
    "=========== VALIDATION ===========": "",
    "VALIDATION_ERROR_MAX_LENGTH": "Max length {{max}} characters.",
    "VALIDATION_ERROR_MIN_LENGTH": "Min length {{min}} characters.",
    "VALIDATION_ERROR_REQUIRED": "{{field}} is required.",
    "VALIDATION_ERROR_SPECIAL_CHARS_NOT_ALLOWED": "Special characters not allowed.",
    "LABEL_MAX_SIZE_XX": "Max size is up to {{size}}",
    "LABEL_ALL_FIELDS_ARE_MANDATORY": "All fields are mandatory.",
    "VALIDATION_ERROR_BOOLEAN": "Value should be 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.",
    "VALIDATION_ERROR_TYPE": "Value should be of type {{type}}.",
    "VALIDATION_ERROR_MAX_LENGTH_NOT_INCLUDING_NAME": "Max length {{max}} characters (including name length).",
    "VALIDATION_ERROR_MAX_FILE_SIZE": "Max file size is 10 MB.",
    "VALIDATION_ERROR_EMPTY_FILE": "The file you uploaded was empty, please upload a valid file.",
    "VALIDATION_ERROR_VALUE_MUST_BE_CHANGED": "Value must be changed",

    "=========== GENERAL ===========": "",
    "GENERAL_LABEL_TYPE": "Type:",
    "GENERAL_LABEL_VERSION": "Version:",
    "GENERAL_LABEL_CATEGORY": "Category:",
    "GENERAL_LABEL_SUB_CATEGORY": "Sub Category:",
    "GENERAL_LABEL_CREATION_DATE": "Creation Date:",
    "GENERAL_LABEL_AUTHOR": "Author:",
    "GENERAL_LABEL_SERVICE_TYPE": "Service Type:",
    "GENERAL_LABEL_SERVICE_ROLE": "Service Role:",
    "GENERAL_LABEL_STATUS": "Status:",
    "GENERAL_LABEL_PROJECT_CODE": "Project Code:",
    "GENERAL_LABEL_DESCRIPTION": "Description:",
    "GENERAL_LABEL_TAGS": "Tags:",
    "GENERAL_LABEL_RESOURCE_TYPE": "Resource Type:",
    "GENERAL_LABEL_VENDOR_NAME": "Vendor Name:",
    "GENERAL_LABEL_VENDOR_RELEASE": "Vendor Release:",
    "GENERAL_LABEL_LICENSE_TYPE": "License Type:",
    "GENERAL_LABEL_SERVICE": "Service:",
    "GENERAL_LABEL_RESOURCE": "Resource:",
    "GENERAL_LABEL_LIFE_CYCLE_STATUS": "Life Cycle Status:",
    "GENERAL_LABEL_DISTRIBUTION_STATUS": "Distribution Status:",
    "GENERAL_LABEL_SYSTEM_NAME": "System Name:",
    "GENERAL_LABEL_SOURCE_SERVICE_NAME": "Source Service Name:",

    "=========== GENERAL_TAB ===========": "",

    "=========== GENERAL ERROR PAGES ===========": "",
    "GENERAL_ERROR_403_DESCRIPTION": "Sorry, You are not authorized to view this page, Please contact the <a data-ng-href='mailto:{{mailto}}'> Service Design and Creation administrator</a> for access permission.",

    "=========== ERROR VIEW MODEL ===========": "",
    "ADMIN_EMAIL": "",
    "EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX": "SDC Access Request for",

    "=========== TOP MENU ===========": "",

    "=========== SIGN IN PAGE ===========": "",
    "SIGN_IN_CAPTION": "Signing in",
    "SIGN_IN_DESCRIPTION": "Please wait. If you are using Internet Explorer, please reattempt access using Chrome or Firefox.",

    "=========== TUTORIAL PAGE ===========": "",

    "TUTRIAL_GENERAL_TAB_1": "Workspace",
    "TUTRIAL_GENERAL_TAB_2": "Catalog",
    "TUTRIAL_GENERAL_TAB_3": "Design Studio",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE1_TITLE": "Your Personal Workspace",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE1_TEXT": "SDC keeps track of the Resources and Services you are assigned to work on. You access these assets directly from your Workspace.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE2_TITLE": "Folders",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE2_TEXT": "Your personal Workspace shows the Resources and Services on which you have recently worked. To view a subset, filter by selecting a folder from the left pane.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE3_TITLE": "Assets Status and Type",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE3_TEXT": "Each of your assets is represented as an item on your Workspace.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE4_TITLE": "Asset Type",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE4_TEXT": "At the top left corner, R indicates a Resource and S indicates a Service.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE5_TITLE": "Asset Name",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE5_TEXT": "At the bottom, Resource or Service name and version number are displayed.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE6_TITLE": "Asset Icon",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE6_TEXT": "A Resource or Service is represented by an icon chosen by the Designer.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE7_TITLE": "Asset Status",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE7_TEXT": "In the top right corner, an indication of the asset's current status is displayed.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE8_TITLE": "Asset Menu",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE8_TEXT": "Hover over the three vertical dots to view a menu of actions you can request for the Resource or Service.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE9_TITLE": "SDC Catalog",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE9_TEXT": "In the SDC Catalog you can view all available Resources and Services. Access the Catalog by clicking Catalog in the left pane.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE10_TITLE": "Catalog Filtering",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE10_TEXT": "You can filter the Resources and Services displayed in the Catalog. Click on combinations of the Type, Category, and State criteria displayed in the left pane to filter by those criteria.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE11_TITLE": "Catalog Search",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE11_TEXT": "You can also filter by using the search bar. Type a term, or multiple terms separated by commas. All Resources and Services with a Name, Tag, or Description containing the search term(s) will be displayed.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE12_TITLE": "Design Studio",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE12_TEXT": "As a Designer, you have access to the Design Studio. You can add, change, and delete information related to a Resource or Service.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE13_TITLE": "Create & Modify Asset",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE13_TEXT": "From your personal Workspace you can:<ul><li>Create a New Resource or Service (Click Create New)</li><li>Modify an existing Service or Resource (using the menu actions)</li></uL>",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE14_TITLE": "Create New Asset",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE14_TEXT": "When you create a new Resource or Service, you need to fill in profile data to create a new Catalog entry.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE15_TITLE": "Left Pane",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE15_TEXT": "In creating or editing a Service, you can choose elements from the left pane to add to your Service. You can enter search criteria to change the visible elements in the left pane.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE16_TITLE": "Drag & Drop",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE16_TEXT": "To include an element in your Service, drag it onto the Design Studio. If a green guide indication appears, drop the element near the guide and the Design Studio will automatically connect the two elements for you.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE17_TITLE": "Relationship Selection",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE17_TEXT": "When you connect two elements, you can define the relationship between the two. Design Studio will display the allowed relationships from which you can choose.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE18_TITLE": "View & Delete Relationship",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE18_TEXT": "You can view or delete the relationship between the two elements by selecting the relationship icon on the connecting line.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE19_TITLE": "Information tab",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE19_TEXT": "Here you can review general information about the Resource, such as version, category, author, and description.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE20_TITLE": "Structure tab",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE20_TEXT": "Here you can review the structural components of the Resource in a hierarchical tree diagram, including any connected Resources.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE21_TITLE": "Deployment Artifacts tab",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE21_TEXT": "Here you can view and manage the Artifact files associated with the Resource. You can download existing files, upload additional files, and manage HEAT template parameters.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE22_TITLE": "Properties tab",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE22_TEXT": "Here you can manage the properties of the Resource. You can view, edit, add and delete properties.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE23_TITLE": "Information Artifacts tab",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE23_TEXT": "Here you can manage documents associated with the Resource (such as test scripts, features, and capacity).",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE24_TITLE": "Requirements and Capabilities tab",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE24_TEXT": "Here you can view the Resource capabilities and requirements, and from where the requirements are derived.  If a Resource is connected to other Resources, the relationship associated with this connection is reflected (in the Requirements section) of this tab.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE25_TITLE": "Information tab",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE25_TEXT": "Here you can view general information about the Service, such as version, category, author, and description.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE26_TITLE": "Structure tab",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE26_TEXT": "Here you can view the Service structure in a hierarchical tree diagram, including the component Resources.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE27_TITLE": "Deployment Artifacts tab",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE27_TEXT": "Here you can view and manage the Artifact files associated with the Service. You can download existing files, upload additional files, and manage HEAT template parameters.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE28_TITLE": "Inputs tab",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE28_TEXT": "Here you can view and edit the properties of the Service, and see from which Resource the parameters originated. Properties are grouped by Resource instance.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE29_TITLE": "Information Artifacts tab",
    "TUTORIAL_PAGE29_TEXT": "Here you can manage documents associated with the Service (such as service topology, message flows, and management flows). Some of these documents are created by embedded tools, such as ASE tools.",

    "TUTORIAL_PAGE30_TEXT": "Here you can manage the Service API (such as monitoring and instantiation), and you can upload an archive containing the HTML pages and the API URL.",

    "TUTORIAL_LAST_PAGE_TEXT": "Now that you are familiar with the system, you can begin building!",

    "=========== CATALOG PAGE ===========": "",
    "SORT_CAPTION": "Order By:",
    "SORT_BY_UPDATE_DATE": "Last updated",
    "SORT_ALPHABETICAL": "Alphabetical order",

    "=========== HEADER PAGE ===========": "",
    "HEADER_HELP_TEXT_DESIGNER_TUTORIAL": "Design Studio Tutorial",

    "=========== WELCOME PAGE ===========": "",
    "WELCOME_HELLO": "Hello {{username}},",
    "WELCOME_MESSAGE_1": "Welcome to Service Design and Creation (SDC) Portal. SDC supports Domain 2.0 Resource Onboarding and Service Creation.",
    "WELCOME_MESSAGE_2": "This tutorial walks first-time users through the SDC portal components.  Future logins directly access the SDC work platform without displaying the tutorial.  To see the tutorial, click the Tutorial link on each SDC page.",
    "WELCOME_MESSAGE_CURRENT_VERSION": "Current Version {{version}}",
    "WELCOME_MESSAGE_SEE_WHATS_NEW": "See what's new",
    "WELCOME_BTN_START_TUTORIAL": "Let's start",
    "WELCOME_BTN_SKIP": "skip for now",

    "=========== ONBOARD VENDOR PAGE ===========": "",

    "=========== NEW RESOURCE SERVICE ===========": "",

    "=========== NEW RESOURCE SERVICE ERRORS ===========": "",
    "NEW_SERVICE_RESOURCE_ERROR_MAX_LENGTH_25": "Max length 25 characters.",
    "NEW_SERVICE_RESOURCE_ERROR_MAX_LENGTH_50": "Max length 50 characters.",
    "NEW_SERVICE_RESOURCE_ERROR_MAX_LENGTH_128": "Max length 128 characters.",
    "NEW_SERVICE_RESOURCE_ERROR_MAX_LENGTH_1024": "Max length 1024 characters.",
    "NEW_SERVICE_RESOURCE_ERROR_NAME_EXISTS": "Name already exists.",
    "NEW_SERVICE_RESOURCE_ERROR_SPECIAL_CHARS": "Special characters not allowed.",
    "NEW_SERVICE_RESOURCE_ERROR_PROJECT_CODE_NOT_VALID": "Project code is not valid.",
    "NEW_SERVICE_RESOURCE_ERROR_MIN_ONE_TAG": "Enter at least one tag.",
    "NEW_SERVICE_RESOURCE_ERROR_TAG_NAME_EXIST": "Tag name already exists.",
    "NEW_SERVICE_RESOURCE_ERROR_VALID_TOSCA_EXTENSIONS": "File extension should be {{extensions}}.",
    "NEW_SERVICE_RESOURCE_ERROR_VALID_CSAR_EXTENSIONS": "File extension should be {{extensions}}.",

    "=========== SUGGESTED ICONS TOOLTIP ===========": "",
    "call_controll": "Call Control",
    "mobility": "Mobility",
    "network_l_1-3": "Network L 1-3",
    "network_l_4": "Network L 4+",
    "router": "Router",
    "database": "Database",
    "network": "Network",
    "objectStorage": "Object Storage",
    "connector": "Connector",
    "brocade": "Brocade",
    "cisco": "Cisco",
    "ericsson": "Ericsson",
    "tropo": "Tropo",
    "fortinet": "Fortinet",
    "att": "AT&T",
    "broadsoft": "BroadSoft",
    "alcatelLucent": "Alcatel-Lucent",
    "metaswitch": "Metaswitch",
    "aricent": "Aricent",
    "mySql": "MySQL",
    "juniper": "Juniper Networks",
    "oracle": "Oracle Corporation",
    "nokia_siemens": "Nokia Networks",
    "borderElement": "Border Element",
    "applicationServer": "Application Server",
    "server": "Server",
    "port": "Port",
    "loadBalancer": "Load Balancer",
    "compute": "Compute",
    "gateway": "Gateway",
    "defaulticon": "Default Icon",
    "monitoring_template": "Monitoring Template",

    "=========== ADD ARTIFACT FROM ===========": "",
    "ADD_ARTIFACT_ERROR_VALID_EXTENSIONS": "File extension should be {{extensions}}.",
    "ADD_ARTIFACT_ERROR_FILE_REQUIRED": "Artifact file is required.",
    "ADD_ARTIFACT_ERROR_LABEL_REQUIRED": "Artifact label is required.",
    "ADD_ARTIFACT_ERROR_LABEL_MAXLENGTH": "Max length 25 characters.",
    "ADD_ARTIFACT_ERROR_LABEL_PATTERN": "not allowed special characters.",
    "ADD_ARTIFACT_ERROR_TYPE_REQUIRED": "type is required.",
    "ADD_ARTIFACT_ERROR_TIMEOUT_MIN": "Timeout can't be set to zero.",
    "ADD_ARTIFACT_ERROR_TIMEOUT_MAXLENGTH": "Max length 25 characters.",
    "ADD_ARTIFACT_ERROR_APIURL_REQUIRED": "Artifact URL is required.",
    "ADD_ARTIFACT_ERROR_APIURL_MAXLENGTH": "Max length 100 characters.",
    "ADD_ARTIFACT_ERROR_APIURL_URL": "Url not valid",
    "ADD_ARTIFACT_ERROR_DESCRIPTION_REQUIRED": "Description is required.",
    "ADD_ARTIFACT_ERROR_DESCRIPTION_MAXLENGTH": "Max length 256 characters.",
    "ADD_ARTIFACT_ERROR_DESCRIPTION_PATTERN": "not allowed special characters.",

    "=========== ARTIFACT VIEW ===========": "",
    "ARTIFACT_VIEW_DELETE_MODAL_TITLE": "Delete Artifact Confirmation",
    "ARTIFACT_VIEW_DELETE_MODAL_TEXT": "Are you sure you want to delete '{{name}}'?",

    "=========== PROPERTY VIEW ===========": "",
    "PROPERTY_VIEW_DELETE_MODAL_TITLE": "Delete Property Confirmation",
    "PROPERTY_VIEW_DELETE_MODAL_TEXT": "Are you sure you want to delete '{{name}}'?",
    "PROPERTY_EDIT_PATTERN": "Invalid value.",
    "PROPERTY_EDIT_LIST_STRING": "Invalid value. The correct value is \"X\",\"Y\"",
    "PROPERTY_EDIT_MAP_STRING": "Invalid value. The correct value is \"Key\":\"value\"",
    "PROPERTY_EDIT_LIST_GENERIC": "Invalid value. The correct value is X, Y",
    "PROPERTY_EDIT_MAP_GENERIC": "Invalid value. The correct value is \"Key\":value",
    "PROPERTY_EDIT_MAP_UNIQUE_KEYS": "Key must be unique.",

    "=========== ATTRIBUTE VIEW ===========": "",
    "ATTRIBUTE_VIEW_DELETE_MODAL_TITLE": "Delete Attribute Confirmation",
    "ATTRIBUTE_VIEW_DELETE_MODAL_TEXT": "Are you sure you want to delete '{{name}}'?",
    "ATTRIBUTE_EDIT_PATTERN": "Invalid value.",
    "NEW_ATTRIBUTE_ERROR_NAME_EXISTS":"Name already exists.",
    "ATTRIBUTE_EDIT_LIST_STRING": "Invalid value. The correct value is \"X\",\"Y\".",
    "ATTRIBUTE_EDIT_MAP_STRING": "Invalid value. The correct value is \"Key\":\"value\".",
    "ATTRIBUTE_EDIT_LIST_BOOLEAN": "Invalid value. The correct value is true,false.",
    "ATTRIBUTE_EDIT_MAP_BOOLEAN": "Invalid value. The correct value is \"Key\":true.",
    "ATTRIBUTE_EDIT_LIST_GENERIC": "Invalid value. The correct value is X, Y.",
    "ATTRIBUTE_EDIT_MAP_GENERIC": "Invalid value. The correct value is \"Key\":value.",
    "ATTRIBUTE_EDIT_MAP_UNIQUE_KEYS": "Key must be unique.",

    "=========== UPDATE PARAMETERS FROM ===========": "",
    "UPDATE_PARAMETERS_TEXT": "Review the parameters and their default values. If necessary, you can modify the values by editing the text fields.",
    "ENV_FILE_GENERATION": "Please notice: empty fields will not be included in the ENV file",

    "=========== ENTITY VIEWER ===========": "",

    "=========== WHATS NEW ===========": "",
    "WHATS_NEW_ON": "What's new on {{version}}",
    "WHATS_NEW_LIST": "",
    "WHATS_NEW_1_TITLE": "VNF On-Boarding",
    "WHATS_NEW_1_BODY": "Vendors can upload  VNF HEAT files & License artifacts<ul><li>Upload VNF HEAT files</li><li>Licensing</li><li>Questionnaire</li>",
    "WHATS_NEW_2_TITLE": "Call & Network Flow-Tool",
    "WHATS_NEW_2_BODY": "Introduced the ability to host a 3rd party<br/>Enhance VF and Service design with Call and Network flows; Call & Network Flows created and stored as Information Artifacts.",
    "WHATS_NEW_3_TITLE": "Import VF from On-Boarded VNF",
    "WHATS_NEW_3_BODY": "Import VF Metadata from vendor supplied CSAR file<br/>Create the VF based on data included in the CSAR file. Includes; VF topology and deployment artifacts<br/>Once checked in the VF is Displayed in the Catalog",
    "WHATS_NEW_4_TITLE": "App Navigation",
    "WHATS_NEW_4_BODY": "This release introduces View and Edit modes<ol><li>Use the view mode when:<ul><li>User does not have authorization to edit an Asset</li><li>Asset is in Check-In Mode</li></ul></li><li>Use the Edit Mode when:<ul><li>User has authorization to edit an Asset</li><li>Asset is in Check-out Mode</li></ul></li></ol>",
    "WHATS_NEW_5_TITLE": "Certification Studio",
    "WHATS_NEW_5_BODY": "Tester, Governor and Ops roles can view VF and Service Composition.<br/>They can also download the asset’s artifacts, and download the asset’s resource instance artifacts",
    "WHATS_NEW_6_TITLE": "Composition: Virtual Link",
    "WHATS_NEW_6_BODY": "The ability to link VFs via a Virtual link has been expanded. Now a Virtual link can be defined as having either Point-to-Point connectivity or Multi-point connectivity. Additionally from within a Virtual Link, Point-to-Point connectivity can be dynamically changed to Multi-Point connectivity.",
    "WHATS_NEW_7_TITLE": "Distribution",
    "WHATS_NEW_7_BODY": "<ul><li>Distribution of artifact to App-C</li><li>Distribution of artifact to ALTS</li><li>Distribution of artifact to A&AI</li></ul>",
    "WHATS_NEW_8_TITLE": "New Brand",
    "WHATS_NEW_8_BODY": "Effort was invested in improving the overall application Usability, and the User Interface was modified to better reflect branding standards.",

    "=========== USER_MANAGEMENT SCREEN ===========": "",
    "USER_MANAGEMENT": "User Management",
    "USER_MANAGEMENT_SEARCH_LABEL": "Search user by name, user id, email or role",
    "USER_MANAGEMENT_SEARCH_TEXT": "Enter user id",
    "CATEGORY_MANAGEMENT": "Category Management",
    "ECOMP": "ECOMP",
    "MONITOR": "Monitor",
    "USER_MANAGEMENT_VIEW_DELETE_MODAL_TITLE": "Delete User Confirmation",
    "USER_MANAGEMENT_VIEW_DELETE_MODAL_TEXT": "Are you sure you want to delete the user?",
    "NEW_USER_ERROR_USER_ID_REQUIRED": "User id is required.",
    "NEW_USER_ERROR_USER_ID_NOT_VALID": "User id not valid.",
    "NEW_USER_ERROR_ROLE_REQUIRED": "User role is required.",

    "=========== EMAIL_MODAL ===========": "",
    "EMAIL_MODAL_TITLE": "Submit For Testing",
    "EMAIL_MODAL_SUBJECT": "{{entityName}}; version {{entityVersion}}",
    "EMAIL_MODAL_MESSAGE": "Enter your message here...",
    "EMAIL_OUTLOOK_MESSAGE": "mailto:{{to}}?subject={{subject}} is now ready for testing&body={{message}}%0D%0A%0D%0AClick on the link below to open {{entityNameAndVersion}} that is ready for testing. %0D%0A{{link}}%0D%0A",

    "=========== CATEGORY_MANAGEMENT SCREEN ===========": "",
    "RESOURCE_CATEGORY_HEADER": "Resource Category",
    "SERVICE_CATEGORY_HEADER": "Service Category",
    "SUBCATEGORY_HEADER": "Sub Category",
    "ADD_CATEGORY": "New",
    "DELETE_CATEGORY_MODAL_HEADER": "Delete {{modelType}}",
    "DELETE_CATEGORY_MODAL_CATEGORY_NAME": "Are you sure you want to delete the {{modelType}}?",
    "CREATE_CATEGORY_MODAL_HEADER": "Create new {{modelType}}",
    "CREATE_CATEGORY_MODAL_CATEGORY_NAME": "Enter {{modelType}} name",
    "CREATE_CATEGORY_MODAL_REQUIRED": "{{modelType}} name is mandatory",
    "CREATE_CATEGORY_MODAL_MINLENGTH": "{{modelType}} name should be at least {{minlength}} characters",
    "CREATE_CATEGORY_MODAL_PATTERN": "{{modelType}} name is not valid"

,"=========== PDF FILE ===========": "",

,"=========== DEPLOYMENT ARTIFACTS ===========": "",
    "DEPLOYMENT_ARTIFACT_NO_ARTIFACTS_TO_DISPLAY": "There are no deployment artifacts to display",

    ,"=========== IMPORT VF ===========": "",
    "IMPORT_VF_MESSAGE_CREATE_TAKES_LONG_TIME_DESCRIPTION": "Your VF is being created.<br/>It can take up to 10 minutes.<br/>When done, you can view it in SDC Catalog.",
    "IMPORT_VF_ALREADY_EXISTS_DESCRIPTION": "The VF {{vfName}} is already certified.<br/>When updating a VF that was already certified, the values for several parameters will not be changed.<br/>These parameters are: Name, Category and Icon.",

    "=========== TABS TITLE ===========": "",

    "=========== DISTRIBUTION VIEW ===========": "",

    "=========== SUCCESS MESSAGES ===========": "",
    "CHECKIN_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_TEXT": "Checked in successfully",
    "CHECKOUT_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_TEXT": "Checked out successfully",
    "DELETE_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_TEXT": "Deleted successfully",
    "SUBMIT_FOR_TESTING_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_TEXT": "Submitted successfully for testing",
    "START_TESTING_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_TEXT": "Tested successfully",
    "CANCEL_TESTING_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_TEXT": "Cancelled successfully",
    "REJECT_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_TEXT": "Rejected successfully",
    "ACCEPT_TESTING_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_TEXT": "Accepted successfully",
    "APPROVE_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_TEXT": "Approved successfully",
    "DISTRIBUTE_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_TEXT": "Distributed successfully",

    "=========== ON BOARDING MODAL INFO MESSAGES ===========": "",
    "ON_BOARDING_GENERAL_INFO": "Displays a table of VSPs created using Onboarding.<br/> Each row displays details for a single VSP.<br/> When expanded you can either import CSAR files that are yet to  be imported or update CSAR files that were previously imported.",
    "ON_BOARDING_IMPORT_INFO": "Displays the Onboarding repository and supports importing on-boarded CSAR files.<br/>  Select  an imported CSAR file to create a VF from the on-boarded and imported  information.",
    "ON_BOARDING_UPDATE_INFO": "Displays the Onboarding repository and supports updating on-boarded and previously imported CSAR files.<br/> Clicking Update, updates the existing VF with information available from a new version of the CSAR file.",

    "=========== HEAT PARAMETERS MODAL INFO MESSAGES ===========": "",
    "DEFAULT_VALUE_INFO": "This column indicates all the default values that were declared in the Main Heat ",
    "CURRENT_VALUE_INFO": "This column indicates:<br/>• Default values that were declared in the main HEAT & does not have a value in the ENV<br/>• Values that were declared in the ENV<br/>• All the values that appear in the current value fields will be generated into the ENV",

    "=========== MODULE PROPERTY FORM ===========": "",
    "MIN_VALIDATION_ERROR": "Value cannot be lower than the 'min_vf_module_instances' and 'initial_count'",
    "MAX_VALIDATION_ERROR": "Value cannot be higher than the 'max_vf_module_instances' and 'initial_count'",
    "MIN_MAX_VALIDATION": "Value must be between 'min_vf_module_instances' and 'max vf module instances'",
    "MIN_VALIDATION_VF_LEVE_ERROR": " Value of 'min_vf_module_instances' must not be lower than defined in VF level",
    "MAX_VALIDATION_VF_LEVE_ERROR": " Value of 'max_vf_module_instances' must not be higher than defined in VF level"
