): IPromise<T>;
        post(elementToPost: any, queryParams?: any, headers?: any): IPromise<any>;
        post<T>(elementToPost: T, queryParams?: any, headers?: any): IPromise<T>;
        remove(queryParams?: any, headers?: any): IPromise<any>;
        head(queryParams?: any, headers?: any): IPromise<any>;
        trace(queryParams?: any, headers?: any): IPromise<any>;
        options(queryParams?: any, headers?: any): IPromise<any>;
        patch(queryParams?: any, headers?: any): IPromise<any>;
        clone(): IElement;
        plain(): any;
        plain<T>(): T;
        withHttpConfig(httpConfig: angular.IRequestShortcutConfig): IElement;
        save(queryParams?: any, headers?: any): IPromise<any>;
        getRestangularUrl(): string;

    interface ICollection extends IService, Array<any> {
        getList(queryParams?: any, headers?: any): ICollectionPromise<any>;
        getList<T>(queryParams?: any, headers?: any): ICollectionPromise<T>;
        post(elementToPost: any, queryParams?: any, headers?: any): IPromise<any>;
        post<T>(elementToPost: T, queryParams?: any, headers?: any): IPromise<T>;
        head(queryParams?: any, headers?: any): IPromise<any>;
        trace(queryParams?: any, headers?: any): IPromise<any>;
        options(queryParams?: any, headers?: any): IPromise<any>;
        patch(queryParams?: any, headers?: any): IPromise<any>;
        putElement(idx: any, params: any, headers: any): IPromise<any>;
        withHttpConfig(httpConfig: angular.IRequestShortcutConfig): ICollection;
        clone(): ICollection;
        plain(): any;
        plain<T>(): T[];
        getRestangularUrl(): string;