import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { SimpleFlatProperty, PropertyFEModel, DerivedFEProperty } from 'app/models'; @Injectable() export class HierarchyNavService { /** * Build hirarchy structure for the tree when user selects on table row. * First create Array and insert also the parent (PropertyFEModel) to this array. * The Array is flat and contains SimpleFlatProperty that has parentName and uniqueId. * Now we build hirarchy from this Array (that includes childrens) and return it for the tree * * @argument property: PropertyFEModel - property contains flattenedChildren array of DerivedFEProperty * @returns Array - containing childrens Array, augmantin childrens to SimpleFlatProperty. */ public getSimplePropertiesTree(property: PropertyFEModel, instanceName: string): Array { // Build Array of SimpleFlatProperty before unflatten function let flattenProperties: Array = []; flattenProperties.push(this.createSimpleFlatProperty(property, instanceName)); // Push the root property _.each(property.flattenedChildren, (child: DerivedFEProperty): void => { if (child.isChildOfListOrMap && return; //do not display non-complex children of list or map flattenProperties.push(this.createSimpleFlatProperty(child, instanceName)); }); let tree = this.unflatten(flattenProperties, '', []); return tree[0].childrens; // Return the childrens without the root. } public createSimpleFlatProperty = (property: PropertyFEModel | DerivedFEProperty, instanceName:string): SimpleFlatProperty => { if (property instanceof PropertyFEModel) { return new SimpleFlatProperty(property.uniqueId,,, '', instanceName); } else { let propName: string = (property.isChildOfListOrMap) ? property.mapKey :; return new SimpleFlatProperty(property.uniqueId, property.propertiesName, propName, property.parentName, instanceName); } } /** * Unflatten Array and build hirarchy. * The result will be Array that augmantin with childrens for each SimpleFlatProperty. */ private unflatten(array: Array, parent: any, tree?: any): any { tree = typeof tree !== 'undefined' ? tree : []; parent = typeof parent !== 'undefined' && parent !== '' ? parent : { path: '' }; var childrens = _.filter(array, (child: SimpleFlatProperty): boolean => { return child.parentName == parent.path; }); if (!_.isEmpty(childrens)) { if (parent.path == '') { tree = childrens; } else { parent['childrens'] = childrens; } _.each(childrens, (child): void => { this.unflatten(array, child); }); } return tree; } }