{ "PROJECT_TITLE": "SDC", "=========== VALIDATION ===========": "", "VALIDATION_ERROR_MAX_LENGTH": "Max length {{max}} characters.", "VALIDATION_ERROR_MIN_LENGTH": "Min length {{min}} characters.", "VALIDATION_ERROR_REQUIRED": "{{field}} is required.", "VALIDATION_ERROR_SPECIAL_CHARS_NOT_ALLOWED": "HTML elements not permitted in field values.", "LABEL_MAX_SIZE_XX": "Max size is up to {{size}}", "LABEL_ALL_FIELDS_ARE_MANDATORY": "All fields are mandatory.", "VALIDATION_ERROR_BOOLEAN": "Value should be 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.", "VALIDATION_ERROR_TYPE": "Value should be of type {{type}}.", "VALIDATION_ERROR_MAX_LENGTH_NOT_INCLUDING_NAME": "Max length {{max}} characters (including name length).", "VALIDATION_ERROR_MAX_FILE_SIZE": "Max file size is 10 MB.", "VALIDATION_ERROR_EMPTY_FILE": "The file you uploaded was empty, please upload a valid file.", "VALIDATION_ERROR_VALUE_MUST_BE_CHANGED": "Value must be changed", "VALIDATION_ERROR_INVALID_NAME": "Invalid name.", "=========== GENERAL ===========": "", "GENERAL_LABEL_TYPE": "Type:", "GENERAL_LABEL_NAME": "Name:", "GENERAL_LABEL_VERSION": "Version:", "GENERAL_LABEL_CATEGORY": "Category:", "GENERAL_LABEL_SUB_CATEGORY": "Sub Category:", "GENERAL_LABEL_CREATION_DATE": "Creation Date:", "GENERAL_LABEL_AUTHOR": "Author:", "GENERAL_LABEL_CONTACT_ID": "Contact ID:", "GENERAL_LABEL_RESOURCE_MODEL_NUMBER": "Vendor Model Number:", "GENERAL_LABEL_SERVICE_TYPE": "Service Type:", "GENERAL_LABEL_SERVICE_ROLE": "Service Role:", "GENERAL_LABEL_STATUS": "Status:", "GENERAL_LABEL_SERVICE_FUNCTION": "Service Function:", "GENERAL_LABEL_DESCRIPTION": "Description:", "GENERAL_LABEL_TAGS": "Tags:", "GENERAL_LABEL_RESOURCE_TYPE": "Resource Type:", "GENERAL_LABEL_VENDOR_NAME": "Vendor Name:", "GENERAL_LABEL_VENDOR_RELEASE": "Vendor Release:", "GENERAL_LABEL_LICENSE_TYPE": "License Type:", "GENERAL_LABEL_SERVICE": "Service:", "GENERAL_LABEL_RESOURCE": "Resource:", "GENERAL_LABEL_LIFE_CYCLE_STATUS": "Life Cycle Status:", "GENERAL_LABEL_DISTRIBUTION_STATUS": "Distribution Status:", "GENERAL_LABEL_SYSTEM_NAME": "System Name:", "GENERAL_LABEL_SOURCE_SERVICE_NAME": "Source Service Name:", "GENERAL_LABEL_RESOURCE_CUSTOMIZATION_UUID": "Resource Customization UUID:", "SEARCH_LABEL": "Search", "=========== GENERAL_TAB ===========": "", "GENERAL_TAB_LABEL_RESOURCE_MODEL_NUMBER": "Vendor Model Number", "GENERAL_TAB_LABEL_SERVICE_TYPE": "Service Type", "GENERAL_TAB_LABEL_SERVICE_ROLE": "Service Role", "GENERAL_TAB_LABEL_SERVICE_FUNCTION": "Service Function", "=========== GENERAL ERROR PAGES ===========": "", "GENERAL_ERROR_403_TITLE": "SDC Access Denied", "GENERAL_ERROR_403_DESCRIPTION": "Sorry, you are not authorized to view this page. Please visit the Portal Application to provision a user account for SDC.", "=========== ERROR VIEW MODEL ===========": "", "ADMIN_EMAIL": "", "EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX": "SDC Access Request for", "=========== TOP MENU ===========": "", "TOP_MENU_HOME_BUTTON": "HOME", "TOP_MENU_CATALOG_BUTTON": "CATALOG", "TOP_MENU_ON_BOARD_BUTTON": "ONBOARD", "TOP_MENU_DCAE_BUTTON": "DCAE", "=========== SIGN IN PAGE ===========": "", "SIGN_IN_CAPTION": "Signing in", "SIGN_IN_DESCRIPTION": "Please wait. If you are using Internet Explorer, please reattempt access using Chrome or Firefox.", "=========== TUTORIAL PAGE ===========": "", "TUTRIAL_GENERAL_PREVIOUS_BUTTON": "prev", "TUTRIAL_GENERAL_NEXT_BUTTON": "next", "TUTRIAL_GENERAL_SKIP_BUTTON": "skip", "TUTRIAL_GENERAL_CLOSE_BUTTON": "close", "TUTRIAL_GENERAL_NEXT_BUTTON_END": "done", "TUTRIAL_GENERAL_TAB_1": "Workspace", "TUTRIAL_GENERAL_TAB_2": "Catalog", "TUTRIAL_GENERAL_TAB_3": "Design Studio", "TUTORIAL_PAGE1_TITLE": "Your Personal Workspace", "TUTORIAL_PAGE1_TEXT": "SDC keeps track of the Resources and Services you are assigned to work on. You access these assets directly from your Workspace.", "TUTORIAL_PAGE2_TITLE": "Folders", "TUTORIAL_PAGE2_TEXT": "Your personal Workspace shows the Resources and Services on which you have recently worked. To view a subset, filter by selecting a folder from the left pane.", "TUTORIAL_PAGE3_TITLE": "Assets Status and Type", "TUTORIAL_PAGE3_TEXT": "Each of your assets is represented as an item on your Workspace.", "TUTORIAL_PAGE4_TITLE": "Asset Type", "TUTORIAL_PAGE4_TEXT": "At the top left corner, R indicates a Resource and S indicates a Service.", "TUTORIAL_PAGE5_TITLE": "Asset Name", "TUTORIAL_PAGE5_TEXT": "At the bottom, Resource or Service name and version number are displayed.", "TUTORIAL_PAGE6_TITLE": "Asset Icon", "TUTORIAL_PAGE6_TEXT": "A Resource or Service is represented by an icon chosen by the Designer.", "TUTORIAL_PAGE7_TITLE": "Asset Status", "TUTORIAL_PAGE7_TEXT": "In the top right corner, an indication of the asset's current status is displayed.", "TUTORIAL_PAGE8_TITLE": "Asset Menu", "TUTORIAL_PAGE8_TEXT": "Hover over the three vertical dots to view a menu of actions you can request for the Resource or Service.", "TUTORIAL_PAGE9_TITLE": "SDC Catalog", "TUTORIAL_PAGE9_TEXT": "In the SDC Catalog you can view all available Resources and Services. Access the Catalog by clicking Catalog in the left pane.", "TUTORIAL_PAGE10_TITLE": "Catalog Filtering", "TUTORIAL_PAGE10_TEXT": "You can filter the Resources and Services displayed in the Catalog. Click on combinations of the Type, Category, and State criteria displayed in the left pane to filter by those criteria.", "TUTORIAL_PAGE11_TITLE": "Catalog Search", "TUTORIAL_PAGE11_TEXT": "You can also filter by using the search bar. Type a term, or multiple terms separated by commas. All Resources and Services with a Name, Tag, or Description containing the search term(s) will be displayed.", "TUTORIAL_PAGE12_TITLE": "Design Studio", "TUTORIAL_PAGE12_TEXT": "As a Designer, you have access to the Design Studio. You can add, change, and delete information related to a Resource or Service.", "TUTORIAL_PAGE13_TITLE": "Create & Modify Asset", "TUTORIAL_PAGE13_TEXT": "From your personal Workspace you can:
You are about to distribute a service with models and artifacts created with an older version of the platform.For such service, new properties, metadata and requirements needed by ECOMP components will not be available.
It is highly recommended that you upgrade the service models and artifacts.
Click \"Continue\" if you need to distribute the current service version.
Click \"Reject\" if you need to stop the distribution and manually upgrade the service.