/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * SDC * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ 'use strict'; import * as _ from "lodash"; import {MenuItemGroup, MenuItem} from "app/utils"; import {BreadcrumbsPath, BreadcrumbsMenu} from "../onboard-vendor/onboard-vendor-view-model"; import {CacheService} from "app/services"; import {IUserProperties} from "app/models"; export class TestData { breadcrumbs:BreadcrumbsPath; } export interface IDcaeAppViewModelScope extends ng.IScope { testData:TestData; onTestEvent:Function; topNavMenuModel:Array<MenuItemGroup>; topNavRootMenu:MenuItemGroup; user:IUserProperties; version:string; } export class DcaeAppViewModel { static '$inject' = [ '$scope', '$q', 'Sdc.Services.CacheService' ]; private firstControlledTopNavMenu:MenuItemGroup; constructor(private $scope:IDcaeAppViewModelScope, private $q:ng.IQService, private cacheService:CacheService) { this.$scope.testData = { breadcrumbs: { selectedKeys: [] } }; this.$scope.version = this.cacheService.get('version'); this.$scope.onTestEvent = (eventName:string, data:any):void => { switch (eventName) { case 'breadcrumbsupdated': this.handleBreadcrumbsUpdate(data); break; } }; this.$scope.topNavMenuModel = []; this.$scope.user = this.cacheService.get('user'); } updateBreadcrumbsPath = (selectedKeys:Array<string>):ng.IPromise<boolean> => { let topNavMenuModel = this.$scope.topNavMenuModel; let startIndex = topNavMenuModel.indexOf(this.firstControlledTopNavMenu); if (startIndex === -1) { startIndex = topNavMenuModel.length; } topNavMenuModel.splice(startIndex + selectedKeys.length); this.$scope.testData = { breadcrumbs: {selectedKeys: selectedKeys} }; return this.$q.when(true); }; handleBreadcrumbsUpdate(breadcrumbsMenus:Array<BreadcrumbsMenu>):void { let selectedKeys = []; let topNavMenus = breadcrumbsMenus.map((breadcrumbMenu, breadcrumbIndex) => { let topNavMenu = new MenuItemGroup(); topNavMenu.menuItems = breadcrumbMenu.menuItems.map(menuItem => new MenuItem( menuItem.displayText, this.updateBreadcrumbsPath, null, null, [selectedKeys.concat([menuItem.key])] ) ); topNavMenu.selectedIndex = _.findIndex( breadcrumbMenu.menuItems, menuItem => menuItem.key === breadcrumbMenu.selectedKey ); selectedKeys.push(breadcrumbMenu.selectedKey); return topNavMenu; }); let topNavMenuModel = this.$scope.topNavMenuModel; let len = topNavMenuModel.length; let startIndex = topNavMenuModel.indexOf(this.firstControlledTopNavMenu); if (startIndex === -1) { startIndex = len; } topNavMenuModel.splice(startIndex, len - startIndex); topNavMenuModel.push.apply(topNavMenuModel, topNavMenus); this.firstControlledTopNavMenu = topNavMenus[0]; if (startIndex === 1 && this.$scope.topNavRootMenu == null) { let topNavRootMenu = topNavMenuModel[0]; let onboardItem = topNavRootMenu.menuItems[topNavRootMenu.selectedIndex]; let originalCallback = onboardItem.callback; onboardItem.callback = (...args) => { let ret = this.updateBreadcrumbsPath([]); return originalCallback && originalCallback.apply(undefined, args) || ret; }; this.$scope.topNavRootMenu = topNavRootMenu; } this.updateBreadcrumbsPath(selectedKeys); } }