import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { DataTypeModel, PropertyFEModel, PropertyBEModel, SchemaProperty, DerivedFEProperty, DerivedFEPropertyMap, DerivedPropertyType, InputFEModel} from "app/models"; import { DataTypeService } from "./data-type.service"; import { PROPERTY_TYPES } from "app/utils"; import { ContentAfterLastDotPipe } from "../pipes/contentAfterLastDot.pipe"; import { UUID } from "angular2-uuid"; @Injectable() export class PropertiesService { constructor(private dataTypeService:DataTypeService, private contentAfterLastDotPipe:ContentAfterLastDotPipe) { } public getParentPropertyFEModelFromPath = (properties:Array, path:string) => { let parent:PropertyFEModel = _.find(properties, (property:PropertyFEModel):boolean=>{ return === path.substring(0, path.indexOf('#')); }); return parent; } //undo disabling of parent and child props= public undoDisableRelatedProperties = (property: PropertyFEModel, childPath?: string): void => { property.isDisabled = false; if (!childPath) { property.isSelected = false; property.flattenedChildren && => child.isDisabled = false); } else { //QND - unselect everything and then re-do the disabling of declared props. TODO: put a flag on propertyFEModel instead to indicate who's causing them to be disabled instead property.flattenedChildren.filter(child => child.isDisabled && !child.isDeclared).map(child => child.isDisabled = false); property.flattenedChildren.filter(child => child.isDeclared || child.isSelected).forEach((childProp) => { //handle brothers who are selected - redo their disabled relatives as well this.disableRelatedProperties(property, childProp.propertiesName); }); } } //disable parents and children of prop public disableRelatedProperties = (property:PropertyFEModel, childPath?: string): void => { if (!childPath) { //selecting the parent property property.isSelected = true; property.flattenedChildren && => { child.isSelected = false; child.isDisabled = true; }); } else { property.isSelected = false; property.isDisabled = true; property.flattenedChildren.filter((childProp: DerivedFEProperty) => { return (childProp.propertiesName.indexOf(childPath + "#") > -1 //is child of prop to disable || childPath.indexOf(childProp.propertiesName + "#") > -1); //is parent of prop to disable }).map((child: DerivedFEProperty) => { child.isSelected = false; child.isDisabled = true; }); } } public getCheckedProperties = (properties:Array): Array => { let selectedProps: Array = []; properties.forEach(prop => { if (prop.isSelected && !prop.isDeclared && !prop.isDisabled) { selectedProps.push(new PropertyBEModel(prop)); } else if(prop.flattenedChildren) { prop.flattenedChildren.forEach((child) => { if (child.isSelected && !child.isDeclared && !child.isDisabled) { let childProp = new PropertyBEModel(prop, child); //create it from the parent selectedProps.push(childProp); } }) } }); return selectedProps; } /** * Build hirarchy structure for the tree when user selects on table row. * First create Array and insert also the parent (PropertyFEModel) to this array. * The Array is flat and contains SimpleFlatProperty that has parentName and uniqueId. * Now we build hirarchy from this Array (that includes childrens) and return it for the tree * * @argument property: PropertyFEModel - property contains flattenedChildren array of DerivedFEProperty * @returns Array - containing childrens Array, augmantin childrens to SimpleFlatProperty. */ public getSimplePropertiesTree(property: PropertyFEModel, instanceName:string):Array { // Build Array of SimpleFlatProperty before unflatten function let flattenProperties:Array = []; flattenProperties.push(new SimpleFlatProperty(property.uniqueId,,, '', instanceName)); // Push the root property _.each(property.flattenedChildren, (child:DerivedFEProperty):void => { flattenProperties.push(new SimpleFlatProperty(child.uniqueId, child.propertiesName,, child.parentName, instanceName)); }); let tree = this.unflatten(flattenProperties, '', []); return tree[0].childrens; // Return the childrens without the root. } /** * Unflatten Array and build hirarchy. * The result will be Array that augmantin with childrens for each SimpleFlatProperty. */ private unflatten( array:Array, parent:any, tree?:any ):any { tree = typeof tree!=='undefined' ? tree : []; parent = typeof parent!=='undefined' && parent!=='' ? parent : { path: '' }; var childrens = _.filter( array, (child:SimpleFlatProperty):boolean => { return child.parentName == parent.path; }); if( !_.isEmpty( childrens ) ){ if( parent.path == '' ){ tree = childrens; } else { parent['childrens'] = childrens; } _.each( childrens, ( child ):void => { this.unflatten( array, child ); }); } return tree; } // TODO: To remove // public convertPropertiesToFEAndInitialize(properties: Array): Array { // let props:Array = []; // _.forEach(properties, (property: PropertyFEModel, index: number) => { // props[index] = new PropertyFEModel(property); // this.initValueObjectRef(props[index]); // if (props[index].isDataType || // ((props[index].type === PROPERTY_TYPES.MAP || props[index].type === PROPERTY_TYPES.LIST) && props[index] { // props[index].valueObjectRef = props[index].valueObjectRef || {}; // let defaultValueObject:any = props[index].defaultValue ? JSON.parse(props[index].defaultValue): null; // this.createPropertiesTreeForProp(props[index], true, defaultValueObject); // } // }); // return props; // } /** * Converts a property's map values to properties and adds them to property.childrenProperties * @param property - property to add children to * @param onlyFirstLevel - recursively retrieve properties for each dataType? */ //TODO: To remove // public createPropertyNodesForMapOfDataTypes(property: PropertyFEModel, onlyFirstLevel:boolean):void { // property.childrenProperties = []; // angular.forEach(property.valueObjectRef,function(itemInMap:any, keyInMap:string){ // let newProperty: PropertyFEModel = new PropertyFEModel(keyInMap, //, // UUID.UUID(), // property, // property.valueObjectRef[keyInMap]); // !onlyFirstLevel && this.createPropertiesTreeForProp(newProperty); // property.childrenProperties.push(newProperty); // },this); // } /** * Converts a property's list values to properties and adds them to property.childrenProperties * @param property - property to add children to * @param onlyFirstLevel - recursively retrieve properties for each dataType? */ //TODO: To remove // public createPropertyNodesForListOfDataTypes(property: PropertyFEModel, onlyFirstLevel:boolean):void { // property.childrenProperties = []; // property.valueObjectRef.forEach((itemInList:any, index:number):void =>{ // let newProperty: PropertyFEModel = new PropertyFEModel(this.contentAfterLastDotPipe.transform(, //, // UUID.UUID(), // property, // property.valueObjectRef[index]); // !onlyFirstLevel && this.createPropertiesTreeForProp(newProperty); // property.childrenProperties.push(newProperty); // }); // } // private checkIfPropertyDerivedFromSimpleAndUpdateProp(property:PropertyFEModel | SchemaProperty): boolean{ // property.derivedFromSimpleTypeName = this.dataTypeService.getTypeForDataTypeDerivedFromSimple(property.type); // if(property.derivedFromSimpleTypeName){ // property.isSimpleType = true; // property.isDataType = false; // } // return property.isSimpleType; // } // TODO: Remove public createPropertiesTreeForProp(property: PropertyFEModel, onlyFirstLevel?: boolean, defaultValueObj?: any): void { } public getPropertyFEModelFromDerivedPropertyUniqueId(properties: Array, uniqueId: string): PropertyFEModel { // _.each(properties, (property):void => { // property.flattenedChildren // }); // let rootProperty = _.find(properties, (property):boolean => { return property.uniqueId === uniqueId; }); // if return null; } /** * Utilizes the dataTypeService to retrieve children properties from dataTypes recursively. * @param property * @param onlyFirstLevel */ // TODO: To remove // public createPropertiesTreeForProp(property: PropertyFEModel, onlyFirstLevel?:boolean, defaultValueObj?:any ):void{ // if (property.isDataType && !this.checkIfPropertyDerivedFromSimpleAndUpdateProp(property)){ // let dataType: DataTypeModel = this.dataTypeService.getDataTypeByTypeName(property.type); // property.childrenProperties = []; // let childrenProperties = this.dataTypeService.getDataTypePropertiesRecursively(dataType); // childrenProperties.forEach((childProperty: PropertyBEModel):void => { // let childDataTypePropertyObj: PropertyFEModel = new PropertyFEModel(, childProperty.type,UUID.UUID(),property, {}, childProperty.schema); // //init empty object in valueObjectRef[] because this property's children should has ref to this obj. // if(!property.valueObjectRef[]){ // if ((childDataTypePropertyObj.isDataType && !this.checkIfPropertyDerivedFromSimpleAndUpdateProp(childDataTypePropertyObj)) // || childDataTypePropertyObj.type === PROPERTY_TYPES.MAP){ // property.valueObjectRef[] = {}; // }else if(childDataTypePropertyObj.type === PROPERTY_TYPES.LIST){ // property.valueObjectRef[] = []; // } // } // childDataTypePropertyObj.valueObjectRef = property.valueObjectRef[]; // property.valueObjectRef[] = property.valueObjectRef[] || childDataTypePropertyObj.defaultValue; // if( !childDataTypePropertyObj.isDataType && defaultValueObj ){//init property default value // childDataTypePropertyObj.defaultValue = JSON.stringify(defaultValueObj[]); // } // property.childrenProperties.push(childDataTypePropertyObj); // !onlyFirstLevel && this.createPropertiesTreeForProp(childDataTypePropertyObj, false, (defaultValueObj ? defaultValueObj[] : null)); // }); // } else if (property.type == PROPERTY_TYPES.MAP && && !this.checkIfPropertyDerivedFromSimpleAndUpdateProp({ // if( property.valueObjectRef && !_.isEmpty(property.valueObjectRef)){ // this.createPropertyNodesForMapOfDataTypes(property, onlyFirstLevel); // } // } else if (property.type == PROPERTY_TYPES.LIST && && !this.checkIfPropertyDerivedFromSimpleAndUpdateProp({ // if( property.valueObjectRef && property.valueObjectRef.length){ // this.createPropertyNodesForListOfDataTypes(property, onlyFirstLevel); // } // } // } } export class SimpleFlatProperty { uniqueId:string; path:string; name:string; parentName:string; instanceName:string; constructor(uniqueId?:string, path?:string, name?: string, parentName?:string, instanceName?:string) { this.uniqueId = uniqueId; this.path = path; = name; this.parentName = parentName; this.instanceName = instanceName; } }