import { Component, Input, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { DistributionService } from '../../distribution.service'; // tslint:disable:no-string-literal @Component({ selector: 'app-distribution-component-artifact-table', templateUrl: './distribution-component-artifact-table.component.html', styleUrls: ['./distribution-component-artifact-table.component.less'] }) export class DistributionComponentArtifactTableComponent implements OnInit { @ViewChild('statusTable', {}) table: any; @Input() componentName: string; @Input() rowDistributionID: string; @Input() statusFilter: string; public artifacts = []; constructor(private distributionService: DistributionService) { } ngOnInit() { this.artifacts = this.distributionService.getArtifactstByDistributionIDAndComponentsName(this.rowDistributionID, this.componentName); if (this.statusFilter) { this.artifacts.forEach( (artifact) => { artifact.statuses = _.filter(artifact.statuses, {status: this.statusFilter}); }); } } public getLatestArtifact(artifactName: string) { const selectedArtifact = this.artifacts.filter((artifact) => === artifactName); if (selectedArtifact && selectedArtifact[0] && selectedArtifact[0]['statuses'] && selectedArtifact[0]['statuses'][0]) { return selectedArtifact[0]['statuses'][0]; } else { return null; } } private copyToClipboard(urlToCopy: any) { const inputForCopyToClipboard = document.getElementById('inputForCopyToClipboard') as HTMLInputElement; inputForCopyToClipboard.value = urlToCopy; /* Select the text field */; /* Copy the text inside the text field */ document.execCommand('copy'); } private generateDataTestID(preFix: string, componentName: string, artifactName: string, status?: string) { if (!status) { return preFix + componentName + '_' + artifactName; } else { return preFix + status + '_' + componentName + '_' + artifactName; } } private expandRow(row: any) { this.table.rowDetail.toggleExpandRow(row); } }