import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; import { Mock } from 'ts-mockery'; import { CapabilitiesGroup, Capability, ComponentInstance, CompositionCiLinkBase, CompositionCiNodeBase, CompositionCiNodeCp, CompositionCiNodeVf, CompositionCiNodeVl, Requirement, RequirementsGroup } from '../../../../../models'; import { MatchCapabilitiesRequirementsUtils } from './match-capability-requierment-utils'; describe('match capability requirements utils service ', () => { const bindableReq = Mock.of({ capability : '', name: 'virtualBinding', relationship: '', uniqueId: 'eef99154-8039-4227-ba68-62a32e6b0d98.virtualBinding', ownerId : 'extcp0', ownerName : 's' }); const virtualLinkReq = Mock.of({ capability: '', name: 'virtualLink', relationship: '', uniqueId: 'eef99154-8039-4227-ba68-62a32e6b0d98.virtualLink', ownerId : '', ownerName : 's' }); const storeAttachmentReq = Mock.of({ capability: 'tosca.capabilities.Attachment', name: 'local_storage', relationship: 'tosca.relationships.AttachesTo', uniqueId: 'eef99154-8039-4227-ba68-62a32e6b0d98.local_storage', node: 'tosca.nodes.BlockStorage', ownerId : '', ownerName : 's' }); const vlAttachmentReq = Mock.of({ capability: 'tosca.capabilities.Attachment', name: 'local_storage', relationship: 'tosca.relationships.AttachesTo', uniqueId: 'eef99154-8039-4227-ba68-62a32e6b0d98.local_storage', node: 'tosca.nodes.BlockStorage', ownerId : '', ownerName : 's' }); const extVirtualLinkReq = Mock.of({ capability: '', name: 'external_virtualLink', relationship: '', uniqueId: 'eef99154-8039-4227-ba68-62a32e6b0d98.external_virtualLink' }); const dependencyReq = Mock.of({ capability: 'tosca.capabilities.Node', name: 'dependency', relationship: 'tosca.relationships.DependsOn', uniqueId: 'eef99154-8039-4227-ba68-62a32e6b0d98.dependency' }); const featureCap = Mock.of({ type: 'tosca.capabilities.Node', name: 'feature', uniqueId: 'capability.ddf1301e-866b-4fa3-bc4f-edbd81e532cd.feature', maxOccurrences: 'UNBOUNDED', minOccurrences: '1' }); const internalConnPointCap = Mock.of({ type: 'tosca.capabilities.Node', name: 'internal_connectionPoint', capabilitySources : ['org.openecomp.resource.cp.extCP'], uniqueId: 'capability.ddf1301e-866b-4fa3-bc4f-edbd81e532cd.internal_connectionPoint', maxOccurrences: 'UNBOUNDED', minOccurrences: '1' }); const blockStoreAttachmentCap = Mock.of({ type: 'tosca.capabilities.Attachment', name: 'attachment', capabilitySources: ['tosca.nodes.BlockStorage'], uniqueId: 'capability.ddf1301e-866b-4fa3-bc4f-edbd81e532cd.attachment', maxOccurrences: 'UNBOUNDED', minOccurrences: '1' }); const bindingCap = Mock.of({ type: '', name: 'binding', capabilitySources: ['tosca.nodes.Compute'], uniqueId: 'capability.ddf1301e-866b-4fa3-bc4f-edbd81e532cd.binding', maxOccurrences: 'UNBOUNDED', minOccurrences: '1', }); const linkableCap = Mock.of({ type: '', capabilitySources: ['org.openecomp.resource.vl.extVL'], uniqueId: 'capability.ddf1301e-866b-4fa3-bc4f-edbd81e532cd.virtual_linkable', maxOccurrences: 'UNBOUNDED', minOccurrences: '1' }); const nodeCompute = Mock.of({ name: 'Compute 0', componentInstance: Mock.of({ componentName: 'Compute', uniqueId : 'compute0', requirements: Mock.of({ 'tosca.capabilities.Node' : [ dependencyReq ], 'tosca.capabilities.Attachment' : [ storeAttachmentReq ] }), capabilities: Mock.of({ '' : [ bindingCap ], 'tosca.capabilities.Node' : [ featureCap ] }) }) }); const nodeBlockStorage = Mock.of({ name: 'BlockStorage 0', componentInstance: Mock.of({ componentName: 'BlockStorage', uniqueId : 'blockstorage0', requirements: Mock.of({ 'tosca.capabilities.Node' : [ dependencyReq ] }), capabilities: Mock.of({ 'tosca.capabilities.Attachment' : [ blockStoreAttachmentCap ], 'tosca.capabilities.Node' : [ featureCap ] }) }) }); const nodeVl = Mock.of({ name: 'ExtVL 0', componentInstance: Mock.of({ componentName: 'BlockStorage', uniqueId : 'extvl0', requirements: Mock.of({ 'tosca.capabilities.Node' : [ dependencyReq ] }), capabilities: Mock.of({ '' : [ linkableCap ], 'tosca.capabilities.Node' : [ featureCap ] }) }) }); const nodeCp = Mock.of({ name: 'ExtCP 0', componentInstance: Mock.of({ componentName: 'ExtCP', uniqueId : 'extcp0', requirements: Mock.of({ '' : [ virtualLinkReq ], '' : [ bindableReq ] }), capabilities: Mock.of({ 'tosca.capabilities.Node' : [ featureCap ] }) }) }); let service: MatchCapabilitiesRequirementsUtils; beforeEach(() => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ imports: [], providers: [MatchCapabilitiesRequirementsUtils] }); service = TestBed.get(MatchCapabilitiesRequirementsUtils); }); it('match capability requirements utils should be defined', () => { console.log(JSON.stringify(service)); expect(service).toBeDefined(); }); describe('isMatch function ', () => { it('capability type not equal to requirement capability, match is false', () => { const requirement = Mock.of({capability: ''}); const capability = Mock.of({type: ''}); expect(service.isMatch(requirement, capability)).toBeFalsy(); }); it('capability type equal to requirement capability and requirement node not exist, match is true', () => { const requirement = Mock.of({capability: ''}); const capability = Mock.of({type: ''}); expect(service.isMatch(requirement, capability)).toBeTruthy(); }); it('is match - capability type equal to requirement capability and requirement node exist and includes in capability sources, match is true', () => { const requirement = Mock.of({capability: '', node: 'node1'}); const capability = Mock.of({ type: '', capabilitySources: ['node1', 'node2', 'node3'] }); expect(service.isMatch(requirement, capability)).toBeTruthy(); }); it('no match - capability type equal to requirement capability and requirement node but not includes in capability sources, match is false', () => { const requirement = Mock.of({capability: '', node: 'node4'}); const capability = Mock.of({ type: '', capabilitySources: ['node1', 'node2', 'node3'] }); expect(service.isMatch(requirement, capability)).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('hasUnfulfilledRequirementContainingMatch function ', () => { it('node have no componentInstance, return false', () => { const node = Mock.of({componentInstance: undefined}); expect(service.hasUnfulfilledRequirementContainingMatch(node, [], {}, [])).toBeFalsy(); }); it('node have componentInstance data but no unfulfilled requirements, return false', () => { const node = Mock.of({componentInstance: Mock.of()}); jest.spyOn(service, 'getUnfulfilledRequirements').mockReturnValue([]); expect(service.hasUnfulfilledRequirementContainingMatch(node, [], {}, [])).toBeFalsy(); }); it('node have componentInstance data and unfulfilled requirements but no match found, return false', () => { const node = Mock.of({componentInstance: Mock.of()}); jest.spyOn(service, 'getUnfulfilledRequirements').mockReturnValue([Mock.of(), Mock.of()]); jest.spyOn(service, 'containsMatch').mockReturnValue(false); expect(service.hasUnfulfilledRequirementContainingMatch(node, [], {}, [])).toBeFalsy(); }); it('node have componentInstance data with unfulfilled requirements and match found, return true', () => { const node = Mock.of({componentInstance: Mock.of()}); jest.spyOn(service, 'getUnfulfilledRequirements').mockReturnValue([Mock.of(), Mock.of()]); jest.spyOn(service, 'containsMatch').mockReturnValue(true); expect(service.hasUnfulfilledRequirementContainingMatch(node, [], {}, [])).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('getMatches function ', () => { let fromId: string; let toId: string; beforeEach(() => { fromId = 'from_id'; toId = 'to_id'; }); it('node have no unfulfilled requirements, return empty match array', () => { jest.spyOn(service, 'getUnfulfilledRequirements').mockReturnValue([]); expect(service.getMatches({}, {}, [], fromId, toId, true)).toHaveLength(0); }); it('node have unfulfilled requirements but no capabilities, return empty match array', () => { jest.spyOn(service, 'getUnfulfilledRequirements').mockReturnValue([Mock.of(), Mock.of()]); expect(service.getMatches({}, {}, [], fromId, toId, true)).toHaveLength(0); }); it('node have unfulfilled requirements and capabilities but no match found, return empty match array', () => { jest.spyOn(service, 'getUnfulfilledRequirements').mockReturnValue([Mock.of(), Mock.of()]); jest.spyOn(service, 'isMatch').mockReturnValue(false); expect(service.getMatches({}, {}, [], fromId, toId, true)).toHaveLength(0); }); it('node have 2 unfulfilled requirements and 2 capabilities and match found, return 4 matches', () => { jest.spyOn(service, 'getUnfulfilledRequirements').mockReturnValue([Mock.of(), Mock.of()]); const capabilities = {aaa: Mock.of(), bbb: Mock.of()}; jest.spyOn(service, 'isMatch').mockReturnValue(true); expect(service.getMatches({}, capabilities, [], fromId, toId, true)).toHaveLength(4); }); }); describe('Find matching nodes ===>', () => { it('should find matching nodes with component instance', () => { const nodes = [ nodeBlockStorage, nodeCompute, nodeVl ]; let matchingNodes: any; // Compute can connect to Block Store matchingNodes = service.findMatchingNodesToComponentInstance(nodeCompute.componentInstance, nodes, []); expect(matchingNodes).toHaveLength(1); expect(matchingNodes).toContain(nodeBlockStorage); // Block Storage can connect to Compute matchingNodes = service.findMatchingNodesToComponentInstance(nodeBlockStorage.componentInstance, nodes, []); expect(matchingNodes).toHaveLength(1); expect(matchingNodes).toContain(nodeCompute); // Vl has no matches matchingNodes = service.findMatchingNodesToComponentInstance(nodeVl.componentInstance, nodes, []); expect(matchingNodes).toHaveLength(0); // CP should be able to connect to VL and Compute matchingNodes = service.findMatchingNodesToComponentInstance(nodeCp.componentInstance, nodes, []); expect(matchingNodes).toHaveLength(2); expect(matchingNodes).toContain(nodeCompute); expect(matchingNodes).toContain(nodeVl); }); it('try with empty list of nodes', () => { const nodes = [ ]; let matchingNodes: any; // Compute can connect to Block Store matchingNodes = service.findMatchingNodesToComponentInstance(nodeCompute.componentInstance, nodes, []); expect(matchingNodes).toHaveLength(0); }); it('should detect fulfilled connection with compute node', () => { const nodes = [ nodeBlockStorage, nodeCompute, nodeVl ]; let matchingNodes: any; const link = { relation: { fromNode: 'extcp0', toNode: 'compute0', relationships: [{ relation: { requirementOwnerId: 'extcp0', requirement: 'virtualBinding', relationship: { type: '' } } }] } }; const links = [link]; // CP should be able to connect to VL only since it already has a link with compute matchingNodes = service.findMatchingNodesToComponentInstance(nodeCp.componentInstance, nodes, links as CompositionCiLinkBase[]); expect(matchingNodes).toHaveLength(1); expect(matchingNodes).toContain(nodeVl); }); }); });