/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * SDC * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ 'use strict'; import { Component as NgComponent, Inject, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { Component, IConfigRoles, IUserProperties, Resource } from 'app/models'; import { HomeFilter } from 'app/models/home-filter'; import { AuthenticationService, CacheService, HomeService } from 'app/services-ng2'; import { ModalsHandler } from 'app/utils'; import { SdcUiServices } from 'onap-ui-angular'; import { CHANGE_COMPONENT_CSAR_VERSION_FLAG, ComponentType, ResourceType } from '../../../utils/constants'; import { ImportVSPService } from '../../components/modals/onboarding-modal/import-vsp.service'; import { ISdcConfig, SdcConfigToken } from '../../config/sdc-config.config'; import { IAppMenu, SdcMenuToken } from '../../config/sdc-menu.config'; import { EntityFilterPipe } from '../../pipes/entity-filter.pipe'; import { TranslateService } from '../../shared/translator/translate.service'; import { FoldersItemsMenu, FoldersItemsMenuGroup, FoldersMenu } from './folders'; @NgComponent({ selector: 'home-page', templateUrl: './home.component.html', styleUrls: ['./home.component.less'] }) export class HomeComponent implements OnInit { public numberOfItemToDisplay: number; public homeItems: Component[]; public homeFilteredItems: Component[]; public homeFilteredSlicedItems: Component[]; public folders: FoldersMenu; public roles: IConfigRoles; public user: IUserProperties; public showTutorial: boolean; public isFirstTime: boolean; public version: string; public homeFilter: HomeFilter; public vfcmtType: string; public displayActions: boolean; constructor( @Inject(SdcConfigToken) private sdcConfig: ISdcConfig, @Inject(SdcMenuToken) public sdcMenu: IAppMenu, @Inject('$state') private $state: ng.ui.IStateService, private homeService: HomeService, private authService: AuthenticationService, private cacheService: CacheService, private translateService: TranslateService, private modalsHandler: ModalsHandler, private modalService: SdcUiServices.ModalService, private loaderService: SdcUiServices.LoaderService, private importVSPService: ImportVSPService ) {} ngOnInit(): void { this.initHomeComponentVars(); this.initFolders(); this.initEntities(); if (this.$state.params) { if (this.$state.params.folder) { const folderName = this.$state.params.folder.replaceAll('_', ' '); const selectedFolder = this.folders.getFolders().find((tmpFolder: FoldersItemsMenu) => tmpFolder.text === folderName); if (selectedFolder) { this.setSelectedFolder(selectedFolder); } // Show the tutorial if needed when the dashboard page is opened. // This is called from the welcome page. } else if (this.$state.params.show === 'tutorial') { this.showTutorial = true; this.isFirstTime = true; } } } // Open onboarding modal public notificationIconCallback(): void { this.importVSPService.openOnboardingModal().subscribe((result) => { if (!result.previousComponent || result.previousComponent.csarVersion !== result.componentCsar.csarVersion) { this.cacheService.set(CHANGE_COMPONENT_CSAR_VERSION_FLAG, result.componentCsar.csarVersion); } this.$state.go('workspace.general', { id: result.previousComponent && result.previousComponent.uniqueId, componentCsar: result.componentCsar, type: result.type }); }); } public onImportVf(file: any): void { if (file && file.filename) { // Check that the file has valid extension. const fileExtension: string = file.filename.split('.').pop(); if (this.sdcConfig.csarFileExtension.indexOf(fileExtension.toLowerCase()) !== -1) { this.$state.go('workspace.general', { type: ComponentType.RESOURCE.toLowerCase(), importedFile: file, resourceType: ResourceType.VF }); } else { const title: string = this.translateService.translate('NEW_SERVICE_RESOURCE_ERROR_VALID_CSAR_EXTENSIONS_TITLE'); const message: string = this.translateService.translate('NEW_SERVICE_RESOURCE_ERROR_VALID_CSAR_EXTENSIONS', {extensions: this.sdcConfig.csarFileExtension}); this.modalService.openWarningModal(title, message, 'error-invalid-csar-ext'); } } } public onImportVfc(file: any): void { if (file && file.filename) { // Check that the file has valid extension. const fileExtension: string = file.filename.split('.').pop(); if (this.sdcConfig.toscaFileExtension.indexOf(fileExtension.toLowerCase()) !== -1) { this.$state.go('workspace.general', { type: ComponentType.RESOURCE.toLowerCase(), importedFile: file, resourceType: ResourceType.VFC }); } else { const title: string = this.translateService.translate('NEW_SERVICE_RESOURCE_ERROR_VALID_TOSCA_EXTENSIONS_TITLE'); const message: string = this.translateService.translate('NEW_SERVICE_RESOURCE_ERROR_VALID_TOSCA_EXTENSIONS', {extensions: this.sdcConfig.toscaFileExtension}); this.modalService.openWarningModal(title, message, 'error-invalid-tosca-ext'); } } } public onImportService(file: any): void { if (file && file.filename) { // Check that the file has valid extension. const fileExtension: string = file.filename.split(".").pop(); if (this.sdcConfig.csarFileExtension.indexOf(fileExtension.toLowerCase()) !== -1) { this.$state.go('workspace.general', { type: ComponentType.SERVICE.toLowerCase(), importedFile: file, serviceType: 'Service' }); } else { const title: string = this.translateService.translate('NEW_SERVICE_RESOURCE_ERROR_VALID_CSAR_EXTENSIONS_TITLE'); const message: string = this.translateService.translate('NEW_SERVICE_RESOURCE_ERROR_VALID_CSAR_EXTENSIONS', {extensions: this.sdcConfig.csarFileExtension}); this.modalService.openWarningModal(title, message, 'error-invalid-csar-ext'); } } }; public openCreateModal(componentType: string, importedFile: any): void { if (importedFile) { this.initEntities(true); // Return from import } else { this.$state.go('workspace.general', {type: componentType.toLowerCase()}); } } public createPNF(): void { this.$state.go('workspace.general', { type: ComponentType.RESOURCE.toLowerCase(), resourceType: ResourceType.PNF }); } public createCR(): void { this.$state.go('workspace.general', { type: ComponentType.RESOURCE.toLowerCase(), resourceType: ResourceType.CR }); } public entitiesCount(folderItem: FoldersItemsMenu): any { let total: number = 0; if (folderItem.isGroup()) { this.folders.getFolders().forEach((tmpFolder: FoldersItemsMenu) => { if (tmpFolder.group && tmpFolder.group === (folderItem as FoldersItemsMenuGroup).groupname) { total = total + this._getTotalCounts(tmpFolder); } }); } else { total = total + this._getTotalCounts(folderItem); } return total; } public updateFilter = () => { this.$state.go('.', this.homeFilter.toUrlParam(), {location: 'replace', notify: false}); this.filterHomeItems(); } public getCurrentFolderDistributed(): any[] { const states = []; if (this.folders) { const folderItem: FoldersItemsMenu = this.folders.getCurrentFolder(); if (folderItem.isGroup()) { this.folders.getFolders().forEach((tmpFolder: FoldersItemsMenu) => { if (tmpFolder.group && tmpFolder.group === (folderItem as FoldersItemsMenuGroup).groupname) { this._setStates(tmpFolder, states); } }); } else { this._setStates(folderItem, states); } } return states; } public setSelectedFolder(folderItem: FoldersItemsMenu): void { this.folders.setSelected(folderItem); } public goToComponent(component: Component): void { const loaderService = this.loaderService; loaderService.activate(); this.$state.go('workspace.general', {id: component.uniqueId, type: component.componentType.toLowerCase()}).then(() => { loaderService.deactivate(); }); } public raiseNumberOfElementToDisplay(recalculate: boolean = false) { const scrollPageAmount = 35; if (!this.homeItems) { this.numberOfItemToDisplay = 0; } else if (this.homeItems.length > this.numberOfItemToDisplay || recalculate) { let fullPagesAmount = Math.ceil(this.numberOfItemToDisplay / scrollPageAmount) * scrollPageAmount; if (!recalculate || fullPagesAmount === 0) { // TODO trigger infiniteScroll to check bottom and fire onBottomHit by itself (sdc-ui) fullPagesAmount += scrollPageAmount; } this.numberOfItemToDisplay = Math.min(this.homeItems.length, fullPagesAmount); this.homeFilteredSlicedItems = this.homeFilteredItems.slice(0, this.numberOfItemToDisplay); } } public changeCheckboxesFilter(checkboxesFilterArray: string[], checkboxValue: string, checked?: boolean) { const checkboxIdx = checkboxesFilterArray.indexOf(checkboxValue); checked = (checked !== undefined) ? checked : checkboxIdx === -1; if (checked && checkboxIdx === -1) { checkboxesFilterArray.push(checkboxValue); } else if (!checked && checkboxIdx !== -1) { checkboxesFilterArray.splice(checkboxIdx, 1); } this.updateFilter(); } public changeFilterTerm(filterTerm: string): void { this.homeFilter.search = { filterTerm }; this.updateFilter(); } public setDisplayActions(display?: boolean) { this.displayActions = display !== undefined ? display : !this.displayActions; } private _getTotalCounts(tmpFolder): number { let total: number = 0; if (tmpFolder.dist !== undefined) { const distributions = tmpFolder.dist.split(','); distributions.forEach((item: any) => { total = total + this.getEntitiesByStateDist(tmpFolder.state, item).length; }); } else { total = total + this.getEntitiesByStateDist(tmpFolder.state, tmpFolder.dist).length; } return total; } private _setStates(tmpFolder, states) { if (tmpFolder.states !== undefined) { tmpFolder.states.forEach((item: any) => { states.push({state: item.state, dist: item.dist}); }); } else { states.push({state: tmpFolder.state, dist: tmpFolder.dist}); } } private initEntities(reload?: boolean) { if (reload || this.componentShouldReload()) { this.loaderService.activate(); this.homeService.getAllComponents(true).subscribe( (components: Component[]) => { this.cacheService.set('breadcrumbsComponentsState', this.$state.current.name); // dashboard this.cacheService.set('breadcrumbsComponents', components); this.homeItems = components; this.loaderService.deactivate(); this.filterHomeItems(); }, (error) => { this.loaderService.deactivate(); }); } else { this.homeItems = this.cacheService.get('breadcrumbsComponents'); this.filterHomeItems(); } } private isDefaultFilter = (): boolean => { const defaultFilter = new HomeFilter(); return angular.equals(defaultFilter, this.homeFilter); } private componentShouldReload = (): boolean => { const breadcrumbsValid: boolean = (this.$state.current.name === this.cacheService.get('breadcrumbsComponentsState') && this.cacheService.contains('breadcrumbsComponents')); return !breadcrumbsValid || this.isDefaultFilter(); } private getEntitiesByStateDist(state: string, dist: string): Component[] { let gObj: Component[]; if (this.homeItems && (state || dist)) { gObj = this.homeItems.filter((obj: Component) => { if (dist !== undefined && obj.distributionStatus === dist && obj.lifecycleState === state) { return true; } else if (dist === undefined && (obj.lifecycleState === state || obj.distributionStatus === state)) { return true; } return false; }); } else { gObj = []; } return gObj; } private filterHomeItems() { this.homeFilteredItems = this.makeFilteredItems(this.homeItems, this.homeFilter); this.raiseNumberOfElementToDisplay(true); this.homeFilteredSlicedItems = this.homeFilteredItems.slice(0, this.numberOfItemToDisplay); } private makeFilteredItems(homeItems: Component[], filter: HomeFilter) { let filteredComponents: Component[] = homeItems; // filter: exclude all resources of type 'vfcmtType': filteredComponents = filteredComponents.filter((c) => !c.isResource() || (c as Resource).resourceType.indexOf(this.vfcmtType) === -1); // common entity filter // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- filteredComponents = EntityFilterPipe.transform(filteredComponents, filter); return filteredComponents; } private initFolders = (): void => { // Note: Do not use SdcUi.ChecklistComponent for folders checkboxes, since from the data structure // it is not determined that all checkboxes under the same group are managed by the same selectedValues array. if (this.user) { this.folders = new FoldersMenu(this.roles[this.user.role].folder); } } private initHomeComponentVars(): void { this.version = this.cacheService.get('version'); this.numberOfItemToDisplay = 0; this.displayActions = false; this.user = this.authService.getLoggedinUser(); this.roles = this.sdcMenu.roles; this.showTutorial = false; this.isFirstTime = false; this.vfcmtType = ResourceType.VFCMT; // Checkboxes filter init this.homeFilter = new HomeFilter(this.$state.params); // bind callbacks that are transferred as inputs this.notificationIconCallback = this.notificationIconCallback.bind(this); } }