import { Injectable, Type, ViewContainerRef, ApplicationRef, ComponentFactory, ComponentFactoryResolver, ComponentRef, } from '@angular/core'; import { ModalModel, ButtonModel, StepModel } from 'app/models'; import {MultiStepsWizardComponent} from "../components/ui/multi-steps-wizard/multi-steps-wizard.component"; import {ModalComponent} from "../components/ui/modal/modal.component"; import {WizardHeaderBaseComponent} from "app/ng2/components/ui/multi-steps-wizard/multi-steps-wizard-header-base.component"; @Injectable() export class ModalService { currentModal: ComponentRef; constructor(private componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver, private applicationRef: ApplicationRef) { } /* Shortcut method to open an alert modal with title, message, and close button that simply closes the modal. */ public openAlertModal(title: string, message: string, closeButtonText?:string) { let closeButton: ButtonModel = new ButtonModel(closeButtonText || 'Close', 'grey', this.closeCurrentModal); let modalModel: ModalModel = new ModalModel('sm', title, message, [closeButton], 'alert'); this.createCustomModal(modalModel); } /** * Shortcut method to open a basic modal with title, message, and an action button with callback, as well as close button. * NOTE: To close the modal from within the callback, use modalService.closeCurrentModal() //if you run into zone issues with callbacks see: * NOTE: To add dynamic content to the modal, use modalService.addDynamicContentToModal(). First param is the return value of this function -- componentRef. * @param title Heading for modal * @param message Message for modal * @param actionButtonText Blue call to action button * @param actionButtonCallback function to invoke when button is clicked * @param cancelButtonText text for close/cancel button */ public createActionModal = (title: string, message: string, actionButtonText: string, actionButtonCallback: Function, cancelButtonText: string): ComponentRef => { let actionButton: ButtonModel = new ButtonModel(actionButtonText, 'blue', actionButtonCallback); let cancelButton: ButtonModel = new ButtonModel(cancelButtonText, 'grey', this.closeCurrentModal); let modalModel: ModalModel = new ModalModel('sm', title, message, [actionButton, cancelButton]); let modalInstance: ComponentRef = this.createCustomModal(modalModel); return modalInstance; } public createErrorModal = (closeButtonText?: string, errorMessage?: string):ComponentRef => { let closeButton: ButtonModel = new ButtonModel(closeButtonText || 'Close', 'grey', this.closeCurrentModal); let modalModel: ModalModel = new ModalModel('sm', 'Error', errorMessage, [closeButton], 'error'); let modalInstance: ComponentRef = this.createCustomModal(modalModel); return modalInstance; } /* Use this method to create a modal with title, message, and completely custom buttons. Use to open */ public createCustomModal = (customModalData: ModalModel): ComponentRef => { let customModal: ComponentRef = this.createDynamicComponent(ModalComponent); customModal.instance.input = customModalData; this.currentModal = customModal; return customModal; } public createMultiStepsWizard = (title: string, steps:Array, callback: Function, dynamicHeaderType?: Type): ComponentRef => { let cancelButton: ButtonModel = new ButtonModel('Cancel', 'outline blue', this.closeCurrentModal); let modalModel: ModalModel = new ModalModel('xl', title, '', [cancelButton]); let wizardInstance: ComponentRef = this.createDynamicComponent(MultiStepsWizardComponent); wizardInstance.instance.input = modalModel; wizardInstance.instance.steps = steps; wizardInstance.instance.callback = callback; if(dynamicHeaderType){ let dynamicHeader = this.createDynamicComponent(dynamicHeaderType, wizardInstance.instance.dynamicHeaderContainer); wizardInstance.instance.dynamicHeader = dynamicHeader; wizardInstance.instance.dynamicHeader.instance.currentStepIndex = 0; } this.addDynamicContentToModal(wizardInstance, steps[0].component); this.currentModal = wizardInstance; return wizardInstance; } public closeCurrentModal = () => { if (!this.currentModal) return; this.currentModal.instance.close(); this.currentModal.destroy(); } public addDynamicContentToModal = (modalInstance: ComponentRef, dynamicComponentType: Type, dynamicComponentInput?: any) => { let dynamicContent = this.createDynamicComponent(dynamicComponentType, modalInstance.instance.dynamicContentContainer); dynamicContent.instance.input = dynamicComponentInput; modalInstance.instance.dynamicContent = dynamicContent; return modalInstance; } //Creates a component dynamically (aka during runtime). If a view container is not specified, it will append the new component to the app root. //To subscribe to an event from invoking component: componentRef.instance.clicked.subscribe((m) => console.log(; private createDynamicComponent(componentType: Type, viewContainerRef?:ViewContainerRef): ComponentRef { viewContainerRef = viewContainerRef || this.getRootViewContainerRef(); viewContainerRef.clear(); let factory: ComponentFactory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(componentType); //Ref: let componentRef: ComponentRef = viewContainerRef.createComponent(factory); return componentRef; } private getRootViewContainerRef(): ViewContainerRef { return this.applicationRef.components[0].instance.viewContainerRef; } }