/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * SDC * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ import * as _ from "lodash"; import {ComponentInstance, Match, CompositionCiLinkBase, CompositionCiNodeUcpeCp} from "app/models"; import {Dictionary, GraphUIObjects} from "app/utils"; import {MatchCapabilitiesRequirementsUtils} from "./match-capability-requirement-utils"; import {CommonGraphUtils} from "../common/common-graph-utils"; import {Injectable} from "@angular/core"; import {QueueServiceUtils} from "app/ng2/utils/queue-service-utils"; import {ComponentServiceNg2} from "app/ng2/services/component-services/component.service"; import {RequirementsGroup} from "app/models/requirement"; import {CapabilitiesGroup} from "app/models/capability"; import {TopologyTemplateService} from "app/ng2/services/component-services/topology-template.service"; import {CompositionService} from "../../composition.service"; import {WorkspaceService} from "app/ng2/pages/workspace/workspace.service"; import {NotificationsService} from "onap-ui-angular/dist/notifications/services/notifications.service"; import {NotificationSettings} from "onap-ui-angular/dist/notifications/utilities/notification.config"; export interface RequirementAndCapabilities { capabilities: CapabilitiesGroup; requirements: RequirementsGroup; } @Injectable() export class CompositionGraphGeneralUtils { public componentRequirementsAndCapabilitiesCaching = new Dictionary(); constructor(private commonGraphUtils: CommonGraphUtils, private matchCapabilitiesRequirementsUtils: MatchCapabilitiesRequirementsUtils, private queueServiceUtils: QueueServiceUtils, private componentService: ComponentServiceNg2, private topologyTemplateService: TopologyTemplateService, private compositionService: CompositionService, private workspaceService: WorkspaceService) { } /** * Get the offset for the link creation Menu * @param point * @returns {Cy.Position} */ public calcMenuOffset: Function = (point: Cy.Position): Cy.Position => { point.x = point.x + 60; point.y = point.y + 105; return point; }; /** * return the top left position of the link menu * @param cy * @param targetNodePosition * @returns {Cy.Position} */ public getLinkMenuPosition = (cy: Cy.Instance, targetNodePosition: Cy.Position) => { let menuPosition: Cy.Position = this.calcMenuOffset(targetNodePosition); //get the link mid point if ($(document.body).height() < menuPosition.y + GraphUIObjects.LINK_MENU_HEIGHT + $(document.getElementsByClassName('sdc-composition-graph-wrapper')).offset().top) { // if position menu is overflow bottom menuPosition.y = $(document.body).height() - GraphUIObjects.TOP_HEADER_HEIGHT - GraphUIObjects.LINK_MENU_HEIGHT; } return menuPosition; }; public zoomGraphTo = (cy: Cy.Instance, zoomLevel: number): void => { let zy = cy.height() / 2; let zx = cy.width() / 2; cy.zoom({ level: zoomLevel, renderedPosition: {x: zx, y: zy} }); } //saves the current zoom, and then sets a temporary maximum zoom for zoomAll, and then reverts to old value public zoomAllWithMax = (cy: Cy.Instance, maxZoom: number): void => { let oldMaxZoom: number = cy.maxZoom(); cy.maxZoom(maxZoom); this.zoomAll(cy); cy.maxZoom(oldMaxZoom); }; //Zooms to fit all of the nodes in the collection passed in. If no nodes are passed in, will zoom to fit all nodes on graph public zoomAll = (cy: Cy.Instance, nodes?: Cy.CollectionNodes): void => { if (!nodes || !nodes.length) { nodes = cy.nodes(); } cy.resize(); cy.animate({ fit: {eles: nodes, padding: 20}, center: {eles: nodes} }, {duration: 400}); }; /** * will return true/false if two nodes overlapping * * @param graph node */ private isNodesOverlapping(node: Cy.CollectionFirstNode, draggedNode: Cy.CollectionFirstNode): boolean { let nodeBoundingBox: Cy.BoundingBox = node.renderedBoundingBox(); let secondNodeBoundingBox: Cy.BoundingBox = draggedNode.renderedBoundingBox(); return this.isBBoxOverlapping(nodeBoundingBox, secondNodeBoundingBox); } /** * Checks whether the bounding boxes of two nodes are overlapping on any side * @param nodeOneBBox * @param nodeTwoBBox * @returns {boolean} */ private isBBoxOverlapping(nodeOneBBox: Cy.BoundingBox, nodeTwoBBox: Cy.BoundingBox) { return (((nodeOneBBox.x1 < nodeTwoBBox.x1 && nodeOneBBox.x2 > nodeTwoBBox.x1) || (nodeOneBBox.x1 < nodeTwoBBox.x2 && nodeOneBBox.x2 > nodeTwoBBox.x2) || (nodeTwoBBox.x1 < nodeOneBBox.x1 && nodeTwoBBox.x2 > nodeOneBBox.x2)) && ((nodeOneBBox.y1 < nodeTwoBBox.y1 && nodeOneBBox.y2 > nodeTwoBBox.y1) || (nodeOneBBox.y1 < nodeTwoBBox.y2 && nodeOneBBox.y2 > nodeTwoBBox.y2) || (nodeTwoBBox.y1 < nodeOneBBox.y1 && nodeTwoBBox.y2 > nodeOneBBox.y2))) } /** * Checks whether a specific topologyTemplate instance can be hosted on the UCPE instance * @param cy - Cytoscape instance * @param fromUcpeInstance * @param toComponentInstance * @returns {Match} */ public canBeHostedOn(cy: Cy.Instance, fromUcpeInstance: ComponentInstance, toComponentInstance: ComponentInstance): Match { let matches: Array = this.matchCapabilitiesRequirementsUtils.getMatchedRequirementsCapabilities(fromUcpeInstance, toComponentInstance, this.getAllCompositionCiLinks(cy)); let hostedOnMatch: Match = _.find(matches, (match: Match) => { return match.requirement.capability.toLowerCase() === 'tosca.capabilities.container'; }); return hostedOnMatch; }; /** * Checks whether node can be dropped into UCPE * @param cy * @param nodeToInsert * @param ucpeNode * @returns {boolean} */ private isValidDropInsideUCPE(cy: Cy.Instance, nodeToInsert: ComponentInstance, ucpeNode: ComponentInstance): boolean { let hostedOnMatch: Match = this.canBeHostedOn(cy, ucpeNode, nodeToInsert); let result: boolean = !angular.isUndefined(hostedOnMatch) || nodeToInsert.isVl(); //group validation return result; }; /** * For drops from palette, checks whether the node can be dropped. If node is being held over another node, check if capable of hosting * @param cy * @param pseudoNodeBBox * @param paletteComponentInstance * @returns {boolean} */ public isPaletteDropValid(cy: Cy.Instance, pseudoNodeBBox: Cy.BoundingBox) { let illegalOverlappingNodes = _.filter(cy.nodes("[isSdcElement]"), (graphNode: Cy.CollectionFirstNode) => { if (this.isBBoxOverlapping(pseudoNodeBBox, graphNode.renderedBoundingBox())) { return true; } return false; }); return illegalOverlappingNodes.length === 0; } /** * will return true/false if a drop of a single node is valid * * @param graph node */ public isValidDrop(cy: Cy.Instance, draggedNode: Cy.CollectionFirstNode): boolean { let illegalOverlappingNodes = _.filter(cy.nodes("[isSdcElement]"), (graphNode: Cy.CollectionFirstNode) => { //all sdc nodes, removing child nodes (childe node allways collaps if (draggedNode.data().isUcpe && (graphNode.isChild() || graphNode.data().isInsideGroup)) { //ucpe cps always inside ucpe, no overlapping return false; } if (draggedNode.data().isInsideGroup && (!draggedNode.active() || graphNode.data().isUcpe)) { return false; } if (!draggedNode.data().isUcpe && !(draggedNode.data() instanceof CompositionCiNodeUcpeCp) && graphNode.data().isUcpe) { //case we are dragging a node into UCPE let isEntirelyInUCPE: boolean = this.commonGraphUtils.isFirstBoxContainsInSecondBox(draggedNode.renderedBoundingBox(), graphNode.renderedBoundingBox()); if (isEntirelyInUCPE) { if (this.isValidDropInsideUCPE(cy, draggedNode.data().componentInstance, graphNode.data().componentInstance)) { //if this is valid insert into ucpe, we return false - no illegal overlapping nodes return false; } } } return graphNode.data().id !== draggedNode.data().id && this.isNodesOverlapping(draggedNode, graphNode); }); // return false; return illegalOverlappingNodes.length === 0; }; /** * will return true/false if the move of the nodes is valid (no node overlapping and verifying if insert into UCPE is valid) * * @param nodesArray - the selected drags nodes */ public isGroupValidDrop(cy: Cy.Instance, nodesArray: Cy.CollectionNodes): boolean { let filterDraggedNodes = nodesArray.filter('[?isDraggable]'); let isValidDrop = _.every(filterDraggedNodes, (node: Cy.CollectionFirstNode) => { return this.isValidDrop(cy, node); }); return isValidDrop; }; /** * get all links in diagram * @param cy * @returns {any[]|boolean[]} */ public getAllCompositionCiLinks = (cy: Cy.Instance): Array => { return _.map(cy.edges("[isSdcElement]"), (edge: Cy.CollectionEdges) => { return edge.data(); }); }; /** * * @param blockAction - true/false if this is a block action * @param instances * @param component */ public pushMultipleUpdateComponentInstancesRequestToQueue = (instances: Array): void => { this.queueServiceUtils.addNonBlockingUIAction(() => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let uniqueId = this.workspaceService.metadata.uniqueId; let topologyType = this.workspaceService.metadata.componentType; this.topologyTemplateService.updateMultipleComponentInstances(uniqueId, topologyType, instances).subscribe(instancesResult => { this.compositionService.updateComponentInstances(instancesResult); resolve(true); }); }); }); } }