import { NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core'; import { async, ComponentFixture } from '@angular/core/testing'; import { ConfigureFn, configureTests } from '../../../../../jest/test-config.helper'; import { AttributeModel } from '../../../../models/attributes'; import { ValidationUtils } from '../../../../utils/validation-utils'; import { CacheService } from '../../../services/cache.service'; import { TranslatePipe } from '../../../shared/translator/translate.pipe'; import { TranslateService } from '../../../shared/translator/translate.service'; import { AttributeModalComponent } from './attribute-modal.component'; describe('attributes modal component', () => { let fixture: ComponentFixture; // Mocks let translateServiceMock: Partial; let cacheServiceMock: Partial; const validationPatterns = { integerNoLeadingZero : 'int_regx', number : 'number_regx' }; const newAttribute = { uniqueId: '1', name: 'attr1', description: 'description1', type: 'string', hidden: false, defaultValue: 'val1', schema: null }; beforeEach( async(() => { translateServiceMock = { translate: jest.fn() }; cacheServiceMock = { get: jest.fn().mockImplementation((k) => { return { validationPatterns}; } ) }; const configure: ConfigureFn = (testBed) => { testBed.configureTestingModule({ declarations: [AttributeModalComponent, TranslatePipe], imports: [], schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA], providers: [ {provide: TranslateService, useValue: translateServiceMock}, {provide: CacheService, useValue: cacheServiceMock}, ] }); }; configureTests(configure).then((testBed) => { fixture = testBed.createComponent(AttributeModalComponent); }); }) ); it('test that when hidden is clicked, hidden attribute is set', async () => { fixture.componentInstance.attributeToEdit = new AttributeModel(); const hidden = fixture.componentInstance.attributeToEdit.hidden; fixture.componentInstance.ngOnInit(); expect(hidden).toBe(false); fixture.componentInstance.onHiddenCheckboxClicked(true); expect(fixture.componentInstance.attributeToEdit.hidden).toBe(true); }); it('test that when type is set to boolean default value is cleared', async () => { const component = fixture.componentInstance; component.attributeToEdit = new AttributeModel(); component.ngOnInit(); component.onTypeSelected({ value : 'string', label : 'string'}); component.attributeToEdit.defaultValue = 'some_value'; component.onTypeSelected({ value : 'boolean', label : 'boolean'}); expect(component.attributeToEdit.defaultValue).toBe(''); component.onBooleanDefaultValueSelected({ value : 'true', label : 'true'}); expect(component.attributeToEdit.defaultValue).toBe('true'); }); it('test that when certain type is selected, the correct regex pattern is chosen', async () => { const component = fixture.componentInstance; component.attributeToEdit = new AttributeModel(); component.ngOnInit(); // integer component.onTypeSelected({ value : 'integer', label : 'integer'}); expect(component.defaultValuePattern).toBe(validationPatterns.integerNoLeadingZero); // float component.onTypeSelected({ value : 'float', label : 'float'}); expect(component.defaultValuePattern).toBe(validationPatterns.number); // list is chosen with no schema, regex pattern is set to default component.onTypeSelected({ value : 'list', label : 'list'}); expect(component.defaultValuePattern).toEqual('.*'); // schema is set to list of int component.onEntrySchemaTypeSelected({ value : 'integer', label : 'integer' }); expect(component.defaultValuePattern).toEqual(ValidationUtils.getPropertyListPatterns().integer); // schema is set to list of float component.onEntrySchemaTypeSelected({ value : 'float', label : 'float' }); expect(component.defaultValuePattern).toEqual(ValidationUtils.getPropertyListPatterns().float); // map is selected (float schema is still selected from previous line) component.onTypeSelected({ value : 'map', label : 'map'}); expect(component.defaultValuePattern).toEqual(ValidationUtils.getPropertyMapPatterns().float); // change schema type to boolean component.onEntrySchemaTypeSelected({ value : 'boolean', label : 'boolean' }); }); it('should detect map with non-unique keys', async () => { const component = fixture.componentInstance; component.attributeToEdit = new AttributeModel(); component.ngOnInit(); expect(component.isMapUnique()).toBe(true); // map is not selected so return true by default component.onTypeSelected({ value : 'map', label : 'map'}); component.onEntrySchemaTypeSelected({ value : 'boolean', label : 'boolean' }); component.attributeToEdit.defaultValue = '"1":true,"2":false'; expect(component.isMapUnique()).toBe(true); component.attributeToEdit.defaultValue = '"1":true,"1":false'; expect(component.isMapUnique()).toBe(false); }); });